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Cool Italian Wedding (With Florals, Cigars And A Motorbike)

Cool Italian Wedding (With Florals, Cigars And A Motorbike)

Cool Italian Wedding (With Florals, Cigars and a Motorbike)

Imagine an Italian wedding, and you’re immediately transported to a picturesque setting, filled with lush greenery, delectable cuisine, and an atmosphere of romance. For Daniela & Giacomo’s special day in Marche, Eastern Italy, this idyllic scenario was taken to the next level. The couple added their own unique touches, including a whisky and cigar bar, comfortable shoes for lounging, three adorable canine companions, and even a motorcycle ride to the reception.

This carefree celebration, beautifully captured by Federica Cavicchi Photography in its entirety, showcased the joyous union of this special couple. From Daniela’s one-of-a-kind wedding gown to her radiant smile, she embodied the quintessential bride (we’re smitten with that bouquet). Giacomo looked dashing in his collarless shirt and white sneakers.

Their intimate church ceremony was followed by a leisurely motorcycle ride to an outdoor reception, where guests indulged in mouth-watering vegetarian cuisine. The couple’s thoughtful attention to detail was evident in the foodie favors and elegant escort cards. While this wedding offers plenty of inspiration for would-be brides and grooms, it also serves as a reminder to make your day truly unforgettable – by embracing every moment with joy.

Our Love Story

Our Love Story
Our Love Story
Our Love Story
Our Love Story

It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since that unforgettable day. The memory of it still feels like yesterday. Giacomo surprised me with a proposal at a truly magical location during our vacation in Matera – a quaint, 13th-century church that felt like a world away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As we dined by candlelight, surrounded by the soft glow of a thousand flames, the warmth of the fireplace, and the gentle company of our beloved puppies, it was as if time stood still.

And then, in the midst of this idyllic setting, Giacomo got down on one knee, his eyes shining with love and devotion. I was overcome with emotion, my heart racing with excitement – a feeling I’d never experienced before.

The Inspiration

The Inspiration
The Inspiration
The Inspiration
The Inspiration

The rolling hills of Marche evoke a sense of wildness and abundance, as they burst forth with aromatic crops that fill the air with their intoxicating scents. The landscape is painted with vibrant hues of green and fuchsia, creating a warm and cosy atmosphere that invites exploration.

The Ceremony

The Ceremony
The Ceremony
The Ceremony
The Ceremony

We exchanged vows in the very church where I spent my childhood. The ceremony was a joyous celebration, filled with laughter and love – and I may have been the loudest one there, unable to contain my happiness Having our dogs by our side made it all the more special for us. Their presence brought us an overwhelming sense of comfort and normalcy on what was already the most unforgettable day of our lives. As we danced down the aisle, the soundtrack to our big day featured a few standout tracks.

David Gray’s ‘This Year’s Love’ set the tone for a romantic celebration, while De Gregori’s ‘Sempre e per Sempre’ brought a touch of Italian flair to the proceedings. And as we took to the dance floor, Elisa’s ‘Dancing’ from ‘A Time for Dancing’ got everyone in the mood to party.

The Photography

The Photography
The Photography
The Photography
The Photography
The Photography

As I scrolled through my Facebook feed, Federica Cavicchi’s posts consistently stood out for their natural beauty and storytelling ability. Her effortless candor and carefree spirit resonated with me, making her a compelling presence to follow. What struck me most was the ease with which she conveyed vulnerability and authenticity in her photos, leaving me feeling inspired and wanting more.

When I finally worked up the courage to take my own photographs, I was nervous about being self-conscious in front of the camera. However, Federica’s approachable demeanor put me at ease, allowing me to relax and be myself – a valuable lesson that has stayed with me.

Favourite Moments

Favourite Moments
Favourite Moments
Favourite Moments

In crafting our wedding celebration, we deliberately extended invitations to those who had played a significant role in our romantic journey. This intimate approach allowed us to share this special day with loved ones who had witnessed our love grow and flourish over time. One of the most unforgettable moments was during the church ceremony, where we were unable to contain our joy, holding hands as one, and radiating happiness through our eyes that spoke volumes in the photos taken on that day.

Additionally, our motorcycle adventure added a thrilling dimension to the celebration, offering us a chance to take in the scenic views together.

Advice for Other Couples

Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples

Image Source

Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples
Advice for Other Couples

The dynamic duo behind this project’s success is none other than Federica Cavicchi and Olivia Brusca. With their exceptional skills and expertise, we confidently handed over the reins to them, and they delivered outstanding results without hesitation.

The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon

We’re thrilled to be postponing our honeymoon until September, when we’ll embark on a romantic getaway to the picturesque Azores Islands in Portugal. The excitement is palpable. There’s something undeniably charming about couples who are head over heels in love, and Daniela & Giacomo’s Italian wedding celebration was no exception. A huge thank you to Federica Cavicchi Photography for sharing their special day with us. For more inspiration from our Real Weddings series, stay tuned.