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49 Funny Hose Jokes

49 Funny Hose Jokes

Hose Puns (13)

1. I bought a new hose that is made out of a special rubber that doesn’t kink. You could say it has a very flexible personality.

2. My hose got a hole in it but I patched it up with some duct tape. You could say it had a rip in its outfit but I helped accessorize it.

3. I was trying to water my garden but my hose was being uncooperative. I guess you could say it wasn’t being very accommodating.

4. I brought my broken hose to the repair shop. The technician said he could fix the leak, reattach the nozzle and it would be good as new. I told him “Don’t try to spray-paint the situation as better than it is!”

5. My neighbor asked if he could borrow my hose because his broke. I told him “Sure, my hose is your hose!”

6. I caught my hose trying to sneak out the front door. I said “Where do you think you’re going? Get back in the garage where you belong!”

7. I saw a hose dancing in the front yard today. I think it was doing the sprinkler.

8. My hose likes to hum showtunes when I turn on the water. It has a very musical spirit.

9. I brought my hose in for the winter and caught it snacking on the dog’s treats. That hose has some unusual cravings!

10. My new hose is neon pink with glittery stripes. You could say it has a bold and sparkly personality.

11. I saw my neighbor yelling at his hose today. Apparently it was being uncooperative and he was at the end of his tether.

12. My hose got tangled up with the lawnmower which made mowing the lawn difficult. You could say they weren’t getting along very well.

13. My hose likes to play pranks by unexpectedly spraying me when I turn on the water. It sure has a mischievous sense of humor.

Hose One-Liners (12)

14. Don’t judge a hose by its cover… it might have a leak!

15. My hose spends more time napping in the sun than doing any actual work.

16. How do you organize a space party for hoses? You planet!

17. My hose identifies as an elephant trunk.

18. I caught my hose gossiping with the neighbor’s hose over the fence today – those two are such chatterboxes!

19. If your hose could talk, would it have your accent?

20. My hose likes to blast mariachi music when I’m not looking.

21. Don’t worry if your hose misbehaves… it’s just going through a phase.

22. My hose needs more fiber in its diet…it’s been a little backed up lately.

23. What do you call a psychic hose? A know-it-all!

24. How does a hose party? It turns up!

25. If your hose could text you, it would mostly send emojis.

Best Hose Jokes (24)

26. Last summer my hose got overheated and passed out in the driveway. I rushed it to the ER and the doctors said it just needed some fluids. Gotta remind that hose to stay hydrated!

27. I came home to find my hose had thrown a wild party and trashed the whole yard. There were empty soda cans everywhere and toilet paper in the trees. That’s the last time I leave that hose unsupervised!

28. My hose likes to sneak snacks from the pantry when I’m not looking. The other day I caught it scarfing down a box of Twinkies! Gotta keep that hose away from the sugar.

29. I could tell my hose was feeling down so I took it on a spa day. We got matching pedicures and facials. Nothing cheers up a hose like a little pampering!

30. My hose stuffed itself full of rocks and got clogged. When I finally dug out all the rocks it let out the biggest sigh of relief. Won’t make that mistake again!

31. I came home to find my hose had invited the neighbor’s hose over and they were having a dance party in the living room. There was water everywhere! Those hoses sure know how to cut loose.

32. Yesterday my hose got its head stuck in the fence and I spent an hour trying to pull it free. Note to self – supervise that curious hose better so it doesn’t get into trouble!

33. I could tell my hose was jealous that I also bought a sprinkler, so I made sure to remind my hose that it’s still my number one watering accessory.

34. My naughty hose sprayed my cat today and now they refuse to speak to each other. Looks like I have some mediating to do between those two!

35. My hose took up rollerblading and now it zips around the yard at high speeds. I may need to enroll that hose in some safety classes before it gets hurt!

36. I caught my hose trying to order $200 worth of garden gnomes on Amazon with my credit card. Had to have a serious chat about online shopping safety.

37. My hose snuck out last night to go cow tipping with some rowdy farmer’s hoses down the road. Let’s just say it stumbled home smelling like manure at 3am.

38. I came home to find my hose had started a salsa dancing club and all the neighborhood hoses were attending. Gotta admire that hose’s entrepreneurial spirit!

39. My hose likes to act as a makeshift shower for the neighborhood squirrels when I’m not looking. I draw the line at providing spa services for rodents though!

40. I saw my hose gossiping with the lawn chair today. Pretty sure they were exchanging embarrassing stories about me!

41. My new hose arrived in fancy designer packaging and immediately started bragging to my old hose. Somebody needs an attitude adjustment!

42. Caught my hose hiding cookies under the back porch today. If that hose thinks it has a secret cookie stash, it’s got another thing coming!

43. My hose stayed up all night watching cat videos online and was exhausted the next day. Think I need to set some screen time limits!

44. Arrived home to find my hose sunbathing in a tiny bikini it had ordered online. Quickly sent that scandalous swimsuit back to the store!

45. My sassy hose demanded we go to the car wash so it could get a rinse and wax. Somehow it’s become the high maintenance one in the relationship!

46. Woke up to find my hose brewing a pot of coffee this morning. Look who’s trying to get on my good side first thing in the day!

47. My hose stayed up too late binge watching its favorite shows and overslept the next morning. Dragged that sleepy hose out of bed and put it to work!

48. Caught my hose “borrowing” flowers from the neighbor’s garden to impress me. Had to explain stealing is always wrong, even with good intentions!

49. My naughty hose sprayed the mailman today and then laughed about it. Spent 30 minutes lecturing that disrespectful hose on proper manners!