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58 Funny Cheese Jokes

58 Funny Cheese Jokes

Cheese Puns

1. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho cheese!

2. What kind of cheese do you use to disguise a small horse? Mascarpone!

3. Want to hear a joke about cheese? Just brie patient.

4. What do you call a cheese that is sad? Blue cheese!

5. What cheese do you use to coax a bear down from a tree? Camembear!

6. Why did the cheese get arrested? It was proven gouda!

7. I cannoli tell so many cheesy jokes in one sitting.

8. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho cheese!

9. I made a cheesy pizza but there was something feta ’bout it.

10. What do you call a cheese that is sad? Blue cheese!

11. Why was the cheese free? It was on the house!

12. What cheese do you use to get a bear down from a tree? Camembert!

Cheese One-Liners

13. I’m so gouda at telling cheesy jokes I should brie a comedian.

14. Cheese puns are really grate.

15. What do you call a cheese that is sad? Blue cheese!

16. Nacho average cheese joke coming up!

17. I camembert to hear another cheesy joke.

18. These cheese jokes are really grate!

19. Did you hear the one about the cheese in debt? It was provolowned.

20. I cannoli tell so many cheese jokes before it gets too cheesy.

21. I made a cheesy pizza but there was something feta ’bout it.

22. Cheese jokes are grate!

Best Cheese Jokes

23. Why did the cheese cross the road? To get to the cheddar side!

24. What kind of cheese do you use to disguise yourself? Mascarpone!

25. Want to hear a pizza joke? Nevermind, it’s too cheesy.

26. How did the cheeseburg er get a job at the cheese factory? It had all the right queso-fications!

27. Why couldn’t the cheese get on the swingset? It was too swiss!

28. What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Halloumi!

29. Why was the baby cheese scared? Because its feta was sealed!

30. What do you call a cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho Cheese!

31. Why did the cheese refuse to get sliced? It had grater plans!

32. How did the Italian cheese get out of jail? It provolone!

33. What kind of cheese do you use to coax a bear down from a tree? Camembert!

34. Why is Swiss cheese the most dramatic cheese? Because it’s so full of holes!

35. What cheese can never be yours? Nacho cheese!

36. Why did the man get fired from the cheese factory? He kept stealing curds!

37. Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but de Brie!

38. What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho Cheese!

39. Why did the cheese want to become a better person? It wanted to achieve cheddar things!

40. Why was the baby Swiss cheese sad? It felt grated upon!

41. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho cheese!

42. Did you hear about the cheese that saved the world? It was legend-dairy!

43. How did the cheese convince the man to buy it? It gave him a gouda sales pitch.

44. How do you comfort a grieving cheese? You just need to brie there for it.

45. Why do cows make the best cheeses? Because they’re out standing in their field!

46. What kind of cheese do you use to hide a horse? Maskarpone!

47. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho Cheese!

48. Why was the cheese maker fired from his job? He kept making provolone decisions.

49. Why did no one want the cheese’s opinion? Because it was too cheesy.

50. How did the cheeseburg er win the science fair? It had the best experiment brie.

51. Why couldn’t the cheese get on the swingset? It was too swiss!

52. What kind of cheese comes from the moon? Lunar cheese!

53. Why did the cheese quit his job? He felt under a lot of pressure to brie someone he wasn’t.

54. How did the cheese get out of a sticky situation? Gouda thinking!

55. Why was the cheese inspirational? Because it was sage and motivational!

56. Why was the cheese maker so savvy with money? He had a lot of monetary jack!

57. How did the cheese feel after getting the promotion? Grate!

58. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho Cheese!