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34 Funny Bowl Puns

Bowl Puns

1. I was going to make a joke about bowls, but it was too shallow.

2. What did the bowl say to the spoon? You’re so stir crazy!

3. Why was the bowl feeling empty inside? It had no porridge.

4. Why was the bowl feeling down in the dumps? It hit rock bowl-tom.

5. How did the ceramic bowl feel when it got fired? It was kiln me softly.

6. Why did the bowl cross the road? To get to the other side dish.

7. What do you call a psychic bowl? A fore-bowl.

8. Why do bowls make bad sailors? They’re always getting dished.

9. What do you call a bowtie wearing bowl? Formal bowlware.

10. Why are bowls terrible at keeping secrets? You can easily spoon them.

11. What do you call a bowl that works out? A muscle bowl.

12. Why was the bowl sad after it rained? It was feeling a little blue.

Bowl One-Liners

13. I ordered a bowl online but when it arrived it was cracked. Talk about a bad e-bowl experience.

14. My friend kept bragging about beating me in bowling. What a strike out.

15. I was going to make a cereal bowl pun but it would have been too corny.

16. Did you hear about the angry bowling ball? Apparently it had some issues to strike out.

17. I entered my pet bowl in a race but it got disqualified for doping.

18. I bought a talking bowl but had to return it. All it did was dish out insults.

19. My bowl collection got out of hand. Now my cupboard is chock-full of bowls.

20. I wanted to go bowling but the alley was shut. What a gutter shame.

21. Did you hear about the psychic bowl? It had a pre-bowl-ition something bad would happen.

22. I was going to tell a joke about a bowl, but decided to just wing it instead.

Best Bowl Jokes

23. I entered my pet goldfish in a bowl race last week. It did swimmingly until it got disqualified for doping. Apparently it took some fishy performance enhancing drugs! I told the judges “C’mon, it’s just a bowl fish using bowl tricks to win.” But they wouldn’t fin budge. In the end, my fish really schooled me on cheating. Here’s hoping we can put this whole debacle behind us and dive into a new hobby next time.

24. My friend Jack loves bowling more than anything in the world. He’s a member of a prestigious local league and has bowled multiple perfect games. Well last week, Jack was out bowling when he slipped and badly hurt his wrist. The doctor said he needs to lay off bowling for a few months to heal. Jack was so depressed, he refused to leave his house or see anyone. I decided to visit him and try to cheer him up. I brought a bowl with me and told him: “Don’t worry Jack, things will get better bowl and bowl!” He cracked a smile and said “Thanks friend, I needed that.” Sometimes all you need is a good bowl pun to lift your spirits!

25. I recently visited a fortune teller who said she could see my future by looking into her crystal bowl. As she gazed into the sparkling bowl, her face suddenly turned pale. She gasped “Oh no! I foresee that in your future…you will drop and break your favorite ceramic bowl!” I chuckled nervously, thinking she was just joking around. But sure enough, just a week later, I was carrying my treasured hand-made bowl to the table when I tripped over my dog’s toy. The bowl went flying and smashed into pieces on the floor. I was stunned that the psychic’s prediction came true! Now I’m a firm believer in the mystical power of the bowl. Just be careful if a psychic warns that you’ll break your bowl – it’s sure to happen!

26. Why was the archaeologist so excited when he dug up an ancient bowl? Because it was an artifact of bowl history! This archaeologist had dedicated his career to studying ancient bowls and dishware. He had traveled the world excavating sites where he hoped to uncover rare and unique bowls. When he finally dug up this intact specimen dating back thousands of years, he was over the moon. He carefully transported the bowl back to his lab, where he intended to study every inch of it for clues about how our ancestors lived. Through analyzing the materials, construction methods, and markings on the bowl, he gained fascinating insights into bowl history. The archaeologist couldn’t wait to give a lecture on the significance of his new bowl find. For him, it was a real artifact of bowl history.

27. I’ll never forget the time my friend Ken entered a major bowling tournament. He had been practicing intensely for months to prepare for this. In the first round, Ken was doing well and on track to get a near perfect score. But in the final frame, disaster struck. Ken got up to bowl what should have been his final strike. As he released the ball, his hand stuck in the finger holes and he was dragged down the lane along with the ball! He got yanked all the way to the pins which ended up scattered everywhere. Needless to say, Ken didn’t advance to the next round. But on the plus side, the video of the incident went viral online. To this day, he’s known as “Bowling Ball Boy” and people still stop him to talk about that wacky moment. Ken can even laugh about it now too. And it just goes to show that you should never get too cocky in bowling – because the bowl can strike back when you least expect it!

