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59 Funny Broom Jokes

59 Funny Broom Jokes

Broom Puns

  1. What do you call a witch who drops her broom while flying? Broomless!
  2. Why don’t brooms fly well when they’re tired? They get sweepy!
  3. My broom got sick after flying in the rain. Now it has the sweep flu!
  4. What do you call a broom that graduated top of its class? A sweep-a summa cum laude!
  5. I was going to make a joke about a broom, but it would just sweep right over your head.
  6. What do you call a broom that works as a lawyer? A bar-rister!
  7. My broom and I entered a comedy competition. We killed it on sweepstakes night!
  8. What do you call a broom that moonlights as a bartender? A broomtender!
  9. I couldn’t afford to pay my broom cleaner. Now I owe him a sweepin’ fee!
  10. What do you call a broom that leads a herd of cattle? A sweep boss!
  11. My broom got arrested for stealing bread. It’s being charged with loaf sweeping!
  12. I was going to make a joke about a broom factory, but it would just make a clean sweep of the competition!
  13. What do you call a fortune teller’s broom? A sweepstake!

Broom One-Liners

  1. I asked my broom to sweep the floor, but it just brushed me off!
  2. My broom started breakdancing. It has some pretty sweep moves!
  3. I entered my broom in a beauty pageant. It swept the competition!
  4. My broom applied to art school. It wanted to major in sweepstakes!
  5. I caught my broom trying to sneak out to a party. It was being very sweep-titious!
  6. My broom got a summer job as a lifeguard. It was trained in broom-to-broom resweepitation!
  7. I told my broom to leave the house. It made a clean sweep to the door!
  8. My broom started boxing. It’s got a mean right sweep!
  9. I asked my broom to help me clean, but it said it was too sweepy!
  10. My broom got arrested for robbing a candy store. Luckily its bail was sweepstakes!
  11. I caught my broom cheating at poker. It had cards up its sweep!
  12. I told my broom it was useless. That really swept it off its feet!

Best Broom Jokes

  1. My friend was struggling to pay her bills after getting fired from the broom factory. I told her not to worry and swept her financial troubles under the rug!
  2. What do you call a witch who flies off on her broom and leaves her friends behind? Rude and sweepdiculous!
  3. Why can’t brooms get married? Because they just sweep together for a short time before one sweeps the other off their feet!
  4. I was in a dance competition against a bunch of magical brooms. Those brooms really knew how to sweep me off my feet with their fancy sweeping!
  5. I entered my broom in a poker tournament in Las Vegas. It swept the flop, turn and river to win the grand sweepstakes prize!
  6. My broom started breakdancing on the street for money. Its street sweeping was so impressive that it earned stacks of dollar sweepstakes!
  7. I caught my broom trying to sneak into an R-rated movie. When I asked it what it thought it was doing, it said “Uh, just sweeping in?” Nice try, broom!
  8. Why don’t witches celebrate Valentine’s Day? Because their brooms always sweep them off their feet, so they don’t need the extra romance!
  9. What do you call a klutzy witch who keeps falling off her broom? Graceless and sweepcoordinated!
  10. I entered my broom in a photography contest. It took sweeping landscape photos to sweep the judges off their feet and win first prize!
  11. My friend got dumped when her boyfriend’s broom swept him off his feet instead. I told her plenty of fish in the sea, but she needs to find one who prefers non-magical cleaning supplies!
  12. I caught my broom trying to sneak out to go cow tipping. When I asked where it thought it was going it said “Uh, just going on a hay sweep!” Nice try, broom!
  13. Why don’t brooms make good journalists? Because they always sweep stories under the rug instead of reporting them!
  14. What’s the difference between a straight man and a broom? A broom sweeps from both sides of the closet!
  15. I yelled at my broom for leaving dirt all over the floor. It just brushed me off and kept sweeping the dirt around instead of cleaning it up!
  16. What do you call a broom that gets cut off mid-sentence? Rudely sweep!
  17. Why can’t you trust a broom? It sweeps behind your back!
  18. My broom got depressed and started questioning its purpose in life. I told it to stop with the existential sweep crisis already!
  19. What’s a broom’s favorite music genre? Sweep hop!
  20. My broom wanted to be an opera singer, but it couldn’t hold a sweep note to save its bristles!
  21. Did you hear about the restaurant run entirely by animate brooms? People say the sweepstakes there is to die for!
  22. My friend slipped on a banana peel and faceplanted into her broom, getting bristles stuck up her nose. I told her hey, at sweepst there were no sweepnesses!
  23. What kind of car does a witch drive? A Ford Sweepstakes!
  24. Did you hear about the mobster broom? It committed a clean sweep execution!
  25. My friend got a summer job testing quality control at the broom factory. She said it really swept her off her feet!
  26. What do you call a broom that just goes with the flow? A sweep-it-under-the-rug kind of broom!
  27. Did you hear about the broom beauty blogger? Her content really swept her followers off their feet!
  28. I told my broom to read up on politics before trying to argue with me. It hadn’t done its research and was just grasping at sweepstakes!
  29. What’s a janitor’s favorite day of the week? Sweepday!
  30. My friend keeps trying new fad diets to lose weight, but her broom sweeps all the failed attempts under the rug!