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84 Funny Flamingo Jokes

84 Funny Flamingo Jokes

Flamingo Puns (15)

1. What do you call a grumpy flamingo? A flamin’-go away!

2. What do you call a flamingo that got rich quick? A flamin’-go bucks!

3. Why don’t flamingos ever win at hide and seek? They always stick out like a sore thumb.

4. Why are flamingos the most fashionable birds? They’re never caught wearing the same old flamingo.

5. How does a flamingo file its taxes? With its 1040-flamingo.

6. What do you call a flamingo that meditates? A zenflamingo.

7. Why don’t flamingos have Wi-Fi? They prefer their own flamingo hotspots.

8. Why was the flamingo upset after the dance? Its date was a no flamingo.

9. Where do flamingos go to chat online? Flamingo chat rooms.

10. How do flamingos stay connected across long distances? By flamingo carrier pigeon.

11. What’s a flamingo’s favorite movie genre? Flamingo noir.

12. Why do flamingos make great private investigators? They always get their flamingo, man.

13. What do you call a flamingo that plays the guitar? A flamingo strummer.

14. Why don’t flamingos use Twitter? They prefer Flamingogram.

15. What do you call a flamingo that works as a chauffeur? A flamingo driver.

Flamingo One-Liners (20)

16. I wanted to see a flamingo, but my friends said I was just being flamin’-goofy.

17. Sorry I’m late, I got stuck behind a flamin’-slow driver.

18. You’re as graceful as a flamingo with two left feet.

19. If we don’t get flamingoing soon, we’ll be late for the party.

20. I’m so hungry I could eat a whole flamin’-go.

21. Come on, stop flamingoing around and get to work.

22. These pink pants make me look like a flamingo.

23. I saw two flamingos fighting over food, it was a flamin’-go showdown.

24. Flamingo to the store and pick up some milk, would you?

25. She’s as graceful as a newborn flamingo – legs flailing everywhere.

26. I’m saving up money to see the flamingos, my flamin’-goal.

27. Ugh, my roommate leaves dirty dishes in the sink again – what a flamin’ slob.

28. If you keep flamingoing me with questions, I’m going to explode!

29. I’m so sunburnt, I look like a lobster not a flamingo.

30. Stop flamingoing around, I need help with the groceries!

31. She’s got legs for days like a flamingo.

32. I’m flamingo obsessed – my whole house is decked out pink.

33. He’s a great dancer, light on his feet like a flamingo.

34. Who’s been using my flamingo mug? Fess up!

35. I wish I could afford a flamingo vacation to the Bahamas.

Best Flamingo Jokes (20)

36. What do you call a flamingo detective? Sherlock Pink. Why? Because he always gets his bird!

37. What happens when a flamingo and snowman have a fight? They flamingo for the throat!

38. Why don’t flamingos like playing cards? Because they’re always standing on one leg!

39. How do flamingos communicate? They use flamingo-se code!

40. Why was the flamingo invited on Noah’s Ark? Because it could stand the rain!

41. Why don’t flamingos make good teachers? Because they have a flamingo temper!

42. What’s a flamingo’s favorite game? Limbo! Because they’re good at flamingoing under things!

43. How do flamingos stay in shape? They do flamingo-robics!

44. Why do flamingos like doing yoga? It helps strengthen their flamingo core!

45. How do flamingos stay connected? They use Flamingo-tooth!

46. Why don’t flamingos ever win staring contests? They always blink! They can’t help it with those long flamingo eyelashes!

47. What’s a flamingo’s favorite TV show? Keeping Up With The Kardflamingos!

48. Why don’t flamingos fly together in flocks? They prefer their own flamingompany!

49. What kind of shoes do flamingos wear? Flip flammingos!

50. How do flamingos keep their breath fresh? With flamingomint gum!

51. Why do flamingos stand on one leg? To conserve heat through flamingo-lation!

52. Why are flamingos the most supportive friends? They always have your flamingo-back!

53. What’s a flamingo’s favorite dip? Guflamingo and chips!

54. How do flamingos stay in touch? Flamingo-mail!

55. Why do flamingos make great philosophers? They’re always flamingo-sophicating!

Flamingo Jokes Continued (29)

56. How do flamingos keep their feathers looking fresh? With lots of flamingo-nditioner!

57. What do you call a grumpy group of flamingos? A flaminguin!

58. Why was the flamingo hopping on one leg? It was playing flamingo pogo stick!

59. What do you call a flamingo who does martial arts? Flamingo-chops!

60. How do flamingos keep their lawns looking nice? Flamingo-scaping!

61. What do flamingos use to spice up their meals? Flamingo powder!

62. Why do flamingos make great construction workers? They know how to use a flamingo-dozer!

63. How does a flamingo swim fast? It flamingo paddles!

64. Why was the flamingo wearing sunglasses? To protect its flamingo peepers!

65. What do flamingos like on their salad? Flamingo dressing!

66. Why are flamingos so good at yoga? They can bend it like flamingos!

67. What’s a flamingo’s favorite exercise? Flamingo-metrics!

68. Why do flamingos have long legs? To reach the flamingo pedals!

69. What do you call a sleepy flamingo? A flamingo-zingo!

70. Why did the flamingo blush? It saw another flamingo’s legs!

71. How does a flamingo stay safe? By being flamingo-careful!

72. Why couldn’t the flamingo fly south for winter? It ran out of flamingo-sine!

73. What do you call a flamingo who likes heavy metal? A flamin-bro!

74. How does a flamingo stay in touch with friends? Flamingo walkie-talkie!

75. Why do flamingos like taking bubbles baths? For the flamingo-matic experience!

76. Why couldn’t the flamingo decide what to order? Too many flamingo-tions!

77. What’s a flamingo’s favorite snack? Flamingo corn nuts!

78. How does a flamingo stay safe in the car? By flamingo-ing in!

79. Why did the flamingo bring an extra outfit? In flamingo something happened!

80. How does a flamingo fix its makeup? With flamingo-touch ups!

81. Why was the flamingo late for work? It slept past its flamingo-larm!

82. What’s a flamingo’s favorite fruit? Flamingos!

83. Why do flamingos love dancing? They were born with flamingo fever!

84. What kind of car does a flamingo drive? A pink flamingo-rarri!