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37 Funny BBQ Puns

37 Funny BBQ Puns

BBQ Puns

1. I relish these bbq puns, even if they are a little cheesy.

2. What do you call a BBQ sauce that fixes everything? Heinz-sight!

3. Why did the BBQ end early? The host ran out of thyme.

4. What do you call a vegan at a BBQ? A missed steak.

5. Why was the BBQ chicken afraid? It heard everyone kept talking about a coop.

6. Why did the BBQ sauce win the science fair? It had the best science projects.

7. What do you call a laundry detergent made for BBQs? Char-Gain.

8. Why couldn’t the BBQ start? The grill lighter was out of fluid.

9. Why did the potato salad get kicked out of the BBQ? It was acting up!

10. What do you call a BBQ for ghosts? A spooktacular event.

11. Why did the pig leave the luau early? It was feeling a little roasted.

12. The potato salad and burgers got into a fight at the BBQ. It was food for thought.

13. Why was the grill grumpy at the BBQ? He felt burnt out.

14. What do you call a neat and tidy BBQ? Well groomed.

15. I entered my BBQ sauce in a contest. Here’s hoping it makes the cut!

BBQ One-Liners

16. I’m not saying my BBQ sauce is the best, but it sure is mustard above the rest!

17. My BBQ party got a little out of hand when the grill caught fire. I guess you could say it was lit!

18. I was worried about running out of propane at my BBQ, but everything turned out a-gas-okay!

19. My friend burned the burgers on the grill and said, “When in doubt, serve the burnt side out!”

20. I accidentally used powdered sugar instead of brown sugar on my BBQ ribs. I guess you could say it was a sweet mistake.

21. Don’t cry over burnt BBQ, just toss it in a bun and call it Cajun style!

22. I wanted to impress my date with my grilling skills, but I ended up barbecuing the whole relationship.

23. I ate so many BBQ wings, my friends started calling me Sauce Boss.

24. I was going to bring coleslaw to the BBQ, but decided it wasn’t worth the slaw and order.

25. My BBQ party got crazy when someone suggested we play cornhole at 2 AM. Things got a little heated after that!

Best BBQ Jokes

26. My neighbor was hosting a big BBQ and his backyard was full of guests. Out of curiosity, I looked over the fence to see what was cooking. He yelled, “Hey! Mind your own brisket!”

27. I entered my BBQ sauce recipe into a national competition. When they announced I was a finalist, I was so excited I nearly grilled my foot off!

28. I was in charge of bringing ice to the neighborhood BBQ. I dropped the bag and sent cubes flying everywhere. My friends still give me the cold shoulder.

29. My friend was struggling with the new grill at our BBQ. He kept burning everything he put on it. I said “Looks like you met your matcha!”

30. I accidentally burned the chicken at the family BBQ last weekend. My wife told me “You’re on thin briquette with me!”

31. I was really excited for my first day grilling at the new neighborhood BBQ joint. But it turns out working the grill is a lot more griddling than I thought it would be.

32. I entered a rib eating contest at a big BBQ festival last summer. I was doing great until the very end, when I choked on the ribbing.

33. My neighbor kept talking about his new fancy grill and how he’s a “grill master.” So I pulled out my rusty old charcoal grill and said, “Well I guess that makes me grillSER.”

34. I accidentally used powdered sugar instead of brown sugar on my BBQ ribs. Let’s just say some tears were shed and lessons were learned that day.

35. I was really proud of my coleslaw recipe for the neighborhood cook-off. But after tasting Martha’s baked beans, I knew I didn’t have a legume to stand on.

36. The weather didn’t cooperate on the day of my big BBQ. My buddies still give me a hard thyme about having to eat their burgers in the rain.

37. My friend claimed he made the best BBQ sauce in town. I said “Oh really? That’s a pretty sauce statement.”