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22 Funny Coral Puns

22 Funny Coral Puns

Coral Puns

1. I wanted to make a joke about coral, but I reefuse to stoop that low.

2. What do you call a coral that works as a stand-up comedian? A pun-ny polyp!

3. Did you hear about the coral that was nominated for an Oscar? It was outstanding in its reef.

4. Why don’t corals like to share? They’re shellfish.

5. What do you call a sleepy coral? A coral that’s catching z’s.

6. How does coral get online? With its web anemones.

7. Why was the coral late for work? It oversleept.

8. What happens to naughty coral? They get grounded in their polyp.

9. How do corals party? They turn up the anemone.

10. The coral was feeling ill, so it went to the cephalopod.

11. The shy coral had a hard time breaking out of its shell.

12. The coral was judged at the beauty pageant and won first reef.

Coral One-Liners

13. I wanted to make a coral reef joke, but I decided to deep six it.

14. Coral sometimes tells bad jokes on porpoise.

15. Coral bands rock hard.

16. That’s just water under the reef now.

17. Coral has a lot of skeletons in its closet.

18. Corals compete for top billing on the sand-up comedy circuit.

19. Coral has anemoenemies.

20. For corals, every day is a struggle against the current.

21. I sea what you did there.

22. If corals have problems, they just clam up.

Best Coral Jokes

23. A group of corals walk into a bar. The bartender takes one look at them and says “Sorry, no polyps allowed.”

24. What did the coral say to the algae? “You take my breath away.”

25. Why was the coral late to work? It got tide up.

26. How do corals get in touch with each other? With their polyp phones.

27. Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish.

28. What’s a coral’s favorite TV show? The Reef.

29. Why did the coral cross the ocean? To get to the other tide.

30. What do you call a sick coral? An ill polyp.

31. How do corals communicate? Through their shell phones.

32. How does a coral sail the ocean? On its ship reef.

33. What kind of music do corals listen to? Hip pop.

34. Why don’t corals make good comedians? Their jokes fall flat.

35. How does a coral catch fish? With a rod and reel.

36. What happens when a coral gets angry? It reefs out.

37. What do you call a coral that works as a private investigator? Sherlock Polyps.

38. Why did the coral blush? It saw some anemone.

39. What do you call corals that clump together? Budding polyps.

40. How does coral get in shape? By going to sea-robics classes.

41. Why was the coral voted prom queen? It was so poplar.

42. What do corals use to cut their food? Coral knives.

43. How does coral pay for things? With sand dollars.

44. What do you call a coral that loves to read? Bookworm polyps.

45. Why was the coral so upset? Its day was going from bad to wars.

46. How does a coral catch a ride? It wave’s its tentacles.

47. Why are corals so lazy? They’re just drifting through life.

48. What did the coral say to the shrimp? “Water you doing?”

49. Why do corals make good dancers? They know how to coral-eograph.

50. What do you call a coral that works as a lifeguard? A baywatch polyp.