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47 Best Mango Jokes

47 Best Mango Jokes

Mango Puns (10)

  1. What do you call a mango that won’t ripen? An un-ripe mango!
  2. Why was the mango afraid to get peeled? It didn’t want to get exposed!
  3. Why did the mango cross the road? To get to the other side!
  4. How does a mango stop itself from crying? It uses will mang-o power!
  5. What do you call a mango that works out? A strong-go!
  6. Why don’t mangoes make good secretaries? They can’t take dictation!
  7. What do you call a mango that’s been cut in half? A demi-mango!
  8. Why don’t mangoes ever win at hide and seek? They’re always spotted!
  9. What do you call a mango that got injured? A bruised mango!
  10. Why was the mango angry after the party? It got tossed!

Mango One-Liners (10)

  1. I’m really starting to warm up to mangoes, you could say it’s a passion fruit.
  2. Mangoes are proof that fruits can be funny too.
  3. Mangoes may be sweet, but their jokes are even sweeter.
  4. Mangoes want to see you smile, but telling jokes makes them grin too.
  5. Mangoes know laughter’s the best medicine, so they’re just trying to help you feel better.
  6. Mangoes live to make the world a little bit sunnier one bad joke at a time.
  7. Mangoes hope their silly jokes give you a break from this crazy world.
  8. A mango a day keeps the doctor away, especially if you throw it hard enough.
  9. Mangoes don’t mean to bother you, they just want to give you a laugh.
  10. Mangoes may taste sweet, but their sense of humor can be pretty tart.

Best Mango Jokes (27)

1. What did the mango say when his friend told a bad joke? Ah, that was piti-ful!

2. A mango walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

3. What’s the difference between a mango and an elephant? Mangoes are a fruit, elephants are irrelephant.

4. Why do mangoes make bad priests? Because they can’t lead peels!

5. How do you fix a broken mango? With a mango first aid kit!

6. What do you call a psychic mango? A clairvoyant!

7. Why don’t mangoes ever have money? Because they’re always broke!

8. Why did the mango go to summer school? To get better grades!

9. What did the mango say when his friend told a bad joke? I think we’ve hit rock bottom.

10. What do you call a mango that’s gone off? A bad mango!

11. Why don’t mangoes play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!

12. Why was the mango so messy? It fell into a juicy situation!

13. What’s a mango’s favorite game show? The Peel is Right!

14. Why are mangoes so wise? They’re full of inner pith!

15. Two mangoes were telling jokes. One asks “Do you know any naan jokes?” The other says “Naan at all!”

16. Why can’t you trust mangoes? They have unreliable pith!

17. What do you call a mango that works at a hotel? A bell hop!

18. Why did the mango blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!

19. How do mangoes stay in touch? They use mango-to-mango communication!

20. What do you call a mango that gets all the girls? A man-go!

21. Why did the mango cross the road? It wanted a change of scenery!

22. What happened to the mango who couldn’t keep up with the other fruits? It got left behind!

23. How does a mango stop a bike? With its mangobrakes!

24. Why are mangoes so bad at keeping secrets? They’re always blabbing on about stuff!

25. Why do mangoes make great detectives? They always get to the bottom of things!

26. Why was the mango banned from the cooking class? It kept chopping everything up!

27. Why do mangoes make terrible construction workers? They can’t handle the power drills!