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Creative Ways To Thank Your Wedding Vendors

Creative Ways To Thank Your Wedding Vendors

As a wedding vendor, one wouldn’t expect gratitude in return for their tireless efforts. Photographers, planners, florists, caterers, and others invest immense energy into realizing couples’ wedding dreams. Acknowledging these dedicated professionals is essential. Fortunately, there’s more to expressing appreciation than simply sending a heartfelt ‘thank you’ note.

In the days leading up to the wedding and on the big day itself, various opportunities arise to demonstrate your appreciation for the vendors’ hard work. Our comprehensive guide delves into these thoughtful gestures, showcasing how to elicit exceptional service from your wedding partners.

From sending them a personalized wedding invitation to reserving seats at the reception alongside your guests, these considerate ‘thank you’s anticipate the extraordinary efforts of those who orchestrate your dream wedding. A testament to their dedication, vendors often go above and beyond, expertly resolving unforeseen issues on the wedding day.

Their unassuming heroism extends far beyond mere magic-making. They silently tackle last-minute crises, discreetly managing problem guests to ensure a seamless celebration. It’s your vendor team that keeps the day running smoothly.

Once the marriage license is signed and you embark on your honeymoon adventure, there remain numerous creative avenues to lavishly express gratitude to your wedding crew.

Tip your vendors!

Tip your vendors!

Many couples are unaware that tipping is an expected norm in the wedding industry. In fact, wedding professionals often report a significant increase in gratuities when couples work with a planner or utilize a specialized payment platform like Like Paper Coin, which recommends adding a tip to the final payment. As Nora Sheils, Founder of Bridal Bliss and Co-Founder of Rock Paper Coin, notes, this trend is not unique to one particular aspect of wedding planning, but rather a standard practice that couples should be aware of when working with vendors.

Recognize your vendors during the reception.

As Ashley Lachney, owner of Alston Mayger Events, recalled, she was once honored at an event where the host publicly recognized her and the catering team’s hard work. The guests’ applause was a heartfelt moment that left a lasting impression on her, filling her with gratitude for the opportunity to be acknowledged.

Leave them glowing reviews.

Leave them glowing reviews.

When you leave a review for your favorite wedding vendors, it can have a profound impact on their business. A glowing review not only makes their day but also has the potential to sway other couples into booking their services. You can share your reviews on various websites or simply email them directly to each vendor. Moreover, you can amplify your endorsement by posting your wedding photos on social media, crediting your vendors in both the photo and caption, and tagging their accounts.

Surprise them with a treat long after your wedding day is over.

As newlyweds, it’s natural to feel elated after the big day. However, it’s easy to forget that your vendors worked just as tirelessly on countless other weddings this year. To show your appreciation and keep them in mind during the busy season, consider surprising them with a thoughtful gesture a few months down the line. Whether it’s on your wedding night or in the weeks that follow, taking the time to thank your vendors for their hard work is a great way to remind them of their value, even when they’re not actively working alongside you.

Write a letter.

Write a letter.

When thanking your vendor after a wedding, a heartfelt letter detailing their specific contributions to making your special day unforgettable is a thoughtful gesture that won’t go unnoticed. This approach not only expresses gratitude but also provides valuable feedback, allowing vendors to refine their services and continue delivering exceptional experiences for future couples.

Give them a gift card to their favorite local spot!

Get familiar with your vendor’s social media profiles and uncover their interests. Take note of their favorite restaurants, coffee shops, or hangout spots. As a thoughtful gesture, surprise them with a gift certificate to one of these places! It could be an overnight stay at a hotel they love, a year’s worth of coffee at their go-to spot, or even a spa day treatment. This unique approach will show your vendor that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know them better and willing to put thought into building a stronger relationship.

Make a donation to a charity in their name.

Exemplifying gratitude towards your wedding vendors is crucial, and making a donation in their name is an innovative way to express appreciation. By doing so, you’re not only acknowledging their excellent services but also giving back to a worthy cause. It’s essential to communicate this gesture to the vendor, ensuring they feel valued and appreciated for their contribution.

Drop by during their vendor meal with wine.

Drop by during their vendor meal with wine.

When it comes to showing appreciation for your vendors at the reception, a thoughtful approach can go a long way. Providing them with a hot dinner entree that mirrors what guests are enjoying is often a welcome gesture. Taking it a step further by personally thanking each vendor in their room and presenting them with a token of gratitude, such as tips, wine or gift cards, can be particularly meaningful.

Offer to be added to their portfolio.

By incorporating your special day into a potential client’s portfolio, you’re providing tangible evidence of what they can achieve for others. This could be the deciding factor in securing new business opportunities, as showcasing a unique and memorable wedding like yours will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on potential clients. By doing so, you’ll not only be helping them out but also contributing to their success.

Ask them their preferred platform for reviews.

Ask them their preferred platform for reviews.

When interacting with vendors, it’s crucial to respect their preferred platform for reviews. By leaving a review on the platform they suggest, you’re not only showing appreciation for their services but also inadvertently boosting their SEO ranking. This has a ripple effect, making it easier for potential clients to discover and appreciate the value your vendor brought to your event.

Send them a custom cake or dessert.

When it comes to expressing gratitude, there’s no sweeter way than gifting a custom cake. The possibilities are endless – you can have the business logo or name expertly printed on the cake, or take things to the next level by designing your own unique creation that truly reflects their brand. As Allie Calzada of Allie the Wedding Officiant LLC so aptly puts it, this thoughtful gesture is a surefire way to say thanks in a manner that’s both meaningful and memorable.

