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75 Funny Cowbell Jokes

75 Funny Cowbell Jokes

Cowbell Puns

1. I’m not sure if I should buy a cowbell or not. It’s a huge commitment and I don’t want to jump into it without thinking through all the pros and cons first. I guess you could say I’m on the fence.

2. My friend got frustrated trying to hang up her new cowbell. She said it was driving her bell-ligerent.

3. The cow was angry that the farmer kept taking her bell away. She was completely bell-igerent about the whole thing.

4. The cowboy entered the bull riding competition hoping to take home the cowbell prize. He knew the key to success was holding on for dear life while the bull went bell-istic.

5. When the frontman of the rock band would solowith his cowbell, the crowd would go bell-istic with excitement.

6. The rancher gathered all his cowbells and entered them into the county fair’s bell competition. He was hoping to ring home some ribbons.

7. The cow felt naked without her bell around her neck. She couldn’t wait to be re-belled.

8. The cow was excited when the rancher gave her a new bell for Christmas. She immediately began shaking her bell-ly to hear the sweet tinkling sound.

9. The novelty cowbell store had a huge clearance sale to get rid of overstock. It was udder madness.

10. The cow loved her bell so much she would ring it incessantly while grazing in the field. It drove the farmer bell-ligerent.

Cowbell One-Liners

11. I got a degree in cowbell from the University of Mississippi.

12. Why does the cow have a bell? Because its horn doesn’t work!

13. How do you make a cowbell? Take away its horns!

14. What sound do you hear when a cow laughs? A cowbell!

15. Why don’t cows ever have hot bell-ies? Because they have udders!

16. What did the cow say when it lost its bell? “Dang it, I’ve been de-belled!”

17. How do you stop a charging cow? Take away its credit card!

18. What do you call a cow who just gave birth? De-calf-inated!

19. Why don’t cows ever go on vacation? They’re afraid they’ll get muuugged!

20. Where do baby cows eat lunch? The calf-eteria!

Best Cowbell Jokes

21. A rancher was trying to round up his cows during a heavy storm. Lightning was flashing and thunder was booming loudly. To communicate over the noise, the cows had started hitting their bells rhythmically. The rancher turned to his farmhand and shouted, “Whenever you hear those cows rhythmically ringing their bells, that’s mood cow bell!”

22. A band was performing at the county fair when suddenly the lead singer ripped off his shirt, grabbed some cowbells from backstage and started wildly ringing them while screaming the lyrics to their hit song “More Cowbell!” The crowd went crazy as the shirtless singer danced around the stage, feverishly ringing the cowbells. His bandmates just shook their heads and kept playing through his cowbell solo.

23. Old MacDonald had a band. He played guitar while his wife jammed the bass. Their son shredded on electric and their dog Toby banged the drum. But their cow Bessie, she played the cowbell. She’d shake and ring, ring and shake, the cowbell rhythm they would make. With her bell keeping time, they sounded mighty fine. Old MacDonald had a band, cowbell!

24. Sally the cow loved listening to rock and roll music while grazing in the meadow. One day she realized that the songs she liked best all had something in common – they featured a cowbell! From then on, she’d shake her bell and pretend she was the cowbell player in the band whenever her favorite tunes came on. Sally was living her dream of being a cow cowbell player.

25. A hipster walked into a music shop and asked the clerk “Do you have any cowbell?” The confused clerk responded “You mean a cow bell?” The hipster scoffed “No, just cowbell. I need it for my avant-garde jazz ensemble.” Still puzzled, the clerk said “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean by just cowbell.” The hipster condescendingly explained “You know, like in the classic Saturday Night Live skit. We’re going for that sweet cowbell sound.” Suddenly realizing, the clerk laughed and said “Oh, more cowbell! Why didn’t you just say so?”

26. Mildred the cow was utterly disappointed when she only got a triangle to play in the barnyard band. She watched enviously as all the other animals got to play real instruments – Brenda the pig on tuba, Goat Gregory on French horn, even Chicken Chuck on the xylophone. Mildred decided if she couldn’t have a better instrument, she would at least deck hers out. She painted her triangle bright colors and decorated it with rhinestones so it would sparkle. While it was still no cowbell, at least it was better than plain old tin.

27. The cows were nervous about their upcoming Battle of the Bands competition against the local pig pen. Their rival band, the Oinking Sows, had been the reigning champions 3 years straight. “We need something special to win this year,” said Betsy the cow. “I know!” said Matilda. “We need more cowbell!” She ran and got the loudest, most obnoxious cowbell she could find. During their performance the cows reveled in the sows’ horrified faces as Matilda shook the cowbell wildly during their song Milkshake. The ear-piercing cowbell solo ensured victory at last for the cows.

