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50 Funny Duster Jokes

50 Funny Duster Jokes

Duster Puns

1. I was going to tell a joke about dusters, but it was a little dusty.

2. I wanted to make a joke about dusters, but I didn’t want to raise too much dust.

3. What do you call a duster that’s scared of heights? A dust-acrophobe!

4. My duster is so old, it’s practically a dust-ique!

5. I entered my duster into a beauty pageant. It didn’t win, but it made the top dust.

6. Did you hear about the duster that was charged with assault? It was booked for dusturbing the peace!

7. I was going to tell a joke about dusters, but I didn’t want to kick up a dust storm.

8. What do you call a psychic duster? A dust-ic!

9. Why are dusters so wise? They have a lot of dust-perience!

10. I wanted to tell a joke about dusters, but I was afraid it would bite the dust.

11. Did you hear about the clumsy duster? It was always kicking up dust-ters!

12. What do you call a duster that works as a chef? A dust-er chef!

Duster One-Liners

13. I’m no geology expert, but this duster sure knows how to raise sediments.

14. My duster is so old, it remembers the Dust Bowl era.

15. This duster is so useless, it couldn’t even clean a speck of dust.

16. I got rid of my old duster – it just gathered dust.

17. My duster is so lazy, it takes dust naps.

18. This duster works so hard, it sweeps me off my feet.

19. I’m no astronomer, but this duster has an attractive dust force.

20. I got a new duster yesterday – it was quite the dusting upgrade.

21. My duster is shedding so much, I should call it a dust storm.

22. This duster cleans so aggressively, it’s practically dust-urbing.

Best Duster Jokes

23. I was cleaning with my old duster when I realized just how useless it was. No matter how much I swept, dust still settled immediately. Frustrated, I said to the duster, “Can’t you do anything right? You’re supposed to pick up dust, not kick it around!” If dusters could talk, I swear this one would’ve sassed me back. I decided right then that it was time to get a new duster.

I went to the store and grabbed the most high-tech duster I could find. This baby had all the latest features – extendable handle, microfiber cloth, flexible head. I was sure this duster would get the job done.

Back home, I eagerly ripped open the packaging, ready to get rid of dust once and for all. I started sweeping my shelves with gusto. The duster picked up three times as much dust as my old one ever did. “Take that, dust!” I cheered.

After I was done with the shelves, I moved onto the blinds. The duster’s long fibers grabbed every speck of dust on each slat. Half an hour later, I stood back to admire my dust-free home. No dust bunnies hiding anywhere.

Later that day, I noticed dust was slowly settling again. I couldn’t believe it! “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said to my new duster. “Didn’t we just clean?” The duster just stared back silently. Looks like no duster is a match for dust.

24. I was browsing online for a new duster when I came across one called the “Dust Destroyer 3000”. According to the product description, this duster used static electricity to grab and eliminate dust. I doubted it could live up to such a bold name, but I was desperate for something to help with my dust allergies.

The duster arrived a few days later and I excitedly ripped it out of the packaging. I gave it a test run across the coffee table – it picked up three times the amount of dust my old duster did! Impressive. Next I tried the bookshelves, then the ceiling fan. The Dust Destroyer 3000 was doing an amazing job.

After I finished cleaning the entire apartment, I sat back and admired my dust-free space. “Take that, dust! You’ve finally met your match!” I said.

But over the next few days, I noticed dust accumulating again. I couldn’t believe it! I grabbed the Dust Destroyer 3000 and gave everything another sweep. Once again, the duster performed flawlessly. But the dust kept returning.

No matter how high-tech your duster is, dust will always come back. Those pesky particles are resilient. I may have found a great cleaning tool, but looks like no duster can fully destroy dust.

25. Sarah was excited when she ordered the latest model of the Whirlwind duster. “This baby has tornado-force wind power to lift even the smallest dust particles!” proclaimed the website. Sarah dreamed of a perpetually dust-free home.

On cleaning day, she eagerly assembled the Whirlwind, admiring its shiny metallic body and futuristic design. She flipped the switch on high and began dusting. A miniature tornado erupted from the nozzle, violently sucking up everything in its path. Knickknacks and papers went flying as Sarah struggled to control the duster.
“So much for dust-free!” Sarah shouted over the roar. “This thing is a dust-aster!”

After wrestling the duster into submission, Sarah inspected her home. Dust was nowhere to be seen, but the place was in shambles. Sarah groaned as she put the items back in order, grumbling about the false advertising.

The next day, Sarah noticed dust gathering on the furniture again. She glared at the Whirlwind duster in the closet. “We meet again, dust- devil. Let’s just keep it on low speed this time.” No matter how powerful the technology, dust always finds a way back in.

