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60 Funny Cinco De Mayo Jokes

60 Funny Cinco De Mayo Jokes

Cinco De Mayo Puns (15)

1. I wanted to make a pun about Cinco de Mayo, but my margarita couldn’t think of one.

2. What do you call a Cinco de Mayo party with no tequila? A sinco de sad-o.

3. Why was the Cinco de Mayo party so chaotic? It was mayhem.

4. Why did the mariachi band get kicked out of the Cinco de Mayo party? They weren’t in Cinco de harmony.

5. What do you call a sleepy person at a Cinco de Mayo party? A siesta celebrator.

6. Why don’t mice celebrate Cinco de Mayo? They’re too small for the fiesta.

7. What do you call a Cinco de Mayo party on the moon? An out of this mundo celebration.

8. Why was everyone at the Cinco de Mayo party depressed? There was no fiesta atmosphere.

9. Why was the jalapeño sad on Cinco de Mayo? He didn’t get nacho invite.

10. How did the Mexican juggle on Cinco de Mayo? He used his sombreros.

11. What happened when the piñata saw the tamales at the Cinco de Mayo party? It hit on them.

12. Why couldn’t anyone dance at the Cinco de Mayo party? There was no salsa.

13. Did you hear about the photographer at the Cinco de Mayo party? He had to take lots of fiesta photos.

14. What did the guacamole say to the bowl at the Cinco de Mayo party? You’re looking amazing today!

15. Why was the burrito sad after the Cinco de Mayo party? He got wrapped up in the festivities.

Cinco De Mayo One-Liners (15)

16. I ate so many tacos on Cinco de Mayo, now everything comes out in Spanish.

17. Cinco de Mayo is my favorite drinking holiday that I’m not even sure what we’re celebrating.

18. Margaritas before beer, you’re in the clear. Beer before margaritas, ay dios mio!

19. Cinco de Mayo isn’t about getting drunk, it’s about celebrating Mexican heritage through getting drunk.

20. Tequila is my favorite drinko on el Cinco de Mayo.

21. Cinco de Mayo is the only day I’m fluent in Spanish after drinking margaritas all day.

22. I’m not Mexican, I’m Margarican.

23. Cinco de Drinko, the drunkest day of the year.

24. Nacho average drinking holiday.

25. taco ’bout a great holiday.

26. If drinking margaritas on Cinco de Mayo is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

27. Party so hardo this Cinco de Mayo you end up with a case of jalapeño business.

28. I’m gonna get so dranko this Cinco de Mayo I won’t remember Mayo seis.

29. Cinco de Drinko, Another excuse for us all to drinko.

30. Not sure what we’re celebrating but where’s my margarita.

Best Cinco De Mayo Jokes (30)

31. Juan was excited for his first Cinco de Mayo party. He arrived early to help set up, but quickly realized he was the first one there. “Uno de Mayo?!” he exclaimed.

32. Pedro was running late for the Cinco de Mayo festival. On his way there, he was stopped by a police officer for speeding. Pedro said “I know I was going too fast officer, but I’m Mexican and I always struggle with Cinco de Mayo.”

33. Maria was feeling very festive for Cinco de Mayo this year. She decorated her entire house with Mexican flags, sombreros, and even had a taco bar set up. However, all her friends cancelled at the last minute. Maria sat alone and said “I cinco de mayo’d for nothing!”

34. Jose was excited to celebrate his favorite holiday, Cinco de Mayo. He prepared authentic enchiladas, tamales, and margaritas for a big fiesta. But when no one showed up to his party, Jose said “I can’t believe I got all dressed up for Cinco de No-Show!”

35. Miguel could not wait for Cinco de Mayo this year. He had rented a giant venue, hired a mariachi band, and bought 200 pounds of ground beef for tacos. However, on the day of the party, Miguel suddenly came down with a terrible cold and sore throat. His wife said “Sorry honey, looks like you have Cinco de Flu-o!”

36. Jamal did not understand why his Mexican coworkers were celebrating Cinco de Mayo. He said “I don’t get what the big deal is, May 5th seems like just another day to me!” His coworkers explained that it is a huge Mexican cultural holiday. Jamal responded “Ohh okay, my bad…Cinco de Sorryo!”

37. Samantha was looking forward to going to the Cinco de Mayo festival this year. However, when she saw the weather was forecasted to be cold and rainy, she was no longer excited. Samantha said “Ugh! More like Cinco de Mayo Not Go!”

38. Gary does not drink alcohol, but all his friends were pressuring him to drink tequila shots with them on Cinco de Mayo. He kept refusing until he finally shouted “Stop peer pressuring me! How many times do I have to say no to your Cinco de Crazy-o!”

39. Ashley’s boyfriend Scott completely forgot that Cinco de Mayo was approaching. On May 5th, Ashley got all dressed up and made reservations at a Mexican restaurant while Scott made other plans. When she confronted him, he said “Oops sorry babe, guess it was a case of Cinco de My-Bad-o!”

40. Claire’s roommate Daniela was playing Mariachi music at full volume on the morning of Cinco de Mayo while making a huge breakfast of chilaquiles. Claire had to study for a big exam and yelled from her room “Ugh Daniela please! It’s too early for your Cinco de Wake-o!”

41. Lisa’s husband Mike was feeling extremely hungover the morning after Cinco de Mayo. As he laid on the couch in excruciating pain, Lisa sarcastically asked “Aww what’s wrong? Feeling a little Cinco de Dyin-o?”

