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53 Funny Bobby pin Jokes

53 Funny Bobby pin Jokes

Bobby pin Puns

1. I asked my friend if I could borrow a bobby pin, but she said she was all out. What a hair-raising situation!

2. My bobby pins went missing right before a big night out. I was worried my hair would fall apart without them. Talk about a pinned down feeling!

3. I brought my favorite bobby pins on vacation but lost them the first day. The rest of the trip was an uphill battle trying to keep my hair in place. You could say I was pinned into a corner.

4. I accidentally sat on a bobby pin and it got stuck in my pants. I guess you could say I got pinned down.

5. I’m so forgetful when it comes to bobby pins. I buy them in bulk but always seem to lose them. I guess I’m just a pinhead.

6. My friend asked to borrow a bobby pin and returned it bent out of shape. I was steamed – she really pinned me in an awkward position.

7. I brought tons of bobby pins on a windy camping trip. Turns out that was a pointless exercise – the wind pinned me down!

8. I spilled coffee on my last clean outfit right before an interview. Thankfully a few strategically placed bobby pins held me together. Those pins really saved me in the clutch!

9. My elaborate hairdo for the ball fell apart when my last bobby pin popped out unexpectedly. I was completely pinned down and stranded!

10. I accidentally used a black bobby pin in my blonde hair and went to work with it stuck in the back. My coworkers got pinned down trying not to laugh.

Bobby pin One-Liners

11. Don’t get pinned down in life – keep moving forward!

12. They say the road to success is paved with bobby pins.

13. Saving bobby pins is like trying to hold sand – don’t get pinned down by the small stuff!

14. When life pins you down, pin your hopes on tomorrow.

15. If at first your hairdo doesn’t succeed, pin, pin again.

16. Bobby pins: empowering women one hairstyle at a time.

17. Don’t let a bad hair day get you pinned down. Bobby pin it up and move on!

18. Having a messy bun day? Bobby pins to the rescue!

19. Beauty may be only bobby pin-deep but that pin can take you miles.

20. Don’t get pinned down by self-doubt – you’ve got this!

Best Bobby pin Jokes

21. I was running late for a big job interview so I hastily pinned up my hair with the first bobby pins I saw. Midway through the interview, I saw one of the hiring managers trying not to laugh. Turns out I had a pink, sparkly bobby pin sticking out that my daughter used for dress-up. Talk about getting pinned down in the worst way!

22. My friend Jen was nervous about a big date so she used about 20 bobby pins to secure her elegant updo. The date was going great until she shook her head and felt a tiny prick on her scalp. Suddenly bobby pins went flying! She ended up digging pins out of her hair for the rest of the night. I guess you could say she was pinned down on that date!

23. I was rushing to get ready for pictures at a family wedding and used a dozen bobby pins to create an elaborate hairdo. As we posed for photos, I turned my head and felt something tickling my neck. My cousin started cracking up – a whole line of bobby pins had come undone down the back of my head! The pictures were hilarious but I definitely learned my lesson about over-pinning.

24. My teenage daughter was going to homecoming with an intricate braided updo held together by what seemed like 100 bobby pins. While taking pictures with her date, she tossed her head back laughing and we heard a shower of bobby pins hitting the ground. The look on her poor date’s face was priceless!

25. I decided to pin my hair up in a faux bob for my friend’s wedding using about 30 bobby pins. As I was dancing at the reception, I did a dramatic dip and felt my hair tumble down my back. Pins were flying everywhere! My friend still gives me grief about how I upstaged her first dance.

26. My sister was maid of honor in our cousin’s lakeside wedding. She had her hair pinned up in a glamorous half updo. At the reception, the wind picked up as she stood for pictures on the dock. A huge gust came and every single bobby pin fell into the lake! Thank goodness she had a sense of humor about her literal hair-raising moment.

27. I was in a friend’s wedding and we got trapped in a downpour between the ceremony and reception site. As we piled into cars soaking wet, I caught my reflection in the window – bobby pins were hanging out of my hair in every direction like porcupine quills! Not exactly the polished look I was going for.

28. My friend was nervous about starting a new job so she pinned her hair into a neat bun using a box of bobby pins. As she reached to shake her new boss’s hand, her bun shifted and bobby pins spilled out onto the floor. Nothing like introductions being pinned down from the start!

29. For picture day my son decided to pin up his bangs so they would stay out of his eyes. He used my tiny bobby pins and applied about 10. You should have seen his school photo with those teeny metal spikes jutting out of his forehead! I was pinned down on whether to buy school pictures that year.

30. I was late for a job interview and frantically pinning up my hair in the car. I felt something poke my scalp and yelped. My driver asked if I was ok. I pulled down the visor mirror to find a trickle of blood – I had scratched my head with a bobby pin! Let’s just say I was pinned down from the start.

31. My hairdresser friend was experimenting with an elaborate braided updo on me before a wedding. It took 40 minutes and what seemed like 100 bobby pins to create. As she sprayed the finished style, we heard a crackling noise. I reached up to find a crispy shell of hairspray over about 30 bent bobby pins. We laughed until we cried!

