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57 Funny Game controller Jokes

57 Funny Game controller Jokes

Game Controller Puns

1. I heard the new controller has state-of-the-art rumble packs. Sounds like it will be a real shake up!

2. The controller kept disconnecting from the console. I guess the relationship just didn’t have good joystick chemistry.

3. I spilled coffee all over my controller and now none of the buttons work. I guess I pressed my luck a latte.

4. My friend was bragging about his fancy expensive controller with extra features. I told him not to get so gamepad.

5. I accidentally put my controller in the laundry. Now when I push buttons, it just goes round and round.

6. I dropped my controller on the hardwood floor and now the joystick is broken. I’m not even mad, just totally disarm-stick.

7. My controller ran out of batteries during a tense boss fight. Talk about bad timing and even worse joystick luck!

8. The new voice-activated controller sounds awesome but you literally have to yell at it to get anything done. No thanks, I’ll stick to good old button mashing!

9. I spilled coffee on my controller and now the buttons are sticky. On the bright side, at least I have a good excuse for why I keep losing!

10. Did you hear about the controller that loved dancing games? It was always busting a move!

Game Controller One-Liners

11. This controller has seen more action than a rental car!

12. My controller is so old, the warranty is expired.

13. This controller is covered in so much sticky gunk, I think it came from a game store dumpster!

14. I’ve slammed this controller on the couch in frustration so many times it’s now perfectly molded to my hand!

15. This controller must think my hands are made of sandpaper with how worn down the thumbsticks are!

16. You know your controller is busted when not even duct tape can fix it.

17. This controller is held together with nothing but hopes, dreams and electrical tape at this point!

18. I think I’ve worn the lettering off half these buttons from sheer button mashing over the years!

19. I’ve eaten so much junk food using this controller it could probably tell my blood sugar level just from how greasy it is!

20. This controller is so sticky and crusty, I’m scared to ask what’s actually on it!

Best Game Controller Jokes

21. My friend was bragging about his fancy new controller with paddles, extra buttons and triggers. I told him he was just over-compensating for his lack of gaming skills. Buttons don’t make you any better at headshots!

22. I was so mad when my controller died that I threw it across the room in a rage. It hit the wall and broke into pieces. I guess you could say I really lost my joystick on that one!

23. My girlfriend dumped me because apparently video games and controllers are no substitute for real emotional intimacy and human connection. Joke’s on her though, who needs a clingy girlfriend when you’ve got a perfectly responsive haptic-feedback enabled wireless gamepad!

24. I spilled an entire meatball sub on my controller while gaming. Hours later when I picked it up, a whole ecosystem of ants and rodents had formed in the crevices feasting on marinara sauce and melted cheese. It was kind of like a real-life game of SimAnt!

25. We were having a huge multiplayer tournament but my friend’s controller died halfway through a match. To make matters worse, all the spare batteries had died too. Needless to say, much trash talk was thrown around as he scrambled to rig up some kind of janky wired solution!

26. My grandpa tried using my high-tech wireless controller to play video games. He ended up throwing it across the room because none of the 14 buttons made the “little man on the television move.” Some people just can’t handle today’s modern gamepads!

27. I was super excited to use the controller I got for my birthday but quickly learned it was a cheap knock-off. None of the buttons worked right and joystick drifted all over. I literally got sick trying to play games on that hot mess of a gamepad!

28. My little brother was annoying me while I was trying to game so I gave him a disconnected controller to pretend to play with. Hours later I realized the little brat had ordered over $200 worth of microtransactions on my account!!

29. Whenever I play games I get so sweaty that my controller is just dripping in salty, sticky hand juice by the end. So gross but so worth it to pwn all the noobs!

30. My girlfriend’s cat mistook my controller joystick for a scratching post and destroyed it. $75 down the drain thanks to that fluffy little demon spawn but honestly, I can’t even be that mad – it was a pretty epic power move on the cat’s part!

31. I was doing so badly in an online shooter my opponent asked if I was playing with my feet or using the world’s worst controller. Joke was on him though, turns out I actually was using a dance pad to control my character!!

32. My raging gaming addiction has ruined so many controllers over the years from button mashing, joystick grinding and throwing them when I lose. At this point I’m basically single-handedly keeping GameStop in business!

33. No one believed I beat the hardest boss in the game on my first try. Little did they know, my cat randomly walked across my controller right as the battle started, perfectly inputting the most insane button combo in history! It was totally a fluke but I’ll take it.

34. I was halfway through a 48-hour gaming marathon when my controller died. With no backups left, I resorted to vigorously shaking the console itself to make my character move. It sorta worked but let’s just say things got a bit chaotic in-game after 30 hours without sleep!

35. My parents threatened to take my controller away if my grades slipped again. Joke’s on them though – I switched all my classes to online courses and now game during lectures right under their noses. My GPA may be tanking but at least I’ve still got headshots for days!

36. I couldn’t afford the crazy expensive pro controllers so I just duct taped a bunch of forks and knives to an old gamepad hoping it would improve my skills. Unsurprisingly, it did NOT make me any better…but getting electrocuted by metal utensils was an interesting gaming experience at least!

37. My controller got covered in honey after a tragic beverage spill incident mid-game. On the plus side, it attracted a small swarm of bees who then attacked and stung my little sister. Not gonna lie, that was kind of awesome payback for all the times she’s deleted my save files!

38. I was so addicted to gaming that I superglued my favorite controller to my hands so I’d never have to stop playing. It worked great until I realized things like showering, bathroom breaks and eating became kinda difficult. Oh well, anything for the love of gaming!

39. I got so mad losing an online match that I bit my controller in a fit of rage. I smashed half the buttons with my teeth and got a nasty electric shock for my efforts too. To make matters worse, I then found out my microphone had been on the whole time. So embarrassing!

40. No one at school believed I was an elite pro gamer so I brought in my controller covered in mysterious stains and literal hardware rashes on my hands from grinding games so hard. Let’s just say they didn’t doubt my dedication after that!

41. I was doing homework when my dog snatched my controller and took off running. That fluffy little thief was chewing buttons and slobbering all over the joysticks! I had to chase him all over the house to save my pride and joy from total destruction.

42. My roommate spilled her experimental protein shake smoothie crap all over my favorite controller. I blew through like 3 canisters of cleaning wipes but couldn’t get that weird sticky film off. On the plus side, at least my button mashing increased my grip strength significantly!

43. My controller got run over by my brother’s truck but somehow still worked fine afterward! Sure the casing was shattered and it was kind of impaled on various truck debris, but hey, still fully functional and able to pwn noobs, so I call that a win in my book!

44. I got so mad when my little cousin deleted my game save that I straight up attacked him with my controller. Let’s just say getting whipped in the face by cords and having a joystick jammed up your nose is pretty unpleasant! But maybe next time he’ll think twice before touching my game files.

45. My mom threw out my crusty old limited edition controller, not realizing it was an antique worth thousands! I dug that sucker out of the trash and spent hours sanitizing it to try and regain its former glory. I may now have several infectious diseases…but saved myself a fortune!

46. My raging addiction to crushed energy drinks and gaming marathons literally corroded the innards of multiple controllers. Now none of my buttons work right thanks to the sticky chemical nightmare coating the insides! Ah well, time to order another custom pro gamepad with extra paddles thanks to Mom’s credit card!

47. I ran out of clean socks so used my old controller grips instead. Playing with remote socks jamming up my thumbs wasn’t ideal…but desperation makes you do crazy things sometimes! Maybe it’s time to finally do some laundry.