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55 Funny File folder Jokes

55 Funny File folder Jokes

File folder Puns

  1. I asked my friend if he wanted to organize his papers, but he said he didn’t want to get foldered into anything right now.
  2. My wife said I had too many file folders lying around the house. I told her to stop flapping her folder about nothing!
  3. I entered my tabby cat in a file folder organizing competition but had to withdraw her. She kept folding under pressure.
  4. I was feeling overwhelmed at work until a colleague suggested I just take it one folder at a time.
  5. Did you hear about the angry file folder? He was having a tantrum because someone creased his pages.
  6. I bought some vintage file folders at an antique shop. The clerk said they were rare folders from the 1920s.
  7. I’m so excited to visit the new modern art museum. I heard they have a whole wing dedicated to file folder origami.
  8. Be careful if you visit the file folder factory. I heard there’s a high risk of paper cuts.
  9. My friend got fired from the file folder company for stealing their supplies. I guess he took too much off the top.
  10. Did you hear about the new diet craze? It’s called the file folder cleanse where you only eat paper.

File folder One-liners

  1. I’m so disorganized, I’d lose my head if it wasn’t stapled to my file folder.
  2. I bought my girlfriend a diamond file folder for our anniversary. She said it was the most organized gift she ever got.
  3. My file folders are so messy, even I can’t folder what’s going on.
  4. I was going to organize my file folders until I realized how much work that would be and folded on the whole idea.
  5. I entered a file folder organizing competition but withdrew because I don’t have the folder fortitude.
  6. My neighbor’s house is so messy, it looks like a file folder factory exploded inside.
  7. I thought my tax files were organized until the IRS said I was completely foldered up.
  8. Marie Kondo came over to organize my files but ran away screaming when she saw my folder chaos.
  9. I spilled coffee on my file folder and now the pages are stuck together. Talk about a sticky situation.
  10. I’m so disorganized, I accidentally filed myself under “miscellaneous.”

Best File folder Jokes

1. I was feeling on top of the world when I finally organized all my file folders in alphabetical order. My family staged an intervention, saying my folder fixation had gone too far. I refused to enter folder rehab and instead built a huge paper fort in my home office as a hideout. Now I sneak in there late at night and alphabetize to my heart’s content.

2. Larry worked as an accountant and prided himself on having the most organized filing system in the office. He color coded folders, used finely tuned labeling systems, and kept meticulous organization charts. One day, he came back from lunch to find his entire desk ransacked – papers strewn everywhere and folders dumped out of drawers. He dropped to his knees and shouted to the heavens “NOOOOOOOOO!!! Why have you forsaken me?!” His coworkers gently told him to calm down – it was just an April Fool’s joke – but he sobbed uncontrollably, mourning the loss of his folder paradise.

3. Jessica’s third grade teacher assigned the class to decorate folders that would hold their assignments for the year. While other kids doodled or stenciled, Jessica took it very seriously, using different colors, patterns, and cut-outs to make the most beautiful folder creation possible. Her teacher was so impressed she displayed it as an example and let Jessica give a talk on folder organization. Soon, students were coming to Jessica for folder decorating tips. She felt so proud of her newfound status as the file folder expert…until it went too far. Jessica got called down to the principal’s office one day and reprimanded for “folder bullying” other kids.

4. Stu was a notorious scatterbrain, always losing important papers and documents. His long-suffering administrative assistant, Ellen, decided she’d had enough. She stormed into Stu’s office, plopped down a huge stack of file folders on his desk and said, “That’s it! I’ve organized and labeled folders for every single one of your projects. No more excuses!” Stu shuffled his feet, gave an awkward chuckle and said, “Uh, gee thanks Ellen. You’re a real pal.” The minute she left his office, Stu scooped all the folders into his arms, dumped them into the trash can by his desk, and muttered, “No prison can hold me!”

5. Martha was convinced she’d uncovered a huge conspiracy at the paper company where she worked. Late one night, she snuck back into the office and rifled through filing cabinets, snapping photos of folders full of incriminating documents. As she prepared to take the evidence to the authorities, her coworker Jim saw her dashing out. “Whoa, where’s the fire!” he asked. “I’ve got the proof right here of corporate wrongdoing!” she exclaimed. Jim took a peek and started laughing hysterically. Turns out Martha had photographed the planning documents for the office’s surprise birthday party for her. Talk about embarrassing!

6. I finally buckled down to organize the huge pile of receipts and paperwork on my desk. As I sorted through the cluttered folders and piles of documents, I came across an old love letter from my ex that must’ve gotten mixed in years ago. My heart skipped a beat reading their poetic words and reminiscing about our time together. Just then, my wife walked into the room, eyed the letter in my hand, and went ballistic. I tried to explain it was just an old keepsake I’d accidentally uncovered, but she didn’t believe me. Now I’m exiled to sleeping on the couch until I can convince her I’m not still hung up on my ex. Next time, I’ll just pay for a professional organizer and save myself the trouble!