32. I was running behind for a job interview and decided to quickly twist my hair into a bun. I shoved in bobby pin after bobby pin until it felt secure. Just as I arrived and checked my reflection, the entire messy bun shifted sideways like a mini tower of Pisa! Let’s just say I didn’t feel pinned down for that interview.

33. My teenage son was trying to tame his wild curls for prom pictures. He raided my bobby pin stash and pinned every which way. The result was like a poodle with metal spikes all over its head! Thankfully his date managed not to get stabbed during their dance photos.

34. My friend’s elaborate wedding updo was gorgeous but she forgot hairspray. As the night wore on, strands started falling. Soon she had crooked bobby pin quills poking out everywhere. We joked she looked like a porcupine by the end!

35. I always roll my eyes when my wife’s hair appointments run late. Today I was meeting her for dinner after a trim. She rushed in looking flushed and flustered…with a single bobby pin stuck to her shirt collar! Busted getting an updo on my dime. Now who looks pinned down?

36. My husband decided to surprise me for date night by pinning up his long hair. He raided my bobby pin collection and somehow managed 50 tiny pins in that mane. We laughed all night at the metal porcupine I married!

37. My middle schooler begged to wear my rhinestone bobby pins for crazy hair day. I reluctantly agreed. Of course she lost them immediately. I came home to a note – “So sorry mom, those pins really pinned me down today!” Gotta love preteens.

38. I was a bridesmaid and needed an updo for my friend’s beach wedding. The wind whipped up as I was getting ready, yanking bobby pins out left and right. By the ceremony I was down to one wobbly pin barely keeping it together! Too bad no one warns you about getting pinned down as a bridesmaid.

39. I accompanied my nervous 12-year-old to get her first bob haircut. She immediately missed her ponytail. I showed her how bobby pins could pin back the short layers. She beamed and declared, “Bobby pins to the rescue!”

40. My preschooler was fascinated by my bobby pins and hairspray routine each morning. I left her alone for 2 minutes to take a call. I found her grinning proudly, hair shellacked down with a dozen crooked bobby pins. Such a little character!

41. My hairpiece kept slipping before a wedding so I overcompensated by cramming in bobby pins. I felt them sticking my scalp all night. When I got home and removed them, my head was polka-dotted with tiny puncture wounds! Talk about being pinned down literally.

42. I was running late so I pinned my hair up while driving. I hit a bump and the pins went flying onto the passenger seat. I got to work looking like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket! Note to self: don’t multitask bobby pins.

43. My teenage gymnast was desperate to control her wispy flyaways for team photos. She raided my cabinet for bobby pins and stuck them horizontally across her forehead. Let’s just say that look got pinned down by her teammates immediately.

44. My sister’s windblown beach wedding updo collapsed just as she walked down the aisle. Bobby pins were dropping like flies. The video of her shaking loose curls and trying not to laugh is priceless!

45. My middle schooler decided to pin a bandana on her head for a 80s party. I helped secure it with bobby pins. Within an hour I was getting calls from other moms that she was stabbing people each time she turned her head! Too funny.

46. I was running late for a job interview when a bobby pin slipped from my fingers onto the passenger seat floor. I tried grabbing it while driving and veered off the road into a ditch! The tow truck driver got pinned down for an hour getting me out.

47. I was trying a new layered hairdo and my stylist kept asking for more pins. After an hour she stepped back and gasped. My head was covered in a mangled metal mullet! Moral of the story: you can have too many bobby pins.

48. My best friend got married on a cliffside in Hawaii. As she recited her vows, a huge gust of wind swept her veil straight up. A moment later we heard a hundred bobby pins rain onto the rocks below! So much for pinned-down bliss.

49. I was running late for a job interview and decided to pin up my hair while driving. Everything was going great until I ran over a pothole and bobby pins exploded like shrapnel all over the car! Let’s just say I looked a little rough walking into that office.

50. For Halloween I used bobby pins to attach a witch’s hat to my hair. Trick or treating was a blast until a neighbor’s tree snagged the hat and ripped out three pins directly attached to my scalp! Who knew bobby pins could really pin you down on Halloween?

51. My boyfriend surprised me saying he made reservations at the hottest new restaurant in town. I rushed to get ready and was pinning up my hair in the car when we pulled up. I looked like a disheveled porcupine! So much for feeling pinned down at the trendiest spot in town.

52. I decided to curl my hair for date night but was running late. I pinned up the finished side while hurrying to finish the other. My boyfriend arrived early to find me with elaborate coils on one side and a matted pinned-up mess on the other. Hilarious!

53. As a joke I stuck bobby pins all over my head for April Fool’s morning before my wife woke up. I snuck up on her in the kitchen and yelled “Surprise!” She screamed and spilled coffee everywhere. I definitely nailed that joke…maybe a few too many pins!