Send a hand-written note.

Send a hand-written note.

While handwritten thank-you notes may seem like a relic of the past, they can have a profound impact on building strong relationships with clients. There’s something special about receiving a physical letter in the mail that personalizes an interaction and shows genuine appreciation for the work done. For Anna Rodenbeck of Whitehead + Co., a well-crafted handwritten note is a game-changer. It’s not uncommon for her day to be brightened by the arrival of such a note, which she believes is a powerful symbol of gratitude and a great personal touch that leaves a lasting impression.

Tag your vendors in your photos!

When sharing social media updates, it’s essential to tag your vendor team, allowing others to effortlessly connect with them or submit inquiries. I, Ashley Lachney, owner of Alston Mayger Events, highly value this approach and go the extra mile by showcasing client photos in a more prominent manner when the vendor team is tagged.

Invite them to your anniversary party.

Invite them to your anniversary party.

Maintaining a strong relationship with your vendors is crucial for any successful event. One effective way to do this is to stay in touch and show your appreciation for their services. Consider sending out invitations well in advance, allowing your vendors ample time to save the date and make necessary arrangements. By doing so, you’ll not only keep them informed but also demonstrate that you value their contributions to your special day.

Send a personal thank-you gift.

A heartfelt thank you gesture after the event can go a long way in making a meaningful impression. While cash is always welcomed, a thoughtful gift that reflects your appreciation for their hard work and dedication will be remembered for years to come. As someone who knows the industry well, I can attest that wedding professionals are indeed a tireless group. A thoughtful gesture like gifting them relaxation and me-time, such as a spa certificate or a reflexology session, can help them unwind and recharge after a long season of events.

Support them in their business endeavors.

Support them in their business endeavors.

When expressing gratitude to vendors, it’s crucial to go beyond a simple written thank-you note. A more meaningful way to show appreciation is to empower them to continue working with amazing clients like yourself. This can be achieved by recording a video review for their website or social media platforms, allowing them access to your event photography for future blog posts and social media shares. Additionally, posting a public thank you on your social media accounts and tagging the vendor in it will not only show your appreciation but also help increase their visibility online. You can also offer to participate in a phone interview or provide insights through a questionnaire that they can use for their blog. Furthermore, leaving a detailed and enthusiastic review on various platforms and sharing some of your favorite photos from the event with the vendor will surely bring a smile to their face. Your endorsement and enthusiasm hold significant value to vendors, and it’s essential to share this appreciation in a way that is meaningful and tangible.

Gift them a spa massage!

It’s always a joy when clients express their gratitude for my services, but I must say that it’s particularly special when vendors thank me for going above and beyond. To show appreciation for these hardworking individuals, I recommend treating them to a rejuvenating spa massage after the wedding, allowing them to unwind from the long hours and physical demands of the event. Alternatively, consider gifting vendors with a thoughtful goodie bag at the wedding, similar to a welcome bag for guests. These bags can be stocked with essentials like Advil, protein bars, water bottles, candy, and heartfelt thank-you notes. While a tip is always appreciated, these small gestures can go a long way in demonstrating your appreciation and care for your vendors.

Provide referrals for other jobs!

When seeking to express gratitude towards your vendors, consider going beyond mere thanks. A powerful way to do so is by referring them for other job opportunities. This act not only shows that you value their work but also serves as a testament to the quality of services they provided. By doing so, you’re essentially giving them a glowing endorsement, which can bring a tremendous amount of joy and satisfaction to both parties involved. As Ashley Lachney, owner of Alston Mayger Events, so eloquently put it, ‘seeing that a new potential client heard about me from a happy past client/friend’ brings a smile to her face. It’s a simple yet effective way to nurture your relationships with vendors and build a stronger network within the industry.

Publicly thank them on social media.

Publicly thank them on social media.

Expressing gratitude towards your wedding vendors in a concise manner is an excellent way to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication. This can be achieved through a simple social media post or Instagram story, which not only costs you nothing but also allows the vendor to share it with their audience by tagging their business page.

Write a blog post about your wedding

By highlighting your wedding vendors in a blog post, you’re providing an opportunity for them to gain increased visibility and exposure. This can be achieved by including detailed descriptions of each vendor’s services, accompanied by links to their websites and social media platforms. By doing so, you’ll not only be sharing your own experience with potential future clients but also contributing to the vendors’ online presence and potentially driving more traffic to their sites, ultimately benefiting their business in the long run.

Send a Care Package

Send a Care Package

When it comes to showing appreciation for your vendors’ efforts, a thoughtful gesture can go a long way. Consider sending them a care package filled with items they’ll truly appreciate, such as gourmet treats, specialty coffee, or a fine bottle of wine. This not only conveys your gratitude but also has the power to brighten their day and let them know that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Send a Video Message

Expressing genuine gratitude to your vendors through a heartfelt video message is a thoughtful way to acknowledge their tireless efforts and dedication. You can tailor this approach by sending personalized messages to each vendor or creating a collective message that reaches all of them simultaneously. This act of appreciation not only conveys your sincere thanks but also demonstrates that you value the time and energy they invested in supporting your endeavors.

Host a vendor appreciation event

When it comes time to express gratitude to your wedding vendors, hosting an appreciation event is a thoughtful and personalized way to do just that. This could be as simple as gathering the group for brunch or dinner, or going all out with a unique experience like a wine tasting or spa day. By taking the time to acknowledge their hard work in this way, you’ll create a memorable experience for everyone involved, including your vendors, who will surely appreciate the extra effort.