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84 Funny Gnome Puns

84 Funny Gnome Puns

Gnome Puns

1. What do you call a gnome who is an expert on plants? A gnome-ologist!

2. Why was the gnome so tired when he got home from work? He was exhausted from gnome improvement all day.

3. Why don’t gnomes ever pay full price when they go shopping? They always gnome the owner for a discount.

4. Why do gnomes like to hang out in gardens? They just want to gnome around with friends.

5. What kind of shoes do gnomes wear when it rains? Garden galoshes.

6. Why do gnomes have pointy red hats? To match their gnome-ality!

7. Why are gnomes so good at hide and seek? They know all the best gnome spots.

8. Why do gnomes smile all the time? They just have a happy gnome disposition.

9. What’s a gnome’s favorite kind of music? Anything from the gnomey beats playlist!

10. Why don’t gnomes need maps when they travel? They already gnome the way.

11. What do you call a gnome who loves to read? A gnomeophile!

12. How does a gnome fix his hair? With a comb gnome!

13. Why do gnomes make great geologists? They have a knack for gnome-ing their rocks.

14. What do you call a gnome who sells insurance? A gnomestate agent!

15. Why are gnomes bad at keeping secrets? They have loose gnome-ipped lips.

16. How does a gnome keep his beard looking great? With lots of gnome made beard oil!

17. What’s a gnome’s favorite outdoor activity? Gnome camping!

18. Why don’t gnomes take coffee breaks at work? Because they prefer gnome-made tea!

19. What do you call a gnome who loves throwing parties? A gnomecoming committee member!

20. Why are gnomes banned from most libraries? For not returning their gnome-rowed books on time.

Gnome One-Liners

21. Gnome sweet gnome!

22. I gnome you love me, but do you like me? There’s a difference!

23. You’ve got a friend in gnome.

24. When life gives you gnomes, makegnomeade!

25. Gnome place like home.

26. Don’t be a garden gnome, get out there and live your life!

27. If at first you don’t gnome, try, try, gnome again.

28. Make gnomes, not war!

29. Gnome guts, no glory.

30. Better late than gnome!

31. Be gnome with yourself.

32. Gnome regrets.

33. Hugs not thugs, gnomesayin?

34. Gnome where the heart is.

35. Don’t forget to smell the gnomes.

36. Gnomeward bound.

37. Gnome is where you hang your hat.

38. Happiness is a day full of gnomes in the garden.

39. A gnome divided cannot stand.

40. Make like a gnome and scram!

Best Gnome Jokes

41. What did the gnome say when he couldn’t find his keys? I gnome I left them here somewhere!

42. Why was the garden gnome depressed? He had lost his lawn gnomement.

43. How did the gnome win the gardening competition? He had a gnome-field advantage over the other competitors.

44. What does a gnome give when he officiates a wedding? A gnome-pronouncement that they are married!

45. Why don’t gnomes ever get invited to fancy dinner parties? Because they always garden gnome!

46. How does a gnome cook his food? He uses a pygmy frying pan!

47. Why are gnomes so good at growing vegetables? They have a green gnome thumb.

48. Why do gnomes make great teachers? They gnome how to engage students with hands-on learning in the gnome grown garden!

49. What kind of art do gnomes like best? Anything that really captures the gnome essence.

50. How did the gnome become an expert craftsman? Through years of gnome made experience.

51. Why do gnomes stay inside when it’s windy? They don’t want their pointy hats to gnome blowing away!

52. Why was the garden gnome elected mayor? He ran a great gnome and garden campaign.

53. How do you unlock a gnome’s phone? You have to gnome the password.

54. Why are gnomes such great financial advisors? They like to gnome where all their money goes.

55. How does a gnome party? He turns up the gnome music!

56. Why do gnomes wear pointy hats and shoes? It’s just their gnome sense of style!

57. What’s a gnome’s favorite kind of exercise? Gnome yoga!

58. How does a gnome access the internet? Through a gnomified computer!

59. Why do gnomes have so many tools? For all their DIY gnome projects, of course!

60. What do you call a social media app for gnomes? Gnomies!

61. Why do gnomes prefer small houses? They like cozy gnome sweet gnome living.

62. Why are gnomes obsessed with gardening? They have a gnome green thumb!

63. What do you call a gnome who works out a lot? A buff gnome!

64. How does a gnome defend his home? With gnomad security systems!

65. Why did the gnome visit the doctor? He was feeling a little gnome under the weather.

66. How do gnomes party on New Year’s Eve? With a gnome drop at midnight!

67. What do you call a cool gnome? Gnomey the Gnome!

68. Why are gnomes banned from the library? For not paying their gnomecoming fines!

69. What’s a gnome’s favorite novel? The Gnome-sy of Being Ernest!

70. Why do gnomes eat so many vegetables? For better gnome health!

71. What happens when a gnome laughs too hard? His pointy hat falls gnome!

72. Why was the gnome arrested? For gno-means-gnome trespassing!

73. How do gnomes brew their morning coffee? With lots of gnomadic creamer!

74. Why are gnomes wary of human strangers? They like to keep to their own gnome kind.

75. What’s a gnome’s favorite dessert? Shortgnome cookies!

76. Why do gnomes wear bright colors? To show off their gnomey style!

77. What’s a gnome’s favorite sport? Gnomeball!

78. What do you call gnomes who camp together? Garden nomeys!

79. How does a gnome access the dark web? Through gnomish proxy servers!

80. Why do gnomes have pointy red hats? It’s just gnome tradition!

81. How does a gnome stay warm in winter? With a cozy gnome-knit scarf!

82. What’s a gnome’s favorite band? Gnomeplay!

83. Why are gnomes so environmentally conscious? They want to protect Mother Gnome!

84. What do gnomes wash their clothes with? Gnome-made detergent of course!