26. Jeff ordered the Cyclone 5000 duster the second he saw the commercial, captivated by claims that it “annihilated dust at a molecular level”. Several days later, the duster arrived in a sleek silver case reminiscent of a sci-fi movie prop. Jeff eagerly took it out and turned it on, ready to obliterate dust from his home once and for all.

The Cyclone 5000 lived up to its dramatic name as it blasted dust off of every surface. Jeff cheered, feeling like an action hero defeating an enemy while wielding the powerful duster.

But the next day, Jeff noticed new dust already settling back in. He rushed to grab the Cyclone 5000, but no matter how thoroughly he dusted, the dust always returned. Jeff was puzzled. How could dust continue to accumulate if the molecules were being destroyed?

Later that week Jeff spotted a neighbor vacuuming dust and he realized the truth. No matter how strong the duster claims to be, dust persists. Those tiny particles seem to magically regenerate endlessly. While it made cleaning more efficient, the Cyclone 5000 was no match for the constant cycle of dust.

27. When Kevin saw the commercial for the Dust Hurricane 2000, he knew he had to have it. This duster boasted aerospace-engineered turbo power to literally blow dust away. “Goodbye dust!” Kevin thought gleefully.

The Dust Hurricane 2000 arrived and Kevin eagerly turned it on high. A roaring gust burst forth, sending knickknacks flying and photos dropping off walls. “Whoa!” Kevin cried as he wrestled to control the duster. He cautiously lowered the power, continuing to clean at a less turbulent velocity.

Once finished, Kevin admired his dust-free living room with satisfaction. But the next morning, he groaned to see new dust already settled around the TV and bookshelves.

Over the next few weeks, Kevin found himself constantly battling dust with the Dust Hurricane 2000. No matter how thoroughly he blasted his home, the dust always returned. He began to realize that no duster, even one engineered by NASA, could permanently banish dust. Those minuscule particles are just part of life.

28. Jake was enthralled when he saw the commercial for the Cyclone duster with “revolutionary tornado vortex technology to effortlessly eliminate dust!” Dramatic footage showed the Cyclone lifting a layer of dust from furniture in mere seconds. Jake knew he had to have it – his allergies would finally cease with a dust-free home!

The Cyclone arrived and Jake turned it on full power for his first use. A miniature tornado shot forth, sending papers, books, and plants around the room. “Yikes!” Jake lunged to dial back the setting. On low speed, the duster performed flawlessly, sucking away all traces of dust. “Take that, allergies!” Jake rejoiced.

But only a day later, Jake groaned when he noticed dusty shelves again already. He cranked the Cyclone to high, blasting another tornado around the room. Objects once again went flying as Jake wrestled to decrease the speed.

Over the next few weeks, Jake found himself on an endless cycle with the Cyclone. No matter how thoroughly he tornado-blasted his home, dust always returned. He realized no duster, even one with a vortex feature, could permanently banish dust. When it came to dust, the Cyclone was all bluster.

29. When Lisa saw the Dustinator duster advertised on TV, she knew she had to have it. This duster claimed to use a “patented nanotechnology filtration system” to “completely eliminate” dust at a molecular level. Lisa imagined never having to dust again and ordered it right away.

The Dustinator arrived in a fancy box with bold letters proclaiming it the “ULTIMATE DUST DESTROYER”. Lisa eagerly plugged it in and started using it around the house. She was amazed to see it seemingly making dust vanish before her eyes, just like in the commercials.

“Take that, dust! You’ve met your match!” Lisa cheered. But the next day, Lisa noticed dusty picture frames already. She grabbed the Dustinator and used its maximum setting, yet the dust kept coming back.

It became clear over time that no fancy “nanotechnology” could permanently stop dust. Lisa had fallen for over-the-top marketing claims. No matter how hard she Dustinated, dust always found its way back into her home.

30. Mark was obsessed with the new Cyclone Extreme duster he saw advertised on the internet. It boasted patented “airmultiplier” technology that “literally obliterated dust particles from existence”. Mark couldn’t wait to get his hands on the Cyclone Extreme and rid his home of dust forever.

The duster arrived and Mark turned it on high for maximum dust destruction. A roaring gale erupted forth, blowing framed photos off the wall and plants off their stands. “Dial it back! Dial it back!” Mark yelled over the windtunnel noise. On a lower setting, it cleaned surfaces impressively.

But the next day, Mark sighed when he saw new dust already gathered. No matter how he tried to “obliterate” it with air multipliers, the dust always returned. It became depressingly clear that dust was here to stay in his home no matter what space-age duster he used. In the battle against dust, the Cyclone Extreme was just a bunch of hot air.