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50 Funny Falling Jokes

50 Funny Falling Jokes

Falling Puns

  1. I tried to catch some fog earlier, but I mist.
  2. My friend broke his arm after falling off a ladder. I told him to be more carefall next time.
  3. Did you hear about the guy who fell into the upholstery machine? He’s fully recovered now.
  4. I slipped on the stairs today and had a big fall. But don’t worry, I’ll bounce back.
  5. I fell over in my garden earlier while trying to plant some flowers. I guess I should have watched my step.
  6. Be careful when climbing that mountain – it has some pretty steep falls.
  7. My friend fell into a wishing well the other day. Luckily he only suffered minor injuries and bruises.
  8. I took a nasty spill down the stairs this morning. It was quite the tumble of events.
  9. I slipped on some ice on the sidewalk and took a bad fall. I’m still picking myself back up.
  10. I fell out of a tree I was climbing and got some bad scrapes. But don’t worry, I’ll heal in time.

Falling One-Liners

  1. My biggest downfall? Gravity.
  2. I fell for you, but landed on my face.
  3. I took a big fall in life, but at least I got back up.
  4. Be careful walking around me—I’m always falling for people.
  5. I may fall for you, but I always bounce back.
  6. Roses are red, violets are blue, I fell for you, and so did my shoe.
  7. Love may cause you to fall, but inner strength helps you get back up.
  8. I’m no angel – I fell from grace years ago.
  9. I fell head over heels for you, but landed flat on my face.
  10. Falling in love left me with a few bruises, but I don’t regret the trip.

Best Falling Jokes

21. I was walking down the street the other day when I saw a man trip and fall flat on his face. He stood up, brushed himself off, and kept walking as if nothing had happened. Another guy saw it too and yelled after him “Are you okay buddy? That was a nasty fall!” The man who fell turned around and said “Don’t worry, I fall for that trick all the time. My wife hired a private investigator to follow me and try to catch me cheating. But joke’s on her – I was just on my way to the library!”

22. My friend Mark is one of the clumsiest people I know. He’s always falling over things and running into walls accidentally. Just last week we were at the park and he tripped over a sprinkler head, face planted right into the grass. As he stumbled back to his feet, he said “Wow, I am falling for that thing!” I just shook my head and said “Mark, you need to watch where you’re going.” Leave it to him to make a joke after literally falling down.

23. I’ll never forget the time my sister tried walking down the aisle in ridiculously high heels at my wedding. She took one step and her ankle rolled – she tumbled right over into a huge floral arrangement! My poor sister was so embarrassed, but she posed for a picture in the flowers and joked “I knew I’d fall for my brother’s wedding, but I didn’t think I’d fall for the flowers too!” We still laugh about that epic fall years later.

24. When I was in college, I had a bad habit of falling asleep at my desk during late night study sessions. One night I drifted off while reading a textbook, and when I woke up my face was stuck to the page! As I was peeling my cheek off the paper, my roommate joked “Looks like you really fell for that book, huh?” I couldn’t help but laugh even though I was bright red with embarrassment. Now I set an alarm to make sure I don’t fall – for my textbooks or anything else – when I’m exhausted from studying.

25. I swear my dog loves making me look like a fool. Whenever I’m walking him, he sees a squirrel and takes off running. Since he’s a lot stronger than me, he ends up dragging me along the sidewalk as I trip and stumble helplessly behind him! I always fall flat on my face while he chases after those squirrels without a care in the world. The neighbors always get a good laugh as I’m laying there grumbling “I can’t believe I fell for that again!”

26. My youngest kid is at that age where he’s convinced he can fly. The other day he dove off the arm of the couch yelling “I can fly, I can fly!” He belly-flopped right onto the floor with a huge thud. As I helped him up he said excitedly “Did you see that awesome jump? I totally fell for it!” I told him “Yes you certainly did fall, but maybe no more jumping from the couch!” He may have a future in comedy if these falling jokes are any indication.

27. I’ll never understand people who walk and text at the same time. My friend was glued to her phone, not paying any attention to where she was going. She tripped over a curb and face-planted onto the sidewalk. A guy walking by stopped to help her up and asked “Are you okay miss?” She looked up embarrassed and said “I make it a rule not to fall for strangers, but I seem to have fallen for this curb.” The guy laughed and said he fell for that joke – and getting her number!

28. During a job interview, I got so nervous that I spilled my entire cup of coffee all over the interviewer’s desk. I was mortified and kept apologizing profusely as I tried to clean it up. The interviewer calmly said “Don’t worry about it. But can I give you some advice?” I nodded eagerly. He said “Next time you’re in an interview, try not to fall for the pressure.” Even drenched in coffee, he had a sense of humor about my falling coffee fiasco.

29. I’ll never forget my little cousin’s dance recital last year. She was about to do a big leap across the stage. My aunt shouted from the audience “You got this Molly!” Molly took off sprinting and yelled “I’m doing it, I’m doing it!” But she didn’t quite make the leap and ended up landing on her butt. She popped back up and took a bow as everyone applauded. As she ran off stage she yelled “I fell for it, but I’m not giving up!” That’s the attitude that will take her places in life.

30. My elderly neighbor fell on the icy sidewalk this winter and broke her hip. After surgery, the nurses kept asking if she was in pain but she stayed upbeat. She joked “Don’t worry dears, I may have fallen on the ice, but luckily I’ve still got some spring in my step!” Even laid up in the hospital, she kept smiling and making light of her situation. Her resilience and humor in the face of hardship was so inspirational.

Falling Puns

31. I slipped on a banana peel and had a nasty fall, so I tried to sue the grocery store. But I didn’t have much of a case. The judge said I should have been more carefruit.

32. Did you hear about the electricity puns that fell flat? The jokes didn’t conduct any laughs from the audience.

33. My friend claims he invented a waterproof coat of glue. But I think his invention story might not stick.

34. When the tree leaves start changing colors, you know autumns around the corner. I can’t wait for the fallegrance of pumpkin spice everything.

35. I entered my tortoise in a race, but he fell asleep halfway through. Clearly he wasn’t in any rush.

36. I spilled a whole basket of laundry down the stairs today. It was quite the tumble dry incident.

37. I tried catching fog in a net today. But I mist my opportunity.

38. My new ladder is defective. It seems levelheaded at first, but things go downhill fast.

39. I entered my pet duck in the local talent competition. But his juggling act didn’t quack up to be anything special.

40. I dreamed I was floating on a marshmallow cloud over a chocolate lake. When I woke up I had fallen out of bed. It was just a falloff fantasy.

Falling One-Liners

41. I fell for your tricks once, shame on you. I fell for them twice, shame on me.

42. Falling for you gave me a few scars, but I don’t regret the trip.

43. Fall for someone who picks you up every time you fall.

44. You had my heart when you caught me from that fall.

45. Falling for you was the best kind of accident.

46. I’m falling for you, so you better catch me.

47. Fall for the one who makes you feel like you’re flying, not falling.

48. Falling for you is the risk I’ll happily take.

49. Falling for you gave me butterflies – and a few bruises!

50. They say what goes up must fall. So I’m falling for you from the highest heights.