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55 Funny Ginger Jokes

55 Funny Ginger Jokes

Ginger Puns

1. I tried dyeing my hair ginger but it came out a little too orange – you could say I’m a dye-hard redhead wannabe.

2. I wanted to spice up my look so I asked the hairdresser for some ginger highlights. She said, “Are you sure? Going ginger is a bold move.”

3. My friend got frustrated trying to grow her ginger hair out. She said, “Being a real redhead is such a root problem.”

4. I entered my redheaded dog in a talent competition. You could say it was a ginger breed show.

5. I only date redheads. I guess you could say I have a ginger bias.

6. I brought my ginger cat to the vet. The vet said, “Looks like this kitty has lost one of its nine lives.”

7. I tried some ginger ale for the first time. Let’s just say I became a ginger ale convert pretty quickly.

8. The redheaded magician performed a trick where he pulled a rabbit out of his ginger hair. It was his best abra-cadabra-ginger act yet.

9. My friend dyed her brown hair bright red. I told her, “You’re really taking this whole ‘gingers have more fun’ thing seriously.”

10. I entered a gingerbread house competition but they disqualified me because my house wasn’t made of real ginger. Talk about ginger discrimination!

Ginger One-Liners

11. I guess you could say my redheaded dog is a real ginger breed.

12. My ginger cat is so fiery, just petting him gets me all worked up.

13. I tried going ginger once but let’s just say it clashed with my skin tone.

14. That redheaded barista at Starbucks is so hot, she really spices up my mornings.

15. They say blondes have more fun but gingers are the real firecrackers.

16. How do redheads count to 10? Ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger.

17. What do you call a redhead who gets angry? A hot head.

18. What do you get when you cross a ginger with a vampire? A blood orange.

19. What do you call a redhead on the verge of exploding? A ticking ginger bomb.

20. Why shouldn’t you tell ginger jokes? Because redheads have no souls.

Best Ginger Jokes

21. A redheaded man walked into a bar and the bartender said, “Hey, I’ve got a drink named after you!” The man replied, “You’ve got a drink named Ed?”

22. What do you call someone who makes fun of redheads? A ginger-vitis.

23. A blonde and a redhead are taken hostage by terrorists. The women are taken to a remote location and put before a firing squad. Just before they are shot, the redhead yells “tornado!” The terrorists look around confused and the redhead runs away. The blonde sits still and gets shot. When she gets to heaven she asks the redhead, “how did you know to yell ‘tornado’?” The redhead replies, “I didn’t know what else to yell”.

24. A redheaded man goes to the doctor and says, “Doc, I’m depressed. Life seems harsh and cruel.” The doctor replies, “Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up.” The redheaded man bursts into tears. “But, doc…” he says. “I am Pagliacci.”

25. What’s the difference between a ginger and a brick? At least a brick gets laid.

26. Why are redhead jokes so short? So brunettes can remember them.

27. What’s the difference between a terrorist and a redhead with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist.

28. What do you call a socially awkward redhead? Ginger-vitis.

29. Why don’t redheads like Kool-Aid? Because ginger ale is the official soft drink of redheads.

30. Why do redheads have bruised belly buttons? Because they have ginger-vitis.

31. How do you know if a redhead has been using the computer? There’s white-out on the screen.

32. Why don’t redheads double dip? Because they’ve already been dipped once.

33. What’s the difference between a redhead and a barroom floor? The floor gets mopped at least once a week.

34. Why don’t redheads eat bananas? They can’t find the zipper.

35. What’s the difference between a redhead and your job? Your job still sucks after 6 months.

36. What do you call a redhead with an attitude? A ginger-vitis.

37. What do you call a redhead with 90% of her intelligence gone? Gifted!

38. What’s the difference between a redhead and a mosquito? When you slap a mosquito it stops sucking.

39. What’s the difference between a redhead and a washing machine? When you dump a load in a washing machine, it doesn’t follow you around for a week.

40. What does a redhead put behind her ears to make her more attractive? Her ankles.

41. Did you hear about the new ginger pride parades? They march in straight lines.

42. Why do redheads wear green lipstick? To match their complection.

43. How do you get a redhead to argue with you? Say something.

44. Why do redheads wear pads? To absorb the dye.

45. How does a redhead turn on the light after sex? She opens the car door.

46. How does a redhead know if her mum has been using her PC? There’s Tippex on the screen!

47. What does ginger breadman wear when he goes to the beach? Shortbread.

48. Why shouldn’t you tell ginger jokes? Because redheads have no souls.

49. What do you call an hot redhead walking down the street giving everybody high fives? A gingervitis!

50. Why do redheads gets so excited at the sight of a yogurt truck? It might be the ginger ale truck!

51. How do you confuse a redhead? Put them in a round room and tell them to go sit in the corner.

52. What happens when a ginger has a heart attack? She dies…

53. What’s the most positive thing you can hear a ginger say? “I suppose it could be worse…”

54. What’s the difference between a redhead and a Rottweiler? Eventually the Rottweiler lets go.

55. What do you call a ginger with an opinion? Wrong.