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55 Funny Four Seasons Jokes

55 Funny Four Seasons Jokes

Four Seasons Puns

1. I wanted to stay at the Four Seasons hotel, but they were fully booked for the next year. I guess you could say all their rooms were season-ed out!

2. I heard the Four Seasons hotel got into some legal trouble. Apparently they were being sued for false advertising. Turns out not all their locations experience four seasons!

3. I was excited to visit the Four Seasons, but got confused and ended up at a landscaping store instead. Turns out I was at the Four Seasonings store, not Four Seasons!

4. Did you hear about the new Four Seasons location opening up in a tropical climate? It will be called the One Season.

5. I asked the Four Seasons concierge what the weather was going to be like during my stay. He said, “Here at the Four Seasons, every day is a new season!”

6. My friend got a job as the social media manager for the Four Seasons hotels. I told her, “Get ready for a year-round job!”

7. I went to check the forecast for my trip to the Four Seasons. The weather app just said “Yes.”

8. Don’t let the name fool you – the Four Seasons only has two seasons: tourists season and off season!

9. The Four Seasons hired a meteorologist to be in charge of their weather predictions. His forecasts were always perfect thanks to the name.

10. I asked the waiter at the Four Seasons cafe what their seasonal specials were. He said, “Everything on the menu because it’s always one of the four seasons here!”

Four Seasons One-Liners

11. Guess the Four Seasons didn’t get the memo that climate change is making weather less predictable.

12. The Four Seasons – where every day feels like a new season!

13. Four Seasons once tried opening a hotel in Hawaii but had to call it Quits after One Season.

14. Come for the Four Seasons, stay for the year-round perfect weather!

15. Four Seasons – the perfect spot for guests with seasonal affective disorder.

16. Four Seasons – where every room comes with its own climate control!

17. Skip the weather app and book a stay at the Four Seasons instead.

18. Four Seasons – the only hotel that can guarantee perfect weather for your entire trip!

19. Four Seasons – where every day is a new adventure thanks to the constantly changing weather.

20. The Four Seasons – where every season is peak season!

Best Four Seasons Jokes

21. A family was preparing to check in for a vacation at the Four Seasons. Their young son asked, “How do they make it spring, summer, fall, and winter all in one place?” The dad jokingly replied, “It’s simple – they just use weather control machines!

22. A man walks into the Four Seasons and asks the concierge, “What are the weather changes like here?” The concierge smiles and says “Instant.”

23. On their anniversary, a husband surprised his wife with a vacation to the Four Seasons. “Oh wow, so every day will be a new season?” she asked excitedly. “Dear, every hour here is a new season,” he replied with a smile.

24. Two friends were reminiscing about a trip they took together to the Four Seasons years ago. “Remember how it was snowing when we checked in, and then by dinnertime it was sunny and 80 degrees?” one friend asked. “Yeah, that place was wild – I’ve never experienced weather changes so fast!” her friend replied.

25. A family arrived at the check-in desk on the first day of their Four Seasons vacation. The front desk attendant greeted them saying, “Welcome to our hotel, where each day brings a new kind of weather!” The eager children’s eyes lit up as they exclaimed, “Wow, so it’s gonna be summer, spring, winter and fall while we’re here? Awesome!”

26. A weatherman decided to spend his vacation relaxing at the Four Seasons. But even while on vacation, he found himself habitually forecasting the weather all day long. “Sunny this morning…looking like rain this afternoon…” he kept muttering. His wife laughed and said, “Relax! Here at the Four Seasons, every forecast is always right!”

27. When a celebrity was asked about their recent stay at the Four Seasons on a late night talk show, they described it like this: “That place literally has a magic weather machine! One hour it was snowing, the next it was scorching hot. I have no idea how they pulled it off but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t natural!”

28. When a couple’s centennial anniversary was approaching, their children wanted to send them somewhere special to celebrate. After much thought, they booked a week for them at the Four Seasons. That way their parents could experience spring, summer, autumn and winter all over again in the span of just seven days!

