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32 Funny Fridge Jokes

Fridge Puns

1. I was feeling a little chilly so I decided to hang out with my friend the fridge.

2. The fridge started beatboxing, so I said “Stop spitting those cold bars!”

3. I entered my fridge in a race but it didn’t win. It only got the ice prize.

4. My fridge and I have a very cool relationship.

5. I opened the fridge looking for a snack but all I found was ice, ice baby.

6. I bought my fridge a cardigan so it would stay warm.

7. My fridge is so cold, it gives me the chills.

8. I was feeling under the weather, so my fridge told me to stay cool.

9. I asked my fridge what was up and it just gave me the cold shoulder.

10. My fridge is so frosty, it belongs on a rap album cover.

Fridge One-Liners

11. My fridge is so empty inside, it understands my soul.

12. They say you are what you eat, so my fridge must be empty.

13. I opened my fridge expecting food but found only frozen tears.

14. My fridge and I have one thing in common: we’re both empty inside.

15. My fridge light went out, so now it’s even more depressing to look inside.

16. I asked my fridge if it was running and it said “Yes, running on empty.”

17. I can relate to my fridge, we’re both pale and antisocial.

18. My fridge hums melancholy tunes that match my mood.

19. I ate everything in my fridge. Now I have to restock my emptiness.

20. My fridge said “Let me freeze your problems away.” I said “You are my problem.”

Best Fridge Jokes

21. I was feeling hungry, so I opened the fridge. An egg popped out and said “Am I egging you on?” A slice of cheese said “Don’t listen to him, he’s spoiled.”

22. My smart fridge keeps trying to make conversation when I grab food. I had to put a sign on it saying “Stop, I came here for a snack, not a chat.”

23. I was sitting on the couch feeling lazy when I heard the fridge yell “Hey you, get up and eat a snack!” I said “Make me!” It shrugged and went “Ice try.”

24. I came home and heard dance music coming from my kitchen. I walked in to find my fridge breakdancing and spinning on its head. When it saw me, it froze and tipped over. I said “Don’t worry about it, you were just letting off some steam.”

25. I was grabbing a midnight snack when I heard a scream from inside the fridge. I quickly opened it to find a carton of milk shaking in fear. It said “I saw a jar of mayo creeping up on me! I’m scared of the spreads.”

26. My fridge called me and said “There’s trouble brewing in here!” I opened it up cautiously only to have my milk carton squirt me in the face. The fridge started laughing hysterically saying “Got milk? That expiration date gag will never get old!”

27. I came home to find my fridge rapping battle style with the oven. My fridge spat rhymes like “I’m the coolest, I freeze out phonies. Microwavin’ fakes til they get old and moldy.” The oven fired back “You barely warm compared to me. I’ll roast you til you melt, wait and see!” I shut them both and said “Enough, no more appliance beef!”

28. I was woken up at 3am by loud music from my kitchen. I stormed in angrily only to find my fridge, microwave and blender throwing a rager. They froze when they saw me. The blender said “Uh oh, looks like this party just got shut down.” I pointed to the door saying “Kitchen’s closed, appliances out. And clean up your mess!”

29. I opened the fridge looking for a midnight snack but couldn’t see anything in the dark. Suddenly I heard a creepy voice say “I see you…” An apple with eyes carved in it lit up at me from the bottom shelf. I screamed and fell backwards as a bunch of laughing fruits and vegetables jumped out yelling “Surprise! Happy Halloween!”

30. I was sitting on the couch when I heard karate sounds coming from the kitchen. I went to check and saw my fridge kicking and chopping at the air, doing martial arts moves. It stopped when it noticed me. “Just practicing my fridge-itsu in case someone tries to steal my snacks!” it explained. I nodded slowly and backed away.

31. I was home alone when the power went out. As I searched for a flashlight I heard a loud “MWAHAHA!” come from the kitchen. I nervously went to investigate and saw an evil glowing face appear on my fridge door. It said “I have come alive to EAT you!” I stood there confused until my little brother popped up laughing, having lit a flashlight under his face. I hugged him and said “Good one, you almost froze me in fear!”

32. I woke up thirsty at 3am and went to grab some water from the fridge. As I opened the door a tentacle grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. I screamed “Let me go!” when suddenly the lights came on and my family yelled “Surprise! Happy birthday!” My fridge had been transformed into a party tentacle monster as a prank. We all laughed as I realized I had forgotten my own birthday in my sleepy state.