28. Martha the cow long dreamed of being a rockstar. She practiced cowbell every day, developing some impressive bell-hitting skills with her tail. When a new barnyard band formed, Martha showed up to the audition ready to wow them with her cowbell chops. To her surprise, the band already had a cowbell player – Randy the rooster. Martha was disappointed but then had an idea. She confidently strode on stage, tail bell ready, and announced “Randy’s good but you need MORE COWBELL!” The band wholeheartedly agreed. With Martha’s double cowbell attack, the band’s rock and roll dreams were finally complete.

29. The farm animals were rehearsing their big number for the county fair talent show. But their band just wasn’t quite coming together. “We need more percussion,”said Sam the sheep. Sue the pig suggested “Tommy, you should oink along to the beat!” Tommy did his best piggy oinks. “We need more!” said Sam. “I know!” said Millie the cow. “MOOOORE COWBELL!” She grabbed her bell and went wild, leading the barnyard gang to a foot-stomping, bell-ringing performance that brought down the barn.

30. Farmer Bob was fed up with his cows constantly getting loose and wandering off. He decided drastic action was needed to keep better track of the herd. He ordered a hundred cow bells from the rancher supply store and belled each cow in the herd. But the nonstop clanging of cows bells soon drove him nuts. After a sleepless night enduring the racket outside his bedroom window, Bob realized he needed less cowbell, not more!

Cowbell Puns

31. What do you call a cow that plays drums in a rock band? A cowbell-ist!

32. Why don’t cows make good bellhops? Because they’d ring the bell and then run a-moo!

33. How does a cow stop its bell from ringing? It de-tongues it!

34. Why don’t cows do archery? They’re afraid they’ll hit the bulls-moo!

35. Where do cows get together and ring their bells? The moosic hall!

36. Why do cows wear bells? To let the farmers know when they’re moooody!

37. Why don’t cows ever win at hide and seek? Because they always ring their own bell!

38. How does a cow stop its hiccups? It holds its moos and rings its bell!

39. Why don’t cows make good bellhops? Because they’d just ring the bell and run amoo!

40. Why can’t you tell jokes to cows? Because they’ll just ring their own cowbell!

Cowbell One-Liners

41. Cowbells ring, cows sing!

42. Cowbell, more like WOWbell!

43. Shake your cowbell and move it like a Milky Way wrapper!

44. This cowbell solo is really mooo-ving!

45. This cowbell is udderly clang-tastic!

46. We’re really raising the steaks with this cowbell!

47. Let’s shake things up and rock the cowbell!

48. Cowbell fever is spreading – catch it!

49. Feelin’ hot hot hot thanks to this cowbell!

50. Cowbells go ding, cows go moo, rockin’ out with our cowbells too!

Best Cowbell Jokes

51. Clara the cow was known for her cowbell skills on the farm. One night, the animals held a dance in the barn. The sheep band was playing upbeat songs, but something was missing. “We need more percussion!” said the horse. “Clara, get your cowbell!” yelled the goose. Clara grabbed her bell and rocked epic solos during every song. The animals danced up a storm as Clara’s cowbell shimmies kept the party going all night long.

52. Maurice the musical cow was obsessed with cowbells. He had a massive cowbell collection and would spend hours rhythmically ringing different bells. When his heifer friend Hortense asked him why he loved cowbells so much, Maurice said “For me, it’s not just about the cowbell. It’s about exploring the deep, rich tones of moo-sic.”

53. The cows were nervous before their big Battle of the Bands show against the bulls. They had never beaten the bulls’ hard rocking band before. Bessie, their cowbell player, surprised everyone by unleashing a wild heavy metal cowbell solo during their song. The crowds went crazy for Bessie’s cowbell headbanging. Thanks to her bold performance, the cows triumphed over the bulls at last.

54. Maisy the cow longed to join a band but lacked musical talent. One day she saw a band looking for a cowbell player. Excitedly, she ran home, grabbed her bell, and auditioned. The band was wowed by her energetic and rhythmic cowbell stylings. Although she couldn’t sing or play an instrument, Maisy found she could make beautiful moo-sic with her bell. She joyfully joined the band as their star cowbell player.

55. Martha was an eccentric woman who carried a cowbell everywhere she went. She would rhythmically ring her bell during conversations, while shopping, and during meals out. Her family and friends were embarrassed by her constant cowbell ringing. Finally, Martha’s husband Conrad had enough. “Martha,” he said, “I need LESS COWBELL!” She was crushed but gradually learned more appropriate times to enjoy her beloved cowbell.

