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49 Funny Camera Jokes

49 Funny Camera Jokes

Camera Puns (10)

  1. I was feeling negative so I developed all my camera film upside down. Now all my photos look positive!
  2. My friend got frustrated trying to set up his new tripod. I told him to stay calm and camera.
  3. The photographer was struggling to carry all his camera equipment up the mountain. It was such a photo pack climb!
  4. I entered my pet lizard into a photography contest. He was disqualified for using illegal reptile lenses.
  5. I bought a camera to take photos of my dog. It has lots of great dog-umentary features!
  6. The professional photographer was feeling drained and exposure. He decided to develop a new plan and focus on his goals.
  7. Did you hear about the uprising at the camera factory? The workers revolted!
  8. Our photography professor told us to consider new perspectives when framing shots. I guess she really wants us to think outside the viewfinder.
  9. My friend spilled coffee on her camera and started panicking about the cost to fix it. I told her not to get so bent out of shutter.
  10. After the celebrity took an embarrassing photo, his publicist tried to cover it up. I guess you could say she filtrated the image.

Camera One-Liners (14)

  1. I used to do selfies, but then I turned the camera around and realized I’m not that interesting!
  2. I let my camera make an online dating profile for me, but it keeps ghosting people!
  3. I have an invisible camera – I can’t see it!
  4. You know times are tough when your camera gets more vacation time than you do!
  5. My old flip phone takes better pictures than this new smart phone camera – back to the drawing board engineers!
  6. I was going to get LASIK eye surgery, but my camera talked me out of it!
  7. I’m swearing off cameras – the flashes give me horrible red eye!
  8. If a camera could talk, I wonder how many secrets it would expose?
  9. The thief knew to case the joint when he spotted all the security cameras – smile, you’re on candid camera!
  10. The celebrity wished people would respect her privacy, but the paparazzi cameras never blink!
  11. Help, I’ve lost my camera and now I have no good alibis for my whereabouts!
  12. Most people smile for the camera, clowns just clown around.
  13. If you want to hide something from your spouse, check for hidden cameras first!
  14. Surveillance camera operators see all, but rarely judge – it comes with the job!

Best Camera Jokes (25)

  1. A photographer was struggling to get a good landscape shot because the horizon was so misty. He decided to check the weather forecast for clarity.
  2. My friend is completely obsessed with photography. She really needs to get a snap out of it.
  3. I was entering a photography contest but at the last minute I had second thoughts. I realized there was more at stake than just winning a prize – my career was on the line. So I backed out, deciding not to exposure myself.
  4. A wedding photographer was arrested yesterday for working without a permit. Apparently she didn’t have a license to shoot.
  5. Being a nature photographer is a wildlife job with lots of exposures.
  6. An arrogant photographer was scouting locations for an upcoming photoshoot. He told his client, “With my skills, I can capture perfection anywhere. The possibilities are endless!” She slyly replied, “Then why am I paying you instead of buying a postcard?”
  7. My cousin Henry wanted to be an investigative reporter. But the only gig he could get was writing for the National Enquirer. I guess you could say he was a paparazzo from the start!
  8. I bought a vintage film camera at a garage sale but nothing developed.
  9. A group of photographers formed a band called the Camera Obscuras. Their biggest musical influences are the Lensboys.
  10. Did you hear about the hipster who burned his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool.
  11. I entered my pet turtle in a photography competition. But he kept going into his shell, so I had trouble getting good shots. The judges said my photos weren’t developed enough.
  12. Two photographers walk into a bar. They have an exposure off!
  13. When I was a kid I had a Brownie camera. The photos always turned out a little crumby though!
  14. My wife is obsessed with taking selfies but refuses to ask strangers to take photos of us together. I guess you could say she is very self-centered!
  15. What do you call a potato that takes pictures? A phostarch!
  16. In the selfie olympics, narcissists take home all the medals!
  17. Being a fashion photographer is a glamorous job – models are always striking poses for the camera!
  18. My friend Jack is terrified of cameras, especially Polaroids. I guess you could say he’s afraid of instant film!
  19. I had to fire my studio assistant for always photobombing celebrity headshots. She lacked professional composure!
  20. Famous models lead very photograph-ic memories.
  21. My friend Bill became obsessed with photographing his lunch every day. I told him to quit cold turkey!
  22. I joined Instagram to follow my favorite photographer, but she never likes any of my cat photos!
  23. Security camera footage captured a man stealing photo editing software from an electronics shop. Detectives are still trying to Photoshop the suspect’s face.
  24. A group of Broadway dancers created an avantgarde photography collective. Critics say their work is showy but somewhat lacking in focus.
  25. I wanted an old-fashioned portrait of my cat, so I painted the photo after it developed. Now I have a true furryotype!