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22 Funny Gen Z Jokes

22 Funny Gen Z Jokes

Gen Z Puns

1. I tried to make avocado toast but I mashed it. Guess I’m not hip enough for the Gen Z life.

2. What do you call a Gen Z kid who loves math? An algebra Zbra.

3. Why did the Gen Zer cross the road? To get to the other side part on TikTok.

4. What do you call a Gen Z joke about birds? An eZoomer humor.

5. Why don’t Gen Zers need maps anymore? They have inZta-GPS.

6. How does a Gen Zer find their way around town? They follow the inZtagram.

7. What do you call Gen Zers who love watching the sunrise? The inZta-dawn patrol.

8. Why are Gen Zers so good at hide and seek? They’re inZta-ninjas.

9. What do you call a Gen Z snake? A Zoomer Boomer.

10. Why do Gen Zers hate driving tests? Because they can’t use inZta-park.

Gen Z One-Liners

11. I identify as Gen Zennial.

12. Sorry, I don’t speak Boomer.

13. OK Zoomer, don’t @ me.

14. Swipe left if you’re over 25.

15. I’d tell you a Gen Z joke but you have to be born after 1997 to understand it.

16. Let me TikTalk to you about my generation.

17. I’ll Venmo you $5 to stop calling us lazy.

18. Climate change? There goes my retirement plan.

19. Millennials think we’re obsessed with technology. OK gen xers.

20. Sorry, I don’t speak broke. Can you translate to student loans?

Best Gen Z Jokes

21. A Gen Z kid walks into a bar. He immediately leaves after realizing it doesn’t have WiFi.

A Millennial tries to make conversation with him. “Hey! I was going to buy you a drink but you left so suddenly.”

The Gen Z kid looks confused. “Sorry, I don’t accept drinks from strangers. But you can Venmo me instead.”

22. A Gen Z girl introduces her boyfriend to her Boomer grandpa.

“Grandpa, this is my boyfriend Josh. He’s an influencer.”

The grandpa looks puzzled. “What’s an influencer?”

“I make videos and post them online to share my life and promote products I like. I have a huge following.” Josh explains.

“Hm, in my day we called that a salesman.” Grandpa chuckles.

The girl rolls her eyes. “Ugh grandpa, you just don’t get it. He’s an influencer, not a salesman.”

Josh just shrugs and continues scrolling on his phone. Some things never change between the generations.

23. A Gen Z kid is telling his friend about his experience at the DMV:

“Ugh, it was the worst. I had to sit there and wait for so long with nothing to do. No wifi, no outlets to charge my phone. Just me and my thoughts – it was brutal.”

His friend nods sympathetically. “That sounds horrible…almost inhumane. They really need to modernize the DMV to accommodate people our age.”

The other kid shudders. “Seriously, I’ve never felt so disconnected. Just sitting there, unplugged from technology and the online world. I wouldn’t wish that torture on my worst enemy.”

24. How do you know if a joke is funny to Gen Z? If it gets more than 10 likes on TikTok.

25. A Millennial sees a group of Gen Z kids staring at their phones and complains, “You’re always on your phones!”

One of the Gen Z kids looks up and replies, “OK fossil, don’t you have a newspaper to go read or something?”

26. What’s the best way to spread news fast to Gen Z? Release it as a TikTok dance.

27. Gen Z love language: Constant texting and memes.

28. Millennials: *posts minion memes on Facebook*

Gen Z: This is why we make fun of you.

29. 1960s: Don’t trust anyone over 30!

1990s: Don’t trust anyone over 40!

Gen Z: Don’t trust anyone not on TikTok.

30. Gen Z predicting the future through memes: “If this template takes off, invest right away. Going to be big.”

31. Boomers: Back in my day we walked 10 miles in the snow to get to school!

Gen Z: Ok zoomer, I’ll just take my e-scooter.

32. Gen Z 1: Bro, I think I just saw a boomer use a folder on their desktop.

Gen Z 2: A what? On their desktop?

Gen Z 1: I know, so archaic!