7. When I first met my roommate Claire, I noticed she was a bit odd and eccentrically organized. But I didn’t realize the extent of her folder fixation until I walked in on her folder sniffing. She had piles of folders labeled with people’s names and was deeply inhaling each one, with a blissful smile on her face. I don’t know whose folders they were or where she got them from, but she was totally spaced out on folder fumes. I slowly backed out of the room and went to the library to study after that. I’m definitely moving out ASAP before her folder fetish gets any weirder!

8. My first day on the job at the paper company, I was handed a massive stack of folders and told to reorganize them based on a convoluted color-coded system. After several frustrating hours, I had only gotten halfway through the gigantic pile. That’s when the boss walked in and bellowed, “Well, it ain’t gonna file itself!” I glared at him silently while fantasizing about papercutting his eyeballs with the folders’ razor sharp edges. I’d never plotted revenge over some files before, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I finished sorting those folders and got the heck out of there, never looking back at that crappy filing job!

9. Janet was voted “Most Organized” in her senior yearbook. Her spotless folders and impeccable organization system were legendary around campus. She graduated at the top of her class and got a job at a prestigious consulting firm. However, she quickly burned out dealing with their chaotic, sloppy filing system and lazy coworkers with no respect for organization. She finally snapped one day and barricaded herself inside a file room, refusing to come out until the entire office agreed to adhere to her new ultra-strict filing methodology. After a 15-hour standoff with the police, Janet was carted off to folder rehab to recover from her file-induced mental breakdown.

10. Nobody dared get between Martha and her file folders. Her desk was pristinely organized with micro-precision, and she measured each folder and tab down to the millimeter. God forbid anyone disturb her sacred filing shrine. One unfortunate new assistant made that mistake his first day and accidentally spilled coffee on a folder. Martha’s terrifying scream echoed through the office as she pounced on him in a rage. He ran away crying and was never seen again. From then on, the assistants treated Martha’s space like a shrine, leaving offerings of Post-It notes and Manila folders to appease the file folder diva’s wrath.

11. When I started my home business, I asked my friend Gina for advice on how to organize all my paperwork. She gave me a massive five-inch thick binder filled with printed articles on every filing, storage and organization system imaginable. I was overwhelmed just looking at it! When I told Gina it was overkill, she rolled her eyes and said I clearly wasn’t taking my filing seriously enough. Soon my house was filled with colored bins, hanging folders, accordion files and enough labels to wrap around the block. My family staged an “organization intervention” to deprogram me from Gina’s intensely obsessive folder fixation. I emerged with a newfound appreciation for moderation in filing systems.

12. Stuart was down on his luck – he’d lost his job, his girlfriend dumped him, and he was about to be evicted. As he packed up his belongings, he found an old childhood folder filled with drawings and poems from happier times. Sifting through the faded papers, he was struck with inspiration to turn this relic into his ticket to fame and fortune. He spent countless hours developing secret file folder origami techniques, using the folder as a canvas to sculpt intricate works of art. Soon his creations were selling for thousands to obsessive collectors who admired Stuart’s folder-based masterpieces. His one-of-a-kind folder art turned out to be his path to success after all!

13. Martha took her role as secretary very seriously, maintaining an intricate system of color coded folders for all office documents. But she became increasingly frustrated with Bob, the office slob, constantly messing up her perfect folders with his disorganized papers and coffee-stained documents. One day she snapped when Bob spilled his lunch all over her pristine folders. She grabbed a red Sharpie and scrawled across his face and clothes: “I AM A FOLDER ABUSER!” Then she sat back down calmly, ignoring his shocked cries. Nobody messed with Martha’s folders again after that fateful day. Her message was received loud and clear.

14. As a college freshman, I was eager for a part time job and landed one as a file clerk for a huge insurance company. By week two, I was ready to tear my hair out from the mind-numbing drudgery of alphabetizing folders all day. I decided to liven things up by playing pranks like mis-filing things randomly or hiding folders in the copy machine. My snarky notes on sticky tabs also added some humor. But apparently my boss did not share my sense of humor. When called me in to reprimand my “unprofessional conduct,” I just laughed, declared “I ain’t no file monkey!” and dramatically quit on the spot.

15. When I first met Damian, I thought his habit of sniffing folders was a cute eccentricity. But over time, his folder fixation became concerning and bizarre. He spent hours organizing his folders in peculiar rituals, becoming agitated if I touched them. The final straw was when I caught him sniffing MY personal folders! When I demanded an explanation, he mumbled something about “meditative aromas” and trying to “bond through folders.” I made him move out the next day and told him to only contact me through a lawyer. Let’s just say that relationship didn’t have the right “file” on it!