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Bridal Blogathon: Expert Hair & Skincare Tips For Destination Weddings

Bridal Blogathon: Expert Hair & Skincare Tips For Destination Weddings

As Autumn’s chill sets in, my mind often wanders to sun-kissed destinations. It’s hard not to romanticize about basking in warm weather after experiencing the Caribbean firsthand during the Bridal Blogathon, courtesy of Elite Island Resorts and Kuoni. I had the opportunity to explore honeymoons and destination weddings in Barbados and Antigua, which was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

As I reflect on those sun-drenched days, I began pondering how brides and grooms can maintain their radiant glow before and during their wedding celebrations. With humidity often wreaking havoc on hair and skin, it’s essential to be prepared. That’s why I sought expert advice from destination wedding hair and skincare professionals.

In the coming posts, I’ll be sharing some valuable insights and tips on how to achieve that coveted ‘glowing gorgeous’ look, whether you’re exchanging vows in a tropical paradise or an intimate setting.

The Hair: Ten Tips for a Gorgeous Destination ‘Do

As the mercury rises, our locks often suffer the consequences. Dulling of dye jobs, transformation of wavy tresses into frizzy messes – it’s a common plight we’re all too familiar with. When planning a destination wedding, ensuring your hair remains radiant and manageable becomes an essential consideration. To achieve this, we turned to Anna Baker, Senior Stylist at Errol Douglas Salon in Knightsbridge (a top destination for a salon experience in London), seeking her expertise on prepping, protecting, and styling one’s hair for honeymoons and destination weddings.

Fight Frizz Before You Fly

Fight Frizz Before You Fly

As you prepare for your trip, consider booking an appointment at a salon for a conditioning cut and blow dry session a week prior to flying. This will help tame any dry and wispy ends that can become frizz magnets when exposed to humidity. To further combat frizz, invest in high-quality hair products that hydrate and nourish your locks. The Kerastase Oleo Relax range is an excellent option for fine to thick hair textures.For an added layer of frizz-fighting protection, consider treating yourself to the incredible Nano Keratin Treatment offered at the Errol Douglas Salon. This treatment works by infusing your hair with keratin, smoothing out unwanted frizz and coarseness, leaving your locks silky and easy to style with a brush or air dry naturally in the sunshine. Be sure to book this appointment about a week prior to flying to get the most out of the treatment.

Products To Pack

Products To Pack

For a stress-free getaway, it’s essential to pack the right salon products for your hair care routine. Most reputable brands offer travel-sized minis of their best-selling formulas, including moisture-rich shampoos and conditioners designed to combat the drying effects of heat styling tools. To add an extra layer of protection and hydration, consider a foundation styling product like Kerastase Nectar Thermique, which not only nourishes the hair but also makes blow-drying a breeze. Finally, a mini hairspray such as Moroccan Oil Medium Hold Hairspray can help you achieve a variety of styles that will last throughout the day without sacrificing hold or definition.

Pump Up The Volume

Pump Up The Volume

When it comes to styling fine limp hair in hot climates, one of the biggest challenges is finding products that can withstand the heat without compromising on volume. The problem is that even the slightest hint of fullness can be easily diffused by a hot scalp, leaving you with a flat and lifeless style. One solution to this problem is to use a volumizing mousse like Kerasatase Mousse Bouffant, which offers strong hold and reliable results even in high temperatures.

Tame Afro Tresses

Tame Afro Tresses

For effortless control of afro hair, leave-in moisturizing products are an excellent choice. One such product is Affirm Leave In Conditioner, which helps maintain the suppleness and flexibility of hair, making it easier to style. Meanwhile, beautifully crafted plaits and braids offer a fuss-free alternative for those looking to spend more time soaking up the sun poolside.

Trends for the Tropics

As the setting for your special day, your wedding destination has a profound impact on the style trends that emerge. For instance, a beachside celebration lends itself beautifully to soft, flowing waves and delicate flower accessories, while a city-based affair calls for sleek, polished glamour and sophisticated hairdos with crisp finishes. To stay ahead of the curve, I draw inspiration from bridal catwalks, fashion week shows, and red carpet events, adapting and personalizing these trends to create unique looks that reflect each individual bride’s style.

