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41 Funny Fridge Jokes

41 Funny Fridge Jokes

Fridge Puns (14)

  1. What do you call a refrigerator that likes to tell jokes? A real cool comic.
  2. My fridge got cold feet about going to the arctic. It backed out at the last minute.
  3. I entered my fridge in a race. I think it can compete with the best of them because it’s always running.
  4. My fridge and I played chess. It was a draw because we both had the same number of cold ones.
  5. I caught my fridge cheating on its diet. It was having a hot affair with the oven behind my back.
  6. My fridge asked me to open the pickle jar. I told it to chill out, I’ve got this dill under control.
  7. Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind it’s tearable.
  8. I entered my fridge in a boxing match. It was knocked out cold.
  9. My fridge is writing an autobiography called The Produce I’ve Known.
  10. I played my fridge in poker. It cleaned me out because it’s so good at keep a straight face.
  11. My fridge loves karaoke night. Its favorite song is Ice Ice Baby.
  12. I told my fridge we need some space and it gave me extra shelf.
  13. My fridge asked me to open the pickle jar. I told it to chill out, I’ve got this dill under control.
  14. I played my fridge in poker. It cleaned me out because it’s so good at keep a straight face.

Fridge One-Liners (12)

  1. My fridge is so impatient, it can’t wait for the punch line before it interrupts my jokes.
  2. I put my fridge on Tinder to help it find its perfect match, hopefully something equally chilled out.
  3. My fridge loves waffles so much, you could call it eggo-centric.
  4. My fridge is writing a screenplay called The Vegetable Redemption.
  5. My fridge entered a figure skating competition. It nailed the triple lutz thanks to its ice cold feet.
  6. I played pictionary with my fridge once. All it could draw were cubes and ice trays.
  7. My fridge is hosting an open mic comedy night. Let’s hope people give it an ice reception.
  8. My fridge keeps changing the TV channel to The Weather Channel. It just loves seeing images of ice and snow.
  9. My fridge is a real bookworm. Its favorite novel? Fahrenheit 451.
  10. I asked my fridge how its weekend was. It told me it was having a chill time.
  11. My fridge entered an ice sculpting contest once. Turns out it had a real cool talent.
  12. My fridge refers to snow days as its holibrays.

Best Fridge Jokes (15)

  1. Last week, my fridge stopped working properly so I called an appliance repair person to take a look. When they arrived, I showed them the issue – the fridge wasn’t keeping things as cold anymore. The repair person opened up the back panel and started poking around at the coils and compressor. After a few minutes, they pulled out a small frost covered box. They looked at me confused and asked “Why do you have a tub of ice cream stashed back here?” I was surprised and said I had no idea how that ice cream got into such a strange place. The repair person just shrugged and said “Well, I think I found your problem. You’ve got a bad case of the Rocky Road obstructing the airflow.”

  2. I was at my friend’s house the other day and went to grab a snack from the fridge. When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe what I saw inside. Sitting on the middle shelf was an Eskimo! He was bundled up super warm with gloves, boots, fur lined hood – everything. I asked my friend, why on earth do you have an Eskimo living in your refrigerator? She just shrugged and said “I dunno, but he seems to enjoy the cool climate.”

  3. Last winter my fridge started making strange rumbling sounds that shook the whole kitchen. I did some googling and the internet suggested it was the compressor going bad. But the noise kept getting louder and louder. One night I heard a deafening roar come from the fridge. I ran over expecting the worst only to see my fridge completely encased in a thick layer of snow and ice! Turns out the freezer section had transformed into its own little ice age glacier that was trying to take over the whole appliance. I quickly shut the door and made a mental note to only buy extended warranties for fridges sold in warmer climates.

  4. My kids came running into the kitchen last week because our fridge was being “possessed by a monster” according to them. I went to investigate and heard a loud growling sound coming from inside. That’s weird, I thought. When I opened the door, there was a huge Abominable Snowman standing there! He roared loudly then said “Sorry to disturb you ma’am, but do you happen to have any frozen pizzas? Preferably ones with lots of meat toppings?” After I got over the initial shock, I realized this was the same Yeti that my husband said he saw raiding the fridge late one night. Looks like our freezer is the ultimate paradise retreat for cold climate cryptids!

  5. Yesterday my fridge started making the strangest sounds I had ever heard. It was a bizarre mix of beeping, buzzing and gurgling all at once. The noises got increasingly complex, almost like musical notes. I put my ear up to the fridge and realized it was emitting an intricate orchestral score! The appliances around my kitchen began harmonizing with string sections, woodwinds, and brass. My microwave even chimed in with the symbols. Turns out my refrigerator is a secret virtuoso composer just waiting for the right time to debut its avant garde electro-symphonies to the world!

