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53 Funny Gift wrap Jokes

53 Funny Gift wrap Jokes

Gift Wrap Puns

  1. I bought my friend a gift, but I was struggling to wrap it. I guess you could say it was a wrap rap!
  2. My wife asked me to help wrap presents. I said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.”
  3. Why was the wrapping paper sad? It felt tearable!
  4. What do you call a snowman who is an expert at gift wrapping? Frosty the Wrap Man!
  5. Why should you never try gift wrapping in the Arctic? Because it’s point-less!
  6. Did you hear about the new brand of extra strong wrapping paper? It’s tear-resistant!
  7. Our gift wrap was covered in pictures of herbs. You could say it was a seasoning wrapping!
  8. I entered my cat in a gift wrapping competition. She won first prize for her purr-fect corners!
  9. Why was the wrapping paper late for Christmas? It got tied up in ribbon!
  10. My friend got arrested for stealing gift wrap from the store. She’s now facing charges of ribbon fraud!

Gift Wrap One-Liners

  1. I’m wrapping all my gifts in old maps this year – so my presents will literally be all wrapped up!
  2. Save money on gift wrapping this year by telling everyone their present is a new car!
  3. I asked the sales clerk to gift wrap my aluminum foil purchase and she said, “I’ve got you covered!”
  4. My wife said if I can’t wrap gifts properly this year she’ll do it — that would truly be the present of a lifetime!
  5. Someone once re-gifted my terrible gift wrapping skills — talk about regifting!
  6. I’m not very good at math, but I can count on one hand how many decent gift wrappers there are in my family — zero!
  7. I told Santa I wanted better gift wrapping paper this year and he said, “Wrap it up!”
  8. I was going to start a school for teaching gift wrapping — but no one wanted to enroll!
  9. My family saves a ton of money on bows — none of our gift wrapping jobs are good enough to merit them!
  10. Got frustrated while wrapping and yelled, “This present is going to be the death of me!” — scared my family half to death!

Best Gift Wrap Jokes

  1. My friend was struggling to wrap a guitar in a box. After 30 minutes of fighting with the wrapping paper, I finally went over to help him. He looked embarrassed but I told him not to fret—gift wrapping instruments is always a challenge with that weird shape!
  2. I decided to play a little prank while wrapping my wife’s gift this year. I covered the entire thing in duct tape before wrapping it. She was not amused when it took her over an hour to unwrap, while I laughed so hard I was in tears!
  3. My brother is impossible to buy gifts for, so last year I got creative. I welded together a bunch of scrap metal from my garage into an abstract sculpture and wrapped it with about a hundred yards of duct tape. The look on his face when he struggled for hours to unwrap it only to find my “artwork” was priceless!
  4. One Christmas I actually tried wrapping gifts for my whole extended family all by myself. I severely underestimated how much paper I would need. By the 20th present, I was down to using old newspapers, pages ripped out of magazines, even paper towels! My family still teases me about the year they got tabloid headlines and Lysol coupons for Christmas.
  5. I always thought I was a pretty decent gift wrapper, until last year. I had finished all my presents and started cleaning up the scraps when I found one more unwrapped gift hiding behind the tree! My wife was not thrilled to receive a pair of slippers covered loosely in gift wrap scraps and tape.
  6. When I was 10 I decided to surprise my parents by wrapping all their gifts for them. I used practically an entire roll of tape on each box. They were impressed with the effort, until they realized they needed scissors and hours of time to hack through all the tape just to open socks and ties!
  7. One year my Aunt was running late for our family Christmas party so she decided to wrap gifts as she drove. She ended up getting pulled over for reckless driving and had to explain to the policeman why her car was full of half wrapped presents bouncing around as she sped down the highway!
  8. Last Christmas my daughter offered to wrap some gifts for me and I agreed, thinking it would be a nice way for her to help out. Later I realized I should have supervised more closely when several relatives called complaining about the weird Barbie doll parts and glitter glue smeared all over their gifts!
  9. When I was young, my brother and I thought it would be funny to expertly wrap a banana and give it to our grandfather on Christmas. He puzzled over it for almost 10 minutes, carefully peeling back each seam wondering what we could have possibly gotten him that was shaped so oddly. The look on his face when the last bit fell away to reveal an old brown banana was utter shock followed by knee-slapping laughter!
  10. One year money was tight, so I reused wrapping paper from gifts I had received. I carefully unstuck the tape and ironed out the creases, but I missed one little piece that still had an old name tag with “To: Kim” on it. My sister was pretty confused when she opened her gift that said it was for someone else!

Whether you love a good pun, a witty one-liner, or a hilarious story, I hope you enjoyed this list of 53 funny gift wrap jokes! Laughter and smiles are the best gifts to share this holiday season. Just be sure not to get too carried away with the wrapping paper and tape or you might end up with more frustrated family members than cheerful ones!