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52 Funny Bathtub Jokes

52 Funny Bathtub Jokes

Bathtub Puns

  1. I wanted to take a bath but all the tubs were occupied. It was a full house.
  2. The bathtub was feeling empty inside until it was filled up. Now it’s overflowing with emotions.
  3. The bathtub started leaking. It has developed a serious case of tuberculosis.
  4. Did you hear about the bathtub that was feeling lightheaded? It was drained.
  5. I slipped getting into the bathtub today. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot.
  6. Our bathtub likes to sing, especially when it’s filled with bubbly water. You could say it has a tub of talent.
  7. The kids were splashing too much in the tub. I had to lay down some ground rules to keep the peace treaty.
  8. Getting into a hot bath after a long day is sheer tub-liss.
  9. The bath toys were fighting over who would get played with first. Things were getting out of hand in the tub.
  10. When I moved into my new apartment, the first thing I did was take a bath to get a feel for the tub.

Bathtub One-Liners

  1. Don’t fall asleep in the bathtub… or you might wake up feeling drained.
  2. My rubber ducky squeaks to the beat of Stayin’ Alive when I bathe.
  3. I was going to tell a joke in the bathtub, but the timing wasn’t right.
  4. I asked my bathtub how it was doing, and it said “Can’t complain.”
  5. Do ghosts prefer showers? No, they like bathtubs… because they’re into spirits.
  6. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Bathtubs.
  7. What do you call a person who refuses to take a bath? A tubstinate fool!
  8. Why was the bathtub wearing goggles? It wanted to keep an eye out for trouble.
  9. Why did the bathtubs break up? irreconcilable dippers.
  10. Why did the bathtub cross the road? It wanted to get to the other side.

Best Bathtub Jokes

  1. My young son accidentally spilled his drink in the bathtub and started crying. “Don’t worry,” I said. “That’s just Sprite in the tub.”
  2. I recently stayed at a hotel that featured huge bathtubs. It was a suite tub suite!
  3. Did you hear about the superhero with water powers? His name is Bathman!
  4. Did you hear about the girl who brought her iPad into the bathtub? She wanted an iBath!
  5. Why was the bathtub wearing a disguise? It wanted to go in cognito!
  6. Did you hear about the song the bathtub wrote? It was a tub hit!
  7. My rubber duck keeps sinking when I put it in the bath. Good thing it has a buoyant personality!
  8. I put bubble bath in the hot tub by accident once. Let’s just say things got a little frothy.
  9. Did you hear about the bathtub that got arrested? It was charged with money laundering!
  10. I slipped and fell getting out of the bath this morning. Talk about starting the day off on the wrong foot.
  11. My bath mat went missing recently. Now the floor is all wet and I have nothing to stand on.
  12. I couldn’t reach the soap when I was in the tub last night. Luckily my trusty back scrubber came in handy.
  13. Getting into a warm bath after shoveling snow all morning felt like absolute heaven.
  14. I dropped a hairdryer in my bath the other day. I literally blew it.
  15. My bathroom has excellent acoustics for singing in the tub.
  16. I put my glasses on to read a book in the bath and steamed them all up. What a foggy situation.
  17. My dog likes to drink from the bathtub when I get out. I swear he waits all day just for a refreshing slurp.
  18. I was struggling to reach my back with the loofah until I got a long-handled brush. Now I’m as scrubbed as can be.
  19. Getting into a hot bath with aches and pains is like sinking into a warm hug.
  20. My bath pillow makes lounging in the tub absolute heaven. Five stars for comfort!
  21. Dropped my phone mid-podcast in the bath and it still works! Waterproof case for the win.
  22. Do you ever have pretend conversations with your rubber ducky in the tub? Just me?
  23. Sometimes bath bombs fizz way more than expected. Things can get wild in the tub!
  24. Singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs is my favorite way to unwind in the bath.
  25. Getting into a hot bath on a rainy day is the coziest, comfiest feeling ever.
  26. With scented candles, music, and a glass of wine, my nightly baths feel downright decadent.
  27. Did you hear about the frogs that jumped in a bathtub? They had a riveting time!
  28. Why was the bathtub so sad and lonely? It felt drained.
  29. What do you call a psychic little boy in the bathtub? A small medium at large!
  30. How do baseball players keep cool on hot days? They sit next to their fans (phonetic pun).
  31. Did you hear about the girl who sings in the bathtub? She has lots of fans!
  32. Knock Knock! Who’s there? Dishes. Dishes who? Dishes a really bad joke.
  33. My friend thinks baths are for babies. What a baby!
  34. Singing in the bathtub is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a sobering experience.