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43 Funny Candle Jokes

43 Funny Candle Jokes

Candle Puns

1. I tried to start a scented candle business but sadly, no one could get a whiff of my success.

2. I bought my friend a battery-operated candle for her birthday. She said it was lit!

3. Did you hear about the angry candle? It blew its wick.

4. I took my scented candle to the gym. It was a work out for my nose!

5. Why don’t candles ever take days off? Because they want to work around the clock!

6. I entered my homemade candle into a competition. You could say the stakes were pretty high.

7. I bought a Yankee Candle as a housewarming gift. It really lit up the room!

8. What do you call a candle that always finishes first? A winner wick.

9. Did you hear about the candle that was feeling under the weather? It had a bad wick!

10. I was feeling inspired so I wrote a song about candles. You could say I was on a creative wick.

Candle One-Liners

11. I relit my candle for the atmosphere—re-wicked for the ambience.

12. My scented candle smelled so good it had people dropping in without invitation.

13. I accidentally bought trick candles…what a surprise!

14. I was going to tell a joke about candles, but the moment’s gone.

15. I make sure to buy non-addictive candles—don’t want to get waxxed!

16. Candles always brighten my day, unless it’s already bright outside.

17. I bought an expensive candle and my friend called me a wax spender.

18. Candles help set the mood…now to find one for “studying organic chemistry.”

19. I named my candle business “Wick Quick”—our homemade candles sell fast!

20. Be careful with candles near curtains…could lead to some drawn-out consequences!

Best Candle Jokes

21. I accidentally knocked over a lit candle onto my homework. My teacher didn’t believe me when I said, “My dog ate my homework and set it on fire!”

22. My sister loves candles so much she decided to make her own for her home business. She tested over 200 fragrances but still couldn’t find a scent that customers liked. I guess you could say she had a lot of trial and air fresheners.

23. I was feeling very zen last night so I lit some candles and did yoga in my living room. I was in a very deep meditative state when suddenly I heard sizzling. I opened my eyes to find my cats had knocked over the candles and set my yoga mat on fire! I guess you could say it was a heated vinyasa flow.

24. My wife loves scented candles. She has them all over the house and is always buying new ones. The other day a neighbor knocked on our door and asked, “Is that your house I keep smelling?” My wife excitedly said yes! The neighbor then replied, “Well, something smells like it’s burning. I think you left a candle lit somewhere.” My wife ran inside in a panic. Turns out one of her precious candles had caught a curtain on fire! I guess you could say things were really heating up at our house.

25. What do you call a nervous candle? A candle with anxiety wicks.

26. Did you hear about the clumsy candle who got a job at the circus? She was always dropping her juggling sticks so they fired her. They said she just wasn’t cut out for the wick life.

27. My grandfather owned a candle factory before he passed away. We wanted to honor him at the funeral so we made the candles that went inside his memorial extra large and ornate. You could say we pulled out all the stops for his wick-end tribute.

28. Why don’t elephants use scented candles to relax? Because one wick is never enough!

29. Did you hear about the candle that stole gold jewelry from the museum? Police described the suspect as armed and dangerous, fair, waxy complexion, weighs 4 ounces…and they are currently trying to ID the wick!

30. Why couldn’t the Lit major get a job after graduation? She minored in candle-making instead of something useful!

31. Why do candles make the worst house guests? Because they take up all the air in the room!

32. Did you hear about the romantic candlelit dinner where the candles kept going out? I guess you could say the vibe just wasn’t re-lit!

33. Did you hear about the circus clown who got fired for accidentally setting things on fire? Turns out he wasn’t trained to juggle lit candles.

34. What kind of music do candles listen to? Anything as long as it’s lit!

35. Did you hear about the scented candle that wanted to be an author? His friends told him to follow his nose, so he wrote an entire fantasy novel called “The Chronicles of Wickia.”

36. What do you call a candle that just came back from war? A vet-wick!

37. What do you call an environmentally friendly candle? A green wick!

38. Did you hear about the candle that entered a strongman competition? He was disqualified for using performance enhancing wicks!

39. Why are birthday candles so optimistic? Because they know it will be light work blowing them out!

40. Why do candles make great detectives? Because they are always on the case and know how to get to the bottom of things!

41. Why can’t you trust a lit candle? Because they have a fiery temper!

42. Did you hear about the romantic candle that could also tell fortunes? It claimed to be both a flame and a medium!

43. What do you call a candle that roams the countryside? A rambling wick!