28. Why do melons have weddings in bowling alleys? Because they cantaloupe!

This joke features a classic pun playing on the words “can’t elope” and the melon variety “cantaloupe.” The joke implies that melons get married in bowling alleys because the setting prevents them from eloping or having a private quick wedding. The bowling alley represents a public place with witnesses, keeping the melons from sneaking off. Additionally, “cantaloupe” rhymes with “can’t elope,” making the wordplay funny. The silliness of melons having weddings at all adds another layer of humor. Overall, this goofy pun definitely hits the right notes for a funny joke combining melons and bowling!

29. My friend was bragging about bowling a perfect 300 game last night. But knowing him, I took his story with a grain of salt. I said “Wow, every single roll was a strike? That’s highly un-bowl-ievable!” He insisted it was true, but I didn’t buy it. “Please, spare me the fake bowling stories!” I told him.

He seemed pretty salty that I didn’t believe him. “I’ve got witnesses to prove it was all strikes” he claimed. But then I noticed him glancing around suspiciously. That’s when I knew he was just bowlin’ me over with fake news. I called him out, saying “Admit it, your bowling feat was a load of bull. 300, my foot! More like you scored a 30 and added a zero.”

Finally he cracked and admitted he was telling a tall tale. “Alright, fine” he said, “I didn’t actually bowl a perfect game. I was just trying to score some extra pins with you.” Moral of the story: don’t believe every wild bowling story people throw your way. Check the scorecard before accepting it as true. Otherwise, you might end up being bowled over by lies!

30. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

This joke pokes fun at the fragility of eggs. The punchline implies that eggs don’t tell each other jokes because they are prone to literally cracking up, or breaking into pieces. It’s a simple, clean pun playing off the two meanings of the phrase “crack each other up.” On one hand, it means to make each other laugh hysterically. But with eggs, the phrase takes on a more literal meaning of causing each other to crack open. The mental image of eggs telling jokes but then cracking up midway through really sells this punny joke. It’s sure to get a chuckle and maybe even crack a smile!

31. What kind of bowls do you find in heaven? Hallel-bowls!

This joke features a pun on the word “hallelujah,” which means to praise God. By combining it with the word “bowl,” the joke implies bowls can be found in heaven that are used specifically for praise and worship. Calling them “hallel-bowls” adds a silly, lighthearted twist. This joke could work especially well told in a church setting, but it’s universal enough for broader audiences. A pun that combines religious themes with an everyday item like bowls makes for a clever, unexpected laugh. It’s sure to bowl over listeners with its wit!

32. Why was the plastic bowl sent to jail? It was convicted of high crimes and misde-bowl-nors!

This joke features a legal spin using “misdemeanors” as wordplay. By calling them “misde-bowl-nors,” it implies the bowl character committed petty crimes and was sentenced to jail time as punishment. The joke sets up a fictional scenario where an inanimate object gets into legal trouble, which is an absurd premise on its own. Adding the bowl-themed wordplay compounds the silly humor. The mental image of a plastic bowl getting hauled off to jail after its misde-bowl-nors is an amusing one!

33. Did you hear about the new restaurant called Bowls? They serve everything in bowls – salad bowls, rice bowls, ramen bowls, acai bowls, and more. Their slogan is “We have it bowl!”

I went there for lunch yesterday and ordered the protein power bowl. The menu said it had quinoa, chicken, broccoli and a creamy peanut dressing. Sounded healthy enough. But when my order arrived, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was just a standard plastic mixing bowl filled with plain raw quinoa, uncooked chicken breasts, heads of broccoli and a goopy puddle of peanut butter. Completely inedible!

When I complained to the waiter, he looked confused and said “But sir, we told you we serve everything in bowls here.” I tried explaining that just plopping random ingredients into an actual empty bowl does not make a proper meal. But he insisted they were just following their bowl-focused concept. Needless to say, I won’t be going bowl to that restaurant again! Definitely an unfortunate case of taking a Bowl restaurant too literally.

34. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they’d crack each other up!

This lighthearted joke pokes fun at eggs being fragile. The pun comes from playing on the two meanings of “cracking someone up.” On one hand, it means making someone laugh uncontrollably. But eggs take it literally, implying they’d shatter from laughing too hard at jokes. The mental image of eggs telling each other jokes but then smashing into bits mid-punchline really sells this quip. It adds surprising whimsy by bringing inanimate eggs to life. And it ends on a harmless yet funny visual pun. Simple and clever, this joke is sure to get at least a chuckle, if not fully crack up the audience. Eggs may not tell jokes, but this one about eggs hits the mark for comedy.