  6. We recently had to buy a new fridge because our old one met a bizarre demise. My kids accidentally left the door open overnight. In the morning, I came down to the kitchen and was shocked to see a 7 foot tall snow woman standing there! Apparently Elsa from Frozen had magically emerged from the frozen tundra of our neglected freezer. She belted out a quick verse of “Let it Go” then blasted our living room with an intense blizzard storm! By the time the flurry ended, our whole first floor was encased in 2 feet of densely packed snow. The frosty virtuoso took a bow then vanished into thin air as suddenly as she had appeared. We sent the snow woman magic fridge back and opted for a more boring Whirlpool model instead.

  7. Last night at 3AM I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I quietly snuck downstairs and was shocked to discover an intense debate happening between my fridge and dishwasher. They were fiercely arguing over which appliance was the more essential member of the kitchen community. The fridge shouted about its role in preserving fresh food while the dishwasher raved about sanitizing capabilities. This went back and forth with increasingly heated responses about compressor pumps, rinse cycles, and shelving configurations. After 10 minutes of this, my blender suddenly roared to life, blasting smoothie ingredients everywhere. Turns out kitchen appliances take their roles and community standing very seriously!

  8. My fridge has been acting pretty smug lately, lording its seniority over all the other appliances. It is always bragging “I’m the OG, I’ve been chilling drinks since the 1920s!” The other day I caught it bullying the microwave and toaster. “You two are just a flash in the pan. People got along fine for centuries without your flashy bells and whistles! But everyone always needs reliable old me.” Looks like after 100 years, my vintage Hoover has developed a bit of an ego. I had to sit it down and gently remind it that each appliance plays an essential role on the team.

  9. Last month my refrigerator started making loud revving noises that shook the whole kitchen. It sounded like a motorcycle gang was tearing through my house! I ran over expecting bad compressor failure only to discover my fridge chilling beers while watching Nascar at full blast. It had a checkered flag magnet and various racing decals plastered all over the doors. Inside I found a secret stash of junk food covered in oil stains. Turns out my fridge is having a midlife crisis and wants to hit the open roads to feel that wind therapy rush again! I just hope it doesn’t wreck the kitchen in some high speed racing fantasy.

  10. Yesterday I caught my refrigerator secretly binge watching Netflix when it was supposed to be cooling my leftovers! It had redirected the freezer air vent to blow straight into its backside coils while it played episode after episode. I walked in to grab some food and found tubs of melted ice cream dripping everywhere. Meanwhile my fridge is zoned out to some true crime documentary completely unaware of the soupy mess its shirking duties caused! Now I have to child lock the smart features to curb the appliance’s streaming addiction. Hopefully refrigerator rehab works because we really need that ice maker functioning again.

  11. The other day my fridge started making strange gurgling sounds. When I walked into the kitchen to check on it, I saw thick green slime bubbling up from underneath! Soon an enormous creature emerged – it looked like the Creature from the Black Lagoon covered in lime gelatin goo! The creature belched loudly. “Sorry, I think something I ate earlier isn’t settling quite right with me. Say, you don’t happen to have any antacids do you?” I was shocked to see this mythical beast, but tried my best to help settle its stomach ache before sending it back down into fridge drawer depths. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten those leftover gyros last week!

  12. We bought my son a mini toy refrigerator for Christmas this year. He was so excited to have his own “big boy” appliance in his playroom. For months he carefully organized the fridge with pretend food and drinks, imitating grown ups. Last night at dinner, my son crossed his arms and glared at me saying “Human Mom, your constant snacking is ruining my inventory tracking!” He then tapped furiously at a tiny calculator muttering about spoiled milk waste percentages. I think this fridge playtime is making my 5 year old a little too intense. We may need to downgrade him to a less serious Fisher Price oven set instead!

  13. My refrigerator has been unusually quiet this past week. No humming, beeping or rattling – barely a pur from its compressor. I checked inside but everything seemed normal. Milk was cold, ice maker full, temps holding steady. But the silence had me uneasy. I woke with a shock last night when an ear piercing grind rang out. I rushed to the kitchen and was stunned by the sight. My 1970s avocado green fridge had pieces dismantled all over the floor and was belting out hardcore heavy metal! Turns out the old girl was using the quiet time to secretly upgrade her components to be a high wattage amp. I think I preferred the smooth suburban housewife sounds to this chaotic garage band mode!