56. The cowboy band was playing to a packed saloon on a Saturday night. Buzz the guitarist was tearing it up on a blazing solo when the strap on his guitar broke. As Buzz stood frozen in shock, Jo the cowbell player seized the moment. She shook and rang her bell wildly, improvising a rhythm that soon had the crowd dancing. Buzz was able to fix his guitar and shoot Jo a smile. Her cowbell quick thinking had saved the day.

57. When the aliens arrived, all they would say was “We want to hear cowbell.” The scientists tried playing every cowbell recording they could find, but the aliens just shook their heads. Finally, the scientists brought an actual cow with a bell. When they rang the bell, the aliens cheered “More cowbell!” and partied all night long. It seemed the aliens just wanted to get down with some good old fashioned cowbell.

58. The kindergarten class was putting on a cow-themed song and dance. Little Amy marched up to the teacher and declared “I want to play cowbell!” The teacher chuckled at her enthusiasm and said “But Amy, cowbell is very loud. Won’t that scare the other children?” Amy persisted “Please! I promise to play it softly. I’ve been practicing!” Unable to resist her plea, the teacher reluctantly gave Amy a tiny cowbell. During the performance, Amy gently shook her bell, keeping perfect rhythm with a huge smile.

59. The experimental jazz band was getting crazy with improvised solos. The sax player was wailing, the drummer was in overdrive. Just when it reached a chaotic peak, Glen the trombonist shouted “Yo Alfred! Cut loose on that cowbell!” Alfred grinned wildly, grabbed his cowbell, and unleashed a frenzied solo. The band erupted in moos and cheers as the cowbell pushed their jam to new heights of weirdness. The crowd didn’t know how to react but they knew they had witnessed something special.

60. The bull riding contest was about to start. The rowdy crowd was pumped as the first bull burst from the gate. Just as the rider landed on the bull’s back, someone in the audience yelled “More cowbell!” Laughs rippled through the stands but were drowned out as the bull began bucking fiercely. The hilarious call was repeated throughout the event. It became tradition for the crowd to shout for more cowbell whenever a new rider emerged to battle the beast.

61. Irene loved listening to the peaceful sounds of nature in her backyard. The chirping crickets, the croaking frogs, the mooing cows… wait, mooing cows?! To her surprise, a wandering cow with a loud bell had found its way into her yard. Irene raced outside to shoo the cow away, but it evaded her grasp. The cow merrily ran around ringing its irritating bell as Irene became more and more frustrated. Finally she collapsed in defeat, covered her ears and yelled “No! No more cowbell!”

62. The kids at summer camp were divided into teams for a scavenger hunt. Emily’s team quickly found most items on the list. All that remained was “a cowbell.” After searching far and wide, they returned empty-handed. “Sorry, we couldn’t find a cowbell anywhere!” gasped Emily. Just then, they heard a faint tinkling sound. They looked up to see the camp cow meandering nearby, wearing a shiny bell. “The cowbell was right here all along!” shouted Emily’s teammate. Thanks to the cow, their scavenger hunt was a success.

63. Martha was thrilled when the local community band asked her to join them playing percussion. She arrived at their first rehearsal armed with drums, cymbals, and her prized cowbell. The bandleader raised his eyebrows at the cowbell but said nothing. When the music started, Martha lost herself banging the drums. Then came her cowbell solo. She shook that bell with all her might, relishing its bright tone. The horrified conductor finally yelled “No more cowbell!” Martha reluctantly put it away, but the band let her break it back out for the occasional rock number.

64. The misfit kids at school formed a band for the talent show. Though lacking traditional talent, their passion for music united them. Tammy took up the triangle, Rico pounded trashcan drums, and Simon provided spoons and kazoo stylings. But their sound was not quite complete until Ursula unleashed her cowbell. With Ursula’s cowbell flair, their unique sound came together. Other students laughed, but the oddball combo didn’t care. They rocked on, cowbell and all.

65. The ski resort’s resident herd of cows loved ringing their bells as skiers zoomed by. Patsy, the most musically inclined cow, decided they should take their bell ringing to the next level. She rallied the other cows to join her in an impromptu flash mob cowbell performance during the resort’s apres ski party. Partygoers were stunned when 20 cows paraded in clanging out a rhythm on their bells. The cows brought down the house and got lots of free hay. Now cowbell concerts were a weekly tradition.

66. The family farm was struggling, so Pa had to lay off farmhands until profits improved. He assured Ma not to worry because he had a plan. Soon, Pa brought home 50 cows, each wearing a loud bell. “What are these for?” asked Ma. “Cowbell music!” answered Pa. “It will soothe the animals and keep our spirits up