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42 Funny Circle Jokes

42 Funny Circle Jokes

Circle Puns

1. I tried to come up with some geometry jokes but they were too formulaic.

2. The circle was fired from his job as a teacher because he was always going off on tangents.

3. Why was the circle upset? He felt like people were talking behind his back.

4. I heard two circles got married. The wedding was so emotional, it brought me to tears.

5. Why can’t circles play cards? Because they always fold.

6. The circle wanted to run for office but he was worried people would think his platform was too well-rounded.

7. Why don’t circles ever lose arguments? Because they’re never wrong.

8. What do you call two circles who share an apartment? Room-mates.

9. How does a circle clown entertain at parties? By spinning around, telling corny jokes and generally making a spectacle of himself.

10. Why was the circleLatecoming back from his vacation? He took the scenic route.

11. What do you call a sleepy circle? A napping-sack.

12. Why don’t circles make good comedians? Their material is too circular.

Circle One-Liners

13. I was hoping my hula-hooping skills would improve over time, but it seems I’ve just been going in circles.

14. I’d tell you a joke about circles but it might go right around you.

15. Don’t bother arguing with a circle, they’ll run rings around you.

16. Circles like to stay well-rounded by exercising and sleeping in cycles.

17. A circle walks into a bar and orders a piña colada.

18. I heard two circles got in a fight, apparently it was an endless cycle of violence.

19. How do circles stay in shape? By running laps.

20. A feminist circle demands equal radii!

21. What did the circle say to his friend? Don’t change, you’re round enough as you are!

22. Why can’t circles have phones? There’s no point.

Best Circle Jokes

23. One day a young circle dreamed of being more than just a plain old boring circle. He wanted to do great things with his life, to really make his mark on the world. So he decided to go to shape university to become a more complex and interesting shape. He studied for many years, enduring grueling classes in advanced geometry. Finally, after many sleepless nights, he graduated at the top of his class with a doctorate in shapeology.

Proud of his accomplishment, the circle went out into the world eager to put his new knowledge to work. He landed a job at a prestigious shapes firm. On his first day, the circle rolled into the office excited to start his new career. But as he looked around at all the fancy rectangles, triangles, trapezoids and polygons working there, he began to feel out of place.

Try as he might, he just didn’t fit in with all these complex shapes. They made fun of him for being so simple and one-dimensional. After a few months of teasing and ostracization, the circle fell into a deep depression.

All he had ever wanted was to be respected and appreciated for who he was on the inside rather than judged by his plain outward appearance. Sad and disillusioned, the circle finally rolled out of the office for the last time, never to return.

He realized then that it didn’t matter what fancy degrees he had or how hard he worked – some shapes would just never see past his circular exterior. At long last, he accepted that he would always be a simple circle. But that was ok. His circumferential existence may not have been glamorous, but it was who he was. From that day on, the circle embraced his roundness and found happiness in the simplicity of being himself.

24. There once was a very rich, very eccentric artist named Pablo Circleasco. Pablo lived alone in a large mansion and spent most of his days painting circles. He painted circles of all sizes – tiny circles the size of coins, giant circles the size of tractor tires. He used every color imaginable. Circles were his passion.

When Pablo died, his will stated that his entire collection of circle paintings was to be auctioned off to the public. On auction day, art enthusiasts from all over the country gathered to bid on the paintings.

One wealthy man named Bartholomew eagerly bought up every single circle painting. He spent his entire fortune of over 5 million dollars to amass Pablo’s collection. His wife was furious that he had squandered their savings on these ridiculous circle paintings.

But Bartholomew didn’t care. He loved the artwork and hung all the circle paintings around his mansion. Whenever he felt depressed, he would stroll through the rooms gazing at the circles and his spirits would lift.

Bartholomew’s favorite ritual soon became lying in the circular room at the top of his mansion surrounded by hundreds of Pablo’s paintings staring at the ceilings and walls. Looking at all the colorful circles was hypnotically calming to him and took his mind off his troubles.

The circular room became Bartholomew’s sanctuary. Unfortunately, his wife did not appreciate the artwork as he did. One night in a fit of rage she burned his entire collection of Pablo Circleasco paintings. Bartholomew was crushed to lose his precious circles. He spent the rest of his years searching antique shops to rebuild his collection but never succeeded in finding any original Circleasco works. Though his circles brought him great joy in life, in the end they were just short-lived circles of happiness.

25. Sally Circle was known as the town gossip. She just couldn’t stop spreading rumors and news around the neighborhood. One summer day, Sally rolled down the street to chat to her friend Lucy Square.

“Did you hear the news about Trevor Triangle?” Sally asked Lucy excitedly. “I heard he’s getting evicted from his apartment!”

Lucy shook her head disapprovingly. “No I did not, and frankly it’s none of our business. Please don’t spread gossip about Trevor.”

Sally frowned impatiently. She just had to tell someone her juicy news. So she continued rolling down the street until she bumped into Peter Pentagon.

“Peter! You’ll never believe what I just heard about Trevor Triangle!” Sally exclaimed. But Peter just sighed and told Sally not to spread rumors.

This pattern continued all afternoon as Sally circled round town desperately trying to find someone to listen to her gossip. But everyone she met told her it wasn’t right to talk about others behind their backs.

Finally Sally grew so frustrated that she rolled straight out of town and all the way to the next county over. There she came across a stranger named Hank Hexagon reading a book under a tree. Sally eagerly rolled up to Hank.

“Let me tell you some gossip about someone named Trevor Triangle!” she said. Hank just looked confused and told Sally he didn’t even know anyone named Trevor Triangle or live in her town.

Sally finally realized how silly and pointless her gossiping really was. So she slowly rolled all the way back home, deciding it was time to change her circular ways.

