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53 Funny Deer Puns

53 Funny Deer Puns

Deer Puns

1. What do you call a deer who tells bad jokes? A corny buck!

2. Why don’t deer need jobs? Because they have antlers!

3. Why did the deer wear earmuffs? Because he didn’t want to be bucked off!

4. Why can’t deer tell jokes timing? They always rush the delivery.

5. What’s a deer’s favorite martial art? BuckKWONdo!

6. Why do deer make bad taxi drivers? They’re always stag-gering around.

7. What do you call a deer who can use tools? A jackalope!

8. How does a deer stop a CD? He bucks it!

9. Why are deer so good at trivia? They’re full of ob-scure facts.

10. Why shouldn’t you tell a joke to a deer? It might goat over their head!

11. What’s a deer’s favorite day of the week? Bucks-day!

12. What’s a deer’s favorite candy? Caramellbucks!

13. Why do deer make bad sailors? They get deersick easily.

14. What do you call a deer who never shows up on time? A chro-nic tardy buck.

15. Why don’t deer ever win arguments? They don’t have a leg to stand on!

Deer One-Liners

16. I once knew a psychic deer who predicted the winning lottery numbers… sadly he was a phony buck.

17. I took my deer friend out to a fancy restaurant last night but he didn’t enjoy it… I guess he’s just not into fine dining buck.

18. My deer friend got into breakdancing recently but he’s just not cut out for it… his moves are pretty doe.

19. I told my deer friend to go on a date with a nice doe I knew but he refused… I guess he’s just buck shy.

20. My deer friend is obsessed with taking selfies… he’s quite the camera buck.

21. I wanted to introduce my deer friend to chess but he just wasn’t interested… I guess strategic games aren’t his cup of buck tea.

22. My deer friend came down with a bad cold recently… the poor guy is sick as a buck.

23. I tried to get my deer friend to go bowling with me but he declined… apparently it’s just not up his alley, buck.

24. My deer friend is quite the picky eater… he really knows how to buck the system.

25. I wanted to take my deer friend camping but he wasn’t having it… I guess the outdoors isn’t his scene, buck.

Best Deer Jokes

26. A police officer pulled over a deer for speeding down the highway. “Do you know how fast you were going?” the cop asked. “No sir, I don’t have a bucking clue!” the deer replied. The cop chuckled, let him off with a warning, and sent the funny buck on his way.

27. A deer walked into a car dealership looking to buy a new set of wheels. The sales-buck greeted him and showed him their best selling model. “I’m not sure this is right for me,” said the deer. “I need something extremely fuel efficient that can handle my doe-to-doe driving needs.” The sales-buck nodded understandingly and said “I have just the thing!” He brought out an electric car, perfect for the eco-conscious deer. The deer bought it on the spot, excited to reduce his carbon hoofprint.

28. A deer decided to try speed dating for the first time. He was having no luck connecting with the does. Finally one sat down who seemed sweet and down to earth. They started chatting and really hit it off. The timer went off ending the speed date. “Bucks,” said the deer as they got up to move on to the next round. “I wish we had more time together. I barely got to bucking know you!” The doe smiled and said “Me too! Hopefully we get matched up at the end.” Here’s hoping those love-buck find each other again!

29. A deer walked up to the ticket counter at the movie theater. “One ticket for that new action movie, please,” he said, slapping $10 on the counter. “Here you go, enjoy the buck-buster flick!” the ticket seller replied with a smile. “Uh, don’t you mean blockbuster?” the deer asked, confused. Nope, today is ‘Animal Pun Day’ here at the theater, so for deer customers it’s buck-busters!” The deer laughed heartily. “You really pulled that punny joke out of your tail! Good one.” He took his ticket and trotted off to go watch the buck-buster.