29. On his first day working as a concierge at the Four Seasons, a new employee looked out the window and saw rain falling. He quickly changed into a rain jacket. An hour later the sun was shining bright, so he changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Another hour later, he was shivering in the falling snow. Completely exasperated he asked his manager, “How am I supposed to dress for the weather around here?!”

30. For their honeymoon, a couple decided to spend a week at the Four Seasons. On their first day, they woke up to fresh snowfall and decided to spend the morning ice skating outside. By lunchtime, all the snow had melted away, so they changed into swimsuits and relaxed by the pool. The next day temperatures reached 100 degrees, but a freak blizzard blew in overnight. “Well it’s certainly four seasons in one day here!” the wife remarked.

Four Seasons Puns

31. I wanted to plan a vacation to experience all four seasons. My friend suggested I just book one weekend at the Four Seasons!

32. Someone told me the Four Seasons locations use special satellites to manipulate the weather. I said, “Sounds like science fiction to me!”

33. Don’t you hate when you pack for a trip and then the weather changes unexpectedly? That could never happen at the Four Seasons!

34. The Four Seasons hired a new executive manager with the job title: Director of Seasonal Consistency.

35. A family checked into the Four Seasons and the front desk said, “Enjoy your stay!” The kid replied, “We will, all FOUR of them!”

36. Don’t trust the weatherman, just book a stay at the Four Seasons if you want an accurate forecast!

37. I was going to tell a joke about the Four Seasons, but winter is coming, spring it on me, summer great puns fall flat.

38. A reporter asked a Four Seasons spokesperson, “How do you pull off perfect weather every single day?” They replied, “It’s all in the name!”

39. Four Seasons doesn’t need window washers. The rain, snow and wind take care of that!

40. Four Seasons prides itself on fast weather transitions. Don’t like the current season? Just wait an hour!

Four Seasons One-Liners

41. The Four Seasons – where you can experience summer and winter in the same day.

42. At the Four Seasons, every room comes with a custom weather generator.

43. Don’t like the current weather? Take a vacation to the Four Seasons!

44. Four Seasons – where every day feels like a seasonal rebirth.

45. Need a weather pick-me-up? Book your next vacation at Four Seasons!

46. Forget meteorologists, the Four Seasons has perfect weather down to a science!

47. Go from a snowy morning to a sunny afternoon, all at the Four Seasons!

48. The Four Seasons – the world’s leading weather control experts.

49. How does the Four Seasons have perfect weather all the time? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries!

50. At the Four Seasons, every season is peak season for vacationers!

Best Four Seasons Jokes

51. A skeptical woman decided to stay at the Four Seasons to see if they could really control the weather. On her first day, she woke up to fresh snowfall. “Must be some good special effects,” she thought. But that afternoon, temperatures soared to 95 degrees. By the evening, thunderstorms rolled in. As she looked out her window at the rapidly changing weather, she muttered “How is this possible?!”

52. A Four Seasons concierge noticed a husband and wife standing in the lobby looking confused. He approached them asking “Can I help with anything?” The wife replied “Well, when we booked this vacation the website said you offered a variety of weather, but we’ve been here 24 hours now and it’s been sunny the entire time!”

53. On his first day working as a waiter at the Four Seasons, Mike kept having to change his uniform to match the weather. He started the morning in a t-shirt, then added a sweater and jacket as an icy wind blew in. By noon he was sweating in the heat and switched back to the t-shirt. He asked his manager, “Is the weather always this unpredictable here?” She smirked and said “Welcome to the Four Seasons – better get used to it!”

54. When a celebrity was asked in an interview about their recent Four Seasons visit, they laughed and said “That place is crazy! I saw the forecast change from snow, to sun, to clouds, to rain like ten times in one day! I have no idea what kind of weather wizardry they’ve got going on over there but I’m pretty sure it’s not natural!”

55. A family chose the Four Seasons for their trip specifically so the kids could experience snow for the first time. However, after two days of sunny spring weather, the kids were disappointed. “When will it snow?” they kept asking. Sure enough, on their third morning, the family awoke to a magical winter wonderland complete with fresh powder. The kids spent all day playing in the snow, satisfied that the Four Seasons had come through after all!