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43 Funny Dry erase board Jokes

43 Funny Dry erase board Jokes

Dry Erase Board Puns (14)

  1. I’d tell you a joke about dry erase boards, but I don’t want to write it in stone.
  2. My dry erase board is very transparent with me. You could say it puts everything out in the open.
  3. Working with dry erase boards all day isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I can deal with it. I have lots of expungerience.
  4. I bought my dry erase board on clearance. It was quite the steal!
  5. When I host game night, my friends always want to play on the dry erase board. I guess you could say it’s become quite the draw.
  6. Did you hear about the dry erase board that got arrested? He was convicted of marker theft!
  7. I was going to make a joke about dry erase boards, but I figured I shouldn’t write anything in ink.
  8. Why can’t a leopard hide from a dry erase board? Because it’s always spotted.
  9. Want to hear a joke about dry erase boards? Nevermind, I don’t want to write you a novel.
  10. Working with dry erase boards all day can be a drag, but I try not to get too bored.
  11. I bought my daughter a dry erase board for her birthday. You should have seen her face light up when she erased it!
  12. What do you call a dry erase board that skips leg day? A white-board.
  13. Dry erase boards are always changing. They just can’t commit to anything!
  14. My dry erase board and I have a very transparent relationship.

Dry Erase Board One-Liners (13)

  1. My dry erase board is very blunt with me – it always gives it to me straight.
  2. They say dry erase boards are easily replaceable, but I beg to differ.
  3. I’d tell you a dry erase board joke but it’s probably been wiped clean by now.
  4. Dry erase boards are remarkable tools when you need to get your point across.
  5. My dry erase board motivates me to wake up early and seize the day.
  6. Dry erase boards: making communication crystal clear since 1974.
  7. Q: Why was the dry erase board magician so popular? A: He had a way with words!
  8. Dry erase boards – perfect for those temporary permanent solutions.
  9. Dry erase boards always make my messages stick.
  10. A day without my dry erase board is just not write.
  11. I wanted to tell you a joke about dry erase boards, but the punchline wasn’t apparent.
  12. Dry erase boards: for those who hate commitment.
  13. My dry erase board always provides clarity when things get messy.

Best Dry Erase Board Jokes (16)

  1. I was hosting a big party and running around making sure all the preparations were perfect. My friend saw me frantically erasing and rewriting things on my giant dry erase board checklist and shook his head. “You’re really making sure you dot your I’s and cross your T’s huh?” he asked. “Yeah,” I replied, “I just have to keep things squeaky clean today.”
  2. My coworker came rushing into the office in a panic because she lost her expensive dry erase board markers. We turned the office upside down searching everywhere but couldn’t find them. After about an hour she remembered she left them on the dry erase board ledge in the conference room. I just shook my head and said, “Amanda, Amanda, Amanda… you need to remember to put the caps back on!”
  3. I was cleaning out my attic last weekend and found an old dusty dry erase board up there. When I picked it up, a magical genie appeared! He said, “Thank you for freeing me from my dry erase board prison! In return, I will grant you three wishes.” I thought hard and said, “I wish for unlimited wishes!” The genie laughed and said, “Nice try, that won’t work on me! You get three wishes, no more. Try again.”
  4. My first day of student teaching was a disaster. As I was introducing myself to the class and writing my name in big letters on the board, a student yelled out, “You misspelled your name!” I was mortified but tried to play it cool. I picked up the eraser but when I went to wipe away my name, I ended up erasing a big chunk of the teacher’s lecture notes too. The class erupted in laughter. I wanted to disappear! Just then a piece of chalk fell off the ledge and broke on the floor. A student called out, “Don’t worry it’s fine! We know you’re not very…board certified.” I put my head down on the desk and thought, it’s going to be a long semester.
  5. When my daughter started middle school, she begged me for a big whiteboard for her room to write down homework assignments and track her schedule. I surprised her with a nice large one along with a set of colorful markers and erasers. She was thrilled! For months it helped keep her super organized. Then one day she came home from with a frustrated look on her face. I asked what was wrong and she shouted, “My dumb whiteboard isn’t working anymore!” Puzzled, I walked to her room and saw she had drawn all over it with permanent marker. I tried not to crack up as I explained the difference between dry erase markers and permanent ones. She was not amused!
  6. Why was Six afraid of Seven? Because Seven erased Nine from the whiteboard.
  7. Did you hear about the dry erase board that ran off to join the circus? His act was wiped clean every night!
  8. My nephew’s teacher called my sister for a parent teacher conference. She said he was acting up and disrupting class every day. Each morning when the teacher put the daily agenda on the board, he would sneak up and erase part of it when her back was turned. By the end of class everyday, it was an unintelligible mess. My sister apologized to the teacher profusely. That night, she sat my nephew down and scolded him. “Evan, why would you do something like that? Your behavior needs to be spotless in class!” My nephew just smiled and said, “But Mom, the teacher said I need to work on my erase-tude.”
  9. Why don’t dry erase makers ever lose their jobs? They can always find new work on the board!
  10. Want to hear a joke about a dry erase board? Nevermind, it’s probably been erased by now.
  11. I took my whiteboard to the doctor because it wasn’t feeling well. Turns out it just needed a clean bill of health!
  12. What kind of shoes does a dry erase board wear? Erasers!
  13. Why did the dry erase board get sent to the principal’s office? It was caught marking up the bathroom stalls!
  14. My friend got a job at the dry erase board factory. He said the first day was pretty rough but it’s smooth writing from here!
  15. Why are dry erase boards always wearing sunglasses indoors? Because their future looks bright!