Hot Weather Hairstyling

Hot Weather Hairstyling

When it comes to tackling the heat of summer, having a solid hair care routine and a well-prepped mane can make all the difference. By committing to regular grooming and incorporating nourishing products into your regimen, you’ll find that most hairstyles can thrive in warm weather. For those with shorter to medium-length locks, wearing your hair down with texturizing finishers like Kerastase Couture Styling Short Mania can be a great option. This light paste is designed to bring out the natural movement and shape of your hair, effortlessly adding volume and texture.

What To Avoid

What To Avoid

When the mercury rises, it’s essential to work with your hair’s natural texture. While unruly curls may initially appear stunning when blown straight, even the slightest beads of sweat can coax them back out, leaving you with a messy look. To achieve a long-lasting, heat-friendly style that keeps your locks cool and elegant, consider opting for updos instead.

For Blooming Brides

Sun-kissed brides can create a breathtakingly beautiful look by incorporating fresh flowers into their wedding day style. One way to achieve this is by asking your florist to include extra flower buds in your bouquet delivery, which your hairdresser can then secure with ease using pins and gentle manipulation. To ensure the flowers stay looking their best, it’s essential to add them once all hair products have been applied and allowed to set, thereby preventing sprays or other styling aids from wilting or discoloring the flower accessories.

Your Do & Your Dress

Your Do & Your Dress

When planning their destination wedding, I always advise brides to collaborate with their hairdresser and prioritize a harmonious look that complements their gown and hairstyle. Rather than competing for attention, the two should work together in perfect sync.

To illustrate this approach, consider the contrast between a flowy, open-backed silk gown and loose, tumbling waves on a warm day. The combination would be both elegant and comfortable, allowing the bride to enjoy her special day without worrying about overheating. On the other hand, if she’s chosen a structured, heavily detailed gown that tends to retain heat, an ultra-cool chic updo would not only provide relief but also add a touch of sophistication to her overall look.

Poolside Protection

Poolside Protection

As you soak up the sun, sea, and poolside fun on your holiday, it’s easy to forget that your hair can also be affected by the elements. The combination of humidity, chlorine, and saltwater can dehydrate your locks and cause vibrant colours to fade dramatically. To prevent this from happening, pack a protective hair care kit for yourself, just as you would with sunscreen for your skin. One great option is the Kerastase Soleil Range, which offers lightweight conditioning with their Lait Richesse product. This can be applied to washed hair and left to air dry naturally, or used as a pre-styling treatment before sleeking back your hair into a polished ponytail or bun for that beach bride beauty look. Once you’re back from your holiday, schedule an appointment to refresh your colour and get it back to its true tone and shine.

The Skin: Ten Tips for Beautiful (Blotch-Free!) Big Day Complexions

The Skin: Ten Tips for Beautiful (Blotch-Free!) Big Day Complexions

When it comes to pre-wedding prep, our skin is often a source of stress – even when everything else is going smoothly. Factor in long flights, pre-wedding anxiety, heat, sun, and the multitude of lotions we’re exposed to, and you’re left with a recipe for breakouts, sunburns, dry skin, and an alarming amount of shine! To help mitigate these common issues, I turned to the experts at Ultrasun, whose skincare products I’ve had the pleasure of using on my own travels – including Barbados and Antigua. Their Glimmer SPF product was particularly impressive, leaving my skin with a radiant glow.

Pre-Flight Preparation

Pre-Flight Preparation

Investing in your skin’s condition before traveling is crucial for achieving a radiant glow during your trip. One effective way to do this is by maintaining a consistent exfoliation and hydration routine. This allows you to build a strong foundation for the skin, making it more receptive to the sun’s rays and better equipped to withstand any environmental stressors. To take it to the next level, consider using products like the Ultrasun Pre-Sun Tan Optimiser, which boasts impressive moisturizing and tan-enhancing properties. By incorporating this product into your daily routine 14 days prior to travel, you can expect a faster, more intense-lasting tan, as well as beautifully hydrated skin that’s perfect for showing off during your getaway.