26. A greedy farmer named Jack owned a massive circular field where he grew corn. When harvesting season came, Jack hid among the stalks and refused to let anyone enter to pick any corn. He wanted to keep it all for himself.

This angered the nearby villagers who were now unable to make corn bread or fresh creamed corn. “Please let us have some corn! Just a few ears each!” they begged Jack. But the cruel farmer just shook his head.

The villagers tried sneaking onto the field at night to take some corn, but Jack and his sons guarded it with rifles. Anyone caught trespassing was shot dead on site.

Desperate and starving, the villagers hired a rain maker named Woody to flood Jack’s precious field. Woody used an ancient rain dance passed down for generations. Dark clouds soon formed over Jack’s farm. Thunder boomed and lighting cracked as the clouds burst forth with intense rain.

Within hours, Jack’s entire circular field transformed into a giant muddy lake, drowning all his corn. Fish from a nearby pond swam happily amongst the stalks. Jack fell to his knees in despair, furiously cursing the rain maker Woody as his greedy dreams dissolved.

The villagers cheered and thanked Woody for destroying the cursed crop that had caused so much greed and violence. With Jack’s circular field now cleansed, they planted a new one together and shared the harvest in harmony.

27. The city mayor recently commissioned a famous artist to construct an elaborate circular sculpture in the town park. The artist created a massive swirling circle made up of intertwining metal loops with benches placed strategically throughout so people could sit and observe it from all angles. The sculpture was the talk of the town, with most residents greatly impressed by the work.

One day, a vandal spray painted messy graffiti all over the pristine sculpture, enraging the public. The police chief dedicating tremendous resources toward finding the culprit. Officers interviewed locals and investigated for weeks before finally arresting a teenage boy named Calvin who confessed to the crime.

Calvin told authorities he had vandalized the sculpture to impress a girl he liked. The judge sentenced Calvin to 100 hours of community service cleaning parks. As part of his punishment, the judge also made Calvin observe the sculpture for one hour every day after restoring it until he gained an appreciation for real art.

At first Calvin grumbled during his sculpture viewings, but over time he gained insight into the creative vision behind it. The intertwining circles seemed to take on new meaning. Calvin began seeing beautifully complex patterns emerge from its circular motion.

In the end, the judge’s unorthodox sentence worked. The circle sculpture Calvin once dismissed as boring and worthy of defacing became a source of inspiration for his life and future art studies.

28. Little Timmy Circle loved playing hide and seek with his friends after school. One day, Timmy hid in some bushes in the park to wait for his pals to find him. After a long time passed without any sign of them, Timmy decided to peek out from his hiding spot.

To his shock, the park was deserted! Timmy rolled all around but could not find a single friend. Panicking, he continued rolling down streets and knocking on doors but the town was completely empty. All the shops were vacant. Even Timmy’s house was silent and his family nowhere to be found. It seemed everyone had simply vanished.

Terrified, Timmy kept frantically searching until night fell and exhaustion overtook the frightened circle. He nestled down on an abandoned front porch to rest and await sunrise so the hunt could resume.

As the first light peaked into the sky, Timmy stirred awake. Just then, he heard laughter and chatter near the park. He quickly rolled over to find all the town’s citizens going about their normal morning routines! His friends waved and said it’s about time he turned up – they had given up searching for Timmy in the park ages ago.

Timmy was just happy this whole nightmare of being alone was just in his imagination. But next time he plays hide and seek, he thought, maybe I’ll pick a less isolating hiding spot!

29. Martha Circle was known for two things in her small town: baking delectable pies to sell every Saturday at the farmer’s market, and hoarding every penny she earned. Martha cooked up delicious classics like apple, blueberry, and cherry, but she refused to spend a cent of the profits no matter how much she raked in.

At the end of every market day, she wheeled large sacks of coins back to her tiny cottage on the edge of town and stashed it all in boxes and jars. Every nook and cranny of Martha’s home became crammed with cash. She even started burying mason jars full of money in her yard.

One evening, a terrible storm swept through town striking Martha’s cottage with a bolt of lightning. The place went up in flames, burning all of Martha’s precious coin hoard along with her worldly possessions.

The shocked townspeople rallied together in Martha’s time of need. They gave her food, clothes, and even helped rebuild her cottage. And at every Saturday market, customers arrived in droves buying pies to support Martha through this tragedy.

With no more money left to hoard, Martha realized that true community and friendship were the greatest treasures in life. She invested her new earnings into expanding her cottage into a lively bakery and cafe, bringing people together over a slice of pie and good conversation. From that day forward, Martha never saw the need to hoard coins again.

30. The famous explorer Sir Francis Circleton was attempting to circumnavigate the globe in an old wooden sailing ship. He left England full of excitement for the voyage ahead, anxious to be the first circle to travel all the way around the world.

The early months of the journey went smoothly as he passed Spain, rounded Africa, and continued heading east across the Indian ocean. But as Sir Francis entered the Pacific, violent storms began assaulting his vessel for weeks on end.

The relentless gales ripped apart the sails and thick sheets of rain soaked the maps, rendering them useless. At this point Sir Francis had completely lost all sense of navigation. He prayed the winds would push him in the right direction toward North America.

But the currents had other plans, driving the battered vessel further into the spacious disorientation of the South Pacific. After months fighting the tireless tempests, sickness and starvation had infected the whole crew. When finally the storms passed, all that remained was Sir Francis left aboard a slow spinning hull, hopelessly adrift in the largest ocean on earth.

His ambition to be the first circular world circumnavigator ultimately led to being the first circle castaway lost forever at sea. Sir Francis floated aimlessly west until the end of his days, never again sighting land nor realizing he had traveled nearly the entire circumference of the globe in one giant circle.