30. Every year the deer community held a talent competition called Buck’s Got Talent, hosted by famous comedian Buck Hope. Contestants from all over the forest would come to show off their skills, whether it be singing, dancing, magic tricks or more. One year, a shy fawn decided to put his comedy chops to the test. He walked out on stage and performed a hilarious stand-up routine poking fun at forest life. The crowd roared with laughter the whole time. When he finished, Buck Hope came on stage and said “You really knocked their antlers off out there! Congratulations, you’re our next Buck’s Got Talent champion!”

31. A deer went out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. The waiter came over to take his order. “I’ll have the garden salad to start please.” “Excellent choice sir. And what dressing would you like on that?” the waiter asked. “Ranch, please.” The waiter shook his head. “I’m afraid we’re all out of ranch.” The deer was surprised. “Really? You have no ranch at all?” The waiter leaned in close and whispered “No sir… we have no ranch to give to you.” The deer burst out laughing at the deer-themed restaurant pun.

32. Jeff was thrilled when his best friend Bobby asked him to be his best buck at his upcoming wedding. He gladly accepted the hoofer of honor position. As the big day approached, Jeff helped Bobby hooves the right tuxedo, plan the buck’s party festivities, and make sure everything was perfectly prepared for the ceremony. The day finally arrived and Jeff stood proudly next to Bobby under the altar as he deerfully wed the love of his life. It was an emotional and joy-filled occasion that Jeff knew he’d cherish forever.

33. Sammy the deer loved playing hide and seek in the forest with his friends, but he was never very good at it. They always found him quivering behind a bush or tree within minutes. One day, an old buck wandered up to Sammy’s herd and taught them how to properly camouflage themselves in the woods. Sammy practiced his new skills and finally became the hide and seek champion he always wanted to be. For once he got to do the seeking rather than being the first one found!

34. Mark the deer dreamed of being a famous dancer ever since he was a young fawn. He auditioned for the prestigious National Buck Ballet company and was ecstatic when they accepted him. He trained for months to perfect his grand jetés and pirouettes. On opening night Mark leaped and twirled his way across the stage, bringing the audience to their hooves with his graceful moves. For his superb dancing, Mark was awarded the coveted Buck Troupe Dancer trophy at the annual ceremony. It was the proudest moment of his life.

35. Claude the clumsy deer was having a tough time during mating season. He tried impressing does with his strength by bucking trees, but ended up with a concussion. He showcased his speed running laps around the meadow, but tripped over his own hooves. Finally Claude gave up his attempts to woo mates and sat by the lake feeling sorry for himself. Suddenly a beautiful doe came over and nuzzled him sweetly, seeing past his clumsiness. Claude realized she loved him just as he was. The two deer touched noses and walked off happily together.

Deer Puns

36. What do you call a deer who does magic? A hocus pocus buck!

37. What do you call a deer who likes to sing opera? Pavarbuckti!

38. What’s a deer’s favorite type of music? Hip hoop!

39. Why don’t deer ever feel lonely? They have each utter!

40. What’s a deer’s favorite TV show? The Young and the Buckless!

41. How does a deer get in shape? They hit the buckket!

42. Why did the deer hire a chauffeur? He didn’t want to buckle up!

43. Why are deer such loyal friends? They stick with you through thick and buck!

44. What do you call a deer who’s a handyman? Buck Bob the Builder!

45. How do deer get to work every day? They carbuck-pool!

46. Why are deer so good at video games? Their hooves make easy controllers!

47. What’s a deer’s favorite coffee drink? A doe-er’s latte!

48. Why can’t deer become famous singers? They don’t have the star buck appeal!

49. What do you a call a deer who solves mysteries? Detective Buck!

50. How does a deer reach enlightenment? They become one with their in-deer self!

Deer One-Liners

51. I wanted to take my deer friend on a hot air balloon ride, but he chickened out at the last minute…I guess he was just a big scaredy buck.

52. My deer friend loves showing off his strength in front of does, but they always seem unimpressed…I keep telling him it’s not wise to flex your muskles buck.

53. I told my deer friend we should go on a juice cleanse together, but he said no way, he needs his daily intake of sugar and caffeine…yeah, he just can’t give up the buckaccinos.