Double Up With a Protective Primer

Double Up With a Protective Primer

With your makeup staying put for longer being just as important as its flawless finish, a reliable primer is the unsung hero of any beauty routine. When choosing an under-makeup primer, seek out products that not only provide broad-spectrum sun protection (think UVA and UVB) but also absorb quickly, leave a smooth canvas, and don’t leave behind any pesky residue. Ultrasun’s Face 30 and Face 50+ formulas have earned a devoted following among makeup enthusiasts, who swear by their ability to deliver all these benefits without the common drawbacks of traditional sunscreens – like chalky or greasy textures. It’s no wonder that destination brides in particular flock to this versatile primer, which not only shields their skin from harmful rays but also provides an ideal surface for applying their wedding day makeup look.

Avoid Getting Sun-Cream on your Wedding Outfits

With Ultrasun’s patented liposome technology, sun cream effectiveness isn’t just about initial application – it’s also about longevity. The formula allows it to stay on the skin and continue working even after repeated water exposure, making ‘all day’ truly mean just that. When choosing a sunscreen, it’s essential to consider how it will perform in direct sunlight. Unfortunately, applying it while already in the sun (like when you’re lounging) can lead to evaporation before it has a chance to fully bond with the skin, reducing its protective power. A general guideline is to use about one teaspoon of sunscreen for each arm, leg, front, back, and face, including the neck and ears.

In-flight Beauty Regime

In-flight Beauty Regime

As you soar through the skies, it’s crucial to prioritize your skin’s hydration. A simple yet effective way to do this is by drinking plenty of water from the inside out. But did you know that our customers swear by the Ultralip as a multi-purpose savior? Not only do they apply it liberally to their lips, but they also use it around the delicate eye area due to its gentle formula. It’s no wonder it’s become an indispensable addition to many of their in-flight essentials!

Banish the Break-Outs

Banish the Break-Outs

While many of us view holidays as a time for relaxation, our skin may be experiencing its most trying moment. To ensure your skin remains healthy and happy during this period, look for sunscreens with lightweight formulas that boast impressive absorption qualities. When it comes to sensitive skin, it’s crucial to avoid products containing fragrance, preservatives, or oils, as these can exacerbate existing issues when combined with UV exposure. At Ultrasun, we’ve developed a patented liposome technology that sets us apart from other sun protection brands. By harnessing this innovative approach across our entire product range, we enable the skin to breathe freely, preventing clogged pores and subsequent breakouts. This patented technology allows our products to bind with the skin, creating an environment where your skin can thrive, even in the face of harsh UV rays.

Grooms, Don’t Forget Your Heads!

Incorporating sun protection into your wedding party’s skincare routine doesn’t have to be a tedious task. For the groom and his attendants, Ultrasun Sports Gel SPF 30 is an excellent choice. This transparent gel provides exceptional, long-lasting protection with just one application, making it an efficient addition to their daily routine. The non-greasy, clear liquid is effortlessly applied, and its gentle nature makes it suitable for use on the scalp, which is particularly beneficial for those dealing with thinning or receding hair.

Add Some Sparkle

Add Some Sparkle

The Ultrasun Glimmer SPF20 deserves a special mention for its exceptional suitability for the bridal party. This award-winning sunscreen stands out with its multitasking golden glimmers (shimmer mica) that not only provide superior sun protection by deflecting the sun’s rays but also impart a sophisticated, subtle glow to the skin. As such, it is an ideal choice for both protecting and highlighting the skin when wearing strapless dresses.

Start High

Start High

As the #BridalBlogathon approaches, it’s essential to prepare for the unexpected. While it may seem counterintuitive to spend time thinking about sunscreen during what should be a relaxing honeymoon, neglecting this crucial step can lead to an unpleasant surprise. The key is to strike a balance between protection and practicality. Before heading off on your adventure, make sure you’re starting with a high enough sun protection factor (SPF) and that the product you’ve chosen offers strong UVA protection as well. This will shield your skin from both burning and aging. Consider beginning with a higher factor and then adjusting it for the second week of your trip, especially if you’ll be visiting an unfamiliar location. By taking this proactive approach, you’ll be able to enjoy your honeymoon without worrying about the sun getting in the way.