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47 Funny Flower pot Jokes

47 Funny Flower pot Jokes

Flower pot Puns

1. I bought my wife a flower pot for her birthday. She said it was the pot calling the kettle black!

2. I was late to my gardening club meeting because I took a potty break repotting my plants.

3. My friend grew marijuana in his flower pots. You could say he was a pothead.

4. I entered my flower pot in a beauty contest. Sadly, it didn’t make the flower pot list.

5. I accidentally dropped my flower pot off the balcony. You could say it was high on pot.

6. I was stopped by airport security for trying to smuggle flower pots. They were concerned about my pottery smuggling operation.

7. My flower pots were feeling under the weather. I told them to quit their pot belly aching.

8. I bought way too many flower pots. Now I have a pot addiction.

9. My friend got drunk and threw up in my flower pot. Talk about potty mouth!

10. I entered a marijuana growing contest with my flower pots. My pots had some killer pot.

Flower pot One-Liners

11. My flower pot is so lazy, it never gets up to water itself.

12. My flower pot started dancing when I put on some music. You could say it was potty trained.

13. I accidentally dropped my flower pot. It shattered faster than you can say “cannabis.”

14. My flower pot is very nosy. It’s always potting into my business.

15. I caught my flower pot smoking weed. Its eyes were bloodshot pot.

16. My flower pot loves listening to hip hop music. Its favorite artist is Pot Dogg.

17. I saw a guy yelling at his flower pot in public. Some people just have no potty mouth filter.

18. My flower pot started leaking dirt everywhere. Turns out it had a crack pot.

19. I tried to cheat at the gardening contest by hiding answers in my flower pot. You could say it helped me pot the test.

20. My flower pot is very clumsy. It’s always pottering around and knocking things over.

Best Flower pot Jokes

21. Last night, my flower pot suddenly started talking to me. I said “There’s no point trying to reason with you, you’re obviously high on pot!”

22. Yesterday, I caught my neighbor yelling at his flower pots. I asked him what was wrong and he said “These pots keep clamming up, they won’t spill the beans on where they hid my marijuana stash!”

23. I entered my flower pot in an art contest but it didn’t win. The judges said it lacked pottery of motion.

24. My friend got so mad when I beat him in a gardening contest that he smashed all my flower pots. I guess he was just being a sore pot.

25. Last week, my flower pot tried to convince me to let it drive my car. I said “No way, that’s illegal! You don’t have a pot license!”

26. I was puzzled when my flower pots went missing. But then I spotted my neighbor’s new collection of oddly shaped vases. That thief had stolen my pottery!

27. My grandma loves gardening so much that she dresses up her flower pots in little outfits. We affectionately call them her pot dolls.

28. I caught my brother using my flower pots for target practice with his BB gun. Let’s just say those pots look like they got caught in a pot fire now.

29. My cousin got dumped by her boyfriend after she threw all his flower pots off the balcony in a fit of rage. I guess he just couldn’t handle her potty temper.

30. My wife threatened to smash my prized flower pot collection if I didn’t do more chores around the house. So now I’m on potty training duty for the next month.

31. My grandpa loves pranking people with his realistic-looking flower pots. He’ll hide in the bushes and throw them at unsuspecting passersby. We call him the potty predator.

32. Last Halloween, my neighbor dressed up her flower pots as jack-o-lanterns. She called them her pot’o’lanterns.

33. I once saw a guy get chased down the street by an angry mob for accidentally knocking over a row of flower pots. Those folks really took pottery seriously.

34. My friend accidentally bought flower pots that were way too small for his plants. I told him “Next time, measure twice, pot once!”

35. My son begged me to let his pet turtle live in one of our flower pots. I had to explain turtle pots just weren’t practical.

36. My grandma loves novelty flower pots – her favorite is a pot shaped like a cowboy hat. We call it her potty hat.

37. I spotted my neighbor carefully painting his flower pots to look like superheroes. When I asked why, he said “I’m turning them into potty heroes!”

38. Whenever my sister gets dumped, she smashes one of mom’s antique flower pots. At this rate, mom’s prized pottery collection won’t last another month.

39. I once saw a guy propose to his girlfriend with a diamond ring hidden inside a flower pot. She was so surprised she nearly potted herself!

40. My brother accidentally knocked our grandma’s favorite flower pot off the shelf. She yelled “You pothead klutz, that was an antique!”

41. When I’m stressed, I like to throw clay at my pottery wheel and make silly angry faces on the pots I create. My therapist says it’s a healthy potty outlet.

42. When I first planted flowers in my new pots, they started writhing in pain and begging for water. I didn’t realize my pots were so potty mouthed!

43. Every time my neighbor knocks over her pots, she rearranges them into lewd shapes just to mess with people walking by. That woman has quite the potty humor.

44. Last night, my pot-obsessed aunt rushed to the hospital after accidentally gluing her hands to her favorite flower pot. The doctors managed to un-pot her.

45. My grandpa loves teasing my grandma about her big flower pot collection, saying she has more pots than their entire kitchen. She just laughs and calls him a silly old potty mouth.

46. I saw my neighbor yelling at his plants today, threatening to smash their pots if they didn’t grow faster. Clearly, his potty training methods need some work.

47. When my friend’s flower pots kept getting stolen from his yard, he set up a water gun trap to spray potty thieves. Now those crooks think twice!