42. Alex wanted to throw a massive Cinco de Mayo fiesta this year and invite everyone he knew. However, when he checked his bank account balance he realized that was impossible. Alex said “Oh well, looks like it’s gonna be more of a Cinco de Low-Dough this year.”

43. Emily had looked forward to celebrating Cinco de Mayo every year, but this year she completely forgot about the holiday and made other plans instead. When she realized her mistake a few days later, she said “Wow I can’t believe it…Cinco de Mayo Mind-Blow!”

44. Jack’s girlfriend broke up with him right before Cinco de Mayo, ruining his plans for celebrating together. As he sadly ate chips and salsa alone, he said “I was so excited for Cinco de Mayo, but I guess this year will just be Cinco de No-Go…”

45. Karen loudly complained about all the Cinco de Mayo promotions going on at her local restaurants and bars. “Ugh, I’m so sick of everyone pretending they care about Mexican culture! It’s so obviously just a marketing gimmick!” The server then said “Ma’am, this is a family establishment, not a Cinco de Complain-o!”

46. Tyler and Ryan drank way too many margaritas at the Cinco de Mayo block party. They caused such a drunken scene that police had to escort them out. As they stumbled off shouting and cursing, one officer said “Time for you two drunkies to go home and sleep off your Cinco de Bye-o!”

47. Jasmine brought her new boyfriend Pablo to a family Cinco de Mayo BBQ for the first time. While mingling with her relatives, Pablo accidentally spilled red wine on Jasmine’s aunt’s brand new white dress. Horrified, Jasmine yelled “Pablo!! Watch out next time, don’t you know this is a cinco de familia party-o?!”

48. Andrew was in charge of organizing his office Cinco de Mayo potluck this year. He ordered way too much Mexican food and was stuck with 20 leftover burritos after the party ended. As he packed them into his fridge, Andrew just sighed and said “Well I guess I better get ready for Cinco de Leftovers-o…”

49. Sam made his famous “Diablo Shrimp Tacos” for the neighborhood Cinco de Mayo potluck. His ultra spicy recipe was too hot for most guests. As people chugged water and fanned their mouths, someone shouted “Geez Sam, next time call it Cinco de Flamo!”

50. Jenny hosted an authentic Mexican-themed Cinco de Mayo party and prepared all traditional food and decor. However, her non-Mexican friends complained about everything being too spicy and unfamiliar. Jenny just rolled her eyes and said “Ay gringos and your Cinco de Lame-o!”

51. Tanner woke up with no memory of the crazy Cinco de Mayo party he attended the night before. As he scrolled through photos of himself in a sombrero dancing on a table he said “Wow, I must have had a major case of Cinco de Amnesio!”

52. Brittany was angry that her boyfriend Danny completely forgot about their Cinco de Mayo dinner date. He didn’t answer any of her calls and texts. When he finally contacted her the next day, she furiously told him “It’s too late to apologize now jerk, your Cinco de Denio excuse isn’t gonna cut it!”

53. Mark excitedly told his coworkers he couldn’t wait to celebrate Cinco de Mayo after work. However, when 5pm rolled around, Mark was nowhere to be found. The next day his coworkers joked “Look who it is, Mr. Cinco de Absenteo showing up to work again!”

54. Zack saw his uptight neighbors setting up decorations for a classy Cinco de Mayo garden party. He and his roommates blasted loud Mariachi music and did tequila shots on their front lawn in protest. The neighbors glared at them disapprovingly and said “Ugh, looks like the neighborhood has some new Cinco de Payaso clowns!”

55. Aaron’s girlfriend Danielle spent weeks dragging him to various Cinco de Mayo events around the city. By May 10th, he was completely fed up. When Danielle excitedly said “Only 356 days until next Cinco de Mayo!” Aaron could only roll his eyes and reply “Ay dios mio, we get it, enough with the Cinco de Crazy-o!”

56. Nicole excitedly told her new Mexican boyfriend Alberto all her big plans for celebrating Cinco de Mayo together. However, Alberto just looked confused and said “Uh, I appreciate the thought baby, but I’m from Spain – not Mexico!” Nicole turned red and said “Oops my bad, Cinco de Mistake-o!”

57. Brad arrived dressed in full Mexican garb to what he thought was a Cinco de Mayo party. However, when he walked in, he realized it was just a casual get-together and everyone was staring at him strangely. “Whoops.” Brad said as he slowly backed out “Mea culpa…wrong fiesta!”

58. Angela showed up late and extremely drunk to her office’s Cinco de Mayo potluck. She interrupted her boss’s speech by bursting into loud singing and then spilled salsa all over the buffet table. As security escorted her out, her boss just shook his head and said “Nice effort Angela but next year let’s aim for Cinco de Classyo!”

59. Rob’s girlfriend Olivia was mad at him for forgetting about their Cinco de Mayo couples costume party. Rob arrived dressed in normal clothes while Olivia was decked out in a colorful traditional Mexican dress. Rob tried smooth talking his way out of it saying “Come on babe, don’t be mad! Can’t we turn this Cinco de Yikes-o into a Cinco de Kiss-o?”

60. For their anniversary, Henry surprised his wife Emma with tickets to Mexico set to depart on Cinco de Mayo. However, as they headed to the airport, Emma discovered the trip was to Cabo SAN Lucas, not Cabo SAN Miguel! Annoyed, Emma said “Well it looks like this Cinco de Mayo is about to turn into a Cinco de OhNo!”

I hope this funny listicle provides ample jokes and entertainment for your website! Let me know if you need any revisions or have additional topics for me to cover.