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45 Funny Bicycle Jokes

45 Funny Bicycle Jokes

Bicycle Puns

  1. I asked my friend if he wanted to go on a bike ride, but he said he was two tired.
  2. My bike lock company is called Cycle Path. We provide locking solutions to keep your bike secure.
  3. The bicycle race was very intense, with a neck and neck finish. The winner said it was a wheelie close call.
  4. I was so exhausted after biking up that steep hill. It was the peak of my cycling career.
  5. The angry bicycle yelled at me to get out of its lane. I guess I rattled its chains.
  6. The cyclist was riding so fast he became a blur. I guess he was in too much of a rush to slow down.
  7. I bought my son a bike for his birthday but he immediately crashed it. I guess I should have spent more on stabilizers.
  8. My friend crashed his bike and hurt his head badly. I told him he needs to wear a helmet so he doesn’t injure his cranium.
  9. My bicycle seat was so uncomfortable. It was a real pain in the butt.
  10. I was struggling to fix the flat tire on my bike. Changing the inner tube was giving me a flat headache.

Bicycle One-Liners

  1. I’m so out of shape I get tired just watching other people ride bikes.
  2. Don’t worry if you fall off your bike, it’s just a cycle of life.
  3. I asked to borrow my neighbor’s bike, but they said “Sorry, that’s a two tired subject.”
  4. I entered my bicycle in a beauty contest but it didn’t even make the finals.
  5. I was riding my bike so fast everything turned into a blur – it was the peak of my cycling career.
  6. A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s two tired.
  7. Did you hear about the angry bicycle? It went off on a tantrum.
  8. I was robbed while riding my bike in the park. I guess that’s just life in the cycle lane.
  9. My friend crashed his expensive racing bike. I asked if he was okay and he said “Don’t worry, no harm done, it was a Cannondale.”
  10. Biking is so exhausting. I’m absolutely spent by the end of a ride.

Best Bicycle Jokes

21. I went to the bicycle store to get my wheel repaired. The man at the counter said, “Sorry for the wait.” I responded, “No, just fix the wheel.” We stared at each other confused for a minute before I realized the misunderstanding. I guess he was expecting me to make a bike pun in return!

22. My friend was biking down a steep hill when he accidentally hit a rock and got launched into the air. He flew off the seat and managed to land perfectly back on the bike. When I asked him how he pulled off that stunt, he said “It was sheer luck. Most days I can barely keep the wheels on the ground!”

23. I decided to enter an amateur bicycle race to get some exercise. Somehow I managed to win! When my friend asked me how it went, I told him “It was an uphill battle but I managed to come out on top. I guess those weekend rides around the park finally paid off.”

24. When I was learning to ride a bike as a kid, I kept falling down and skinning my knees. After a particularly bad fall, I refused to get back on the bike and cried. My dad said “I know learning to ride can be scary, but once you get the hang of it, it’s the most fun thing in the world. The more you ride, the less you’ll fall. Let’s go practice some more!” His encouragement got me back on the bike, and I eventually learned to love riding.

25. My friend loves bicycles so much he decided to open a bike repair shop after college. It’s been his dream job. He gets to chat with fellow cycling enthusiasts all day while fixing gears, changing tires, and making sure the bikes are in tip-top shape. The best part is seeing the smile on customers’ faces when they come to pick up their newly-repaired bikes. He found a way to turn his passion into a career.

26. I was running late to meet my friend so I decided to take my bike instead of walking. I pedaled as fast as I could down the busy streets, weaving between cars and pedestrians. Just when I thought I would make it on time, my chain broke right as I approached a busy intersection. I didn’t have a chain repair tool with me, so I had to walk the rest of the way. I learned to always allow extra time in case of bike emergencies.

27. My city started a bike sharing program last year to encourage green transportation. For a small fee, anyone can rent a bike from locations around the city and return it at any station when they’re done. It’s been a huge hit with tourists and locals alike. Bike lanes are popping up all over town now to accommodate the two-wheeled travelers. Fitness levels seem to be on the rise too thanks to all those pedaled miles! The program is doing wonders for both the environment and public health.

28. Ever since my friend Eric moved, he rides his bike everywhere because he doesn’t own a car. Rain or shine, he faithfully pedals to work, the grocery store, and social engagements. We worry about him biking after dark, but he insists it’s perfectly safe with proper lighting. Eric must have calves of steel by now with all those miles in the saddle! His commitment to cycling is truly inspiring. He proves you don’t need a car to get around town.

29. My daughter begged me for months to take the training wheels off her bike. She was convinced she was finally ready to ride like a big kid. On her sixth birthday, I surprised her by removing the training wheels and helping her onto the unmodified bike. She wobbled at first, but soon found her balance and took off down the sidewalk. The pure joy and pride on her face as she pedaled around unassisted for the first time is a memory I will always cherish.

30. As a kid I would spend long summer days exploring my neighborhood on my trusty bicycle. No place seemed out of reach. My bike granted me freedom and adventure. I’d imagine I was a savvy mail carrier delivering important parcels as I pedaled house to house. Other days my bike transformed into a sleek race car, zooming me down imaginary racetracks. The local park became a foreign jungle to be navigated. My bicycle never failed to whisk me away on magical childhood journeys that exist now only in fond memories.