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8 Tips For Flawless Wedding Shoe Shopping

8 Tips For Flawless Wedding Shoe Shopping

8 Tips For Flawless Wedding Shoe Shopping

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As I navigate the world of wedding shoe shopping, I find myself torn between my dream velvet fuchsia pumps and other stunning options. The question is: how can I possibly choose just one pair? The truth is, choosing the perfect wedding shoe isn’t a straightforward task, especially when comfort is paramount. After all, you don’t want to be dealing with sore feet throughout your big day. As designers of wedding shoes, we’re often asked for advice on selecting the ideal pair from our collection. In fact, we’ve identified some key takeaways that can help make the process less overwhelming. For instance, why settle for just one shoe when you can have multiple pairs that cater to different aspects of your wedding? Whether it’s a comfortable flat for the ceremony or a stylish heel for the reception, having options is crucial. Our latest collection, Euphoria 2018, features elegant and intricate beading styles in comfortable heels, floral beaded flats, and crystal embellished sandals that can fit with any personality type. Take a look at our stunning photos from our Vogue-inspired lookbook (photographed by Laura Gordon) while you read through these expert wedding shoe hunting tips.

Always Buy Early

Always Buy Early

When planning a wedding, it’s crucial not to leave shoe selection until the eleventh hour. To avoid last-minute scrambles, create a Pinterest board featuring your favorite shoe styles and keep them in mind as you try on wedding dresses. This mental visual reference will guide your decision-making process and prevent any potential shoe-related stress.

Online shopping is also an option, but it’s essential to place orders well in advance. Sizes can run out quickly, especially if the shoes are handmade, which can result in long lead times. By ordering early, you’ll ensure a perfect fit and avoid costly alterations later on.

To make the most of your shoe purchase, consider trying them on before your wedding dress fitting. This will give you the opportunity to test the shoes with your dress and confirm that everything matches perfectly, eliminating any need for costly hem adjustments or last-minute changes.

Venue Considerations

Venue Considerations

When planning an outdoor wedding, it’s essential to consider the venue’s terrain when selecting your wedding shoes. A garden setting, for instance, may call for a comfortable flat or a low heel that can handle uneven surfaces. Alternatively, you could opt for a wedding bootie – a hybrid between a high and low heeled shoe that offers additional support. Whatever the location, it’s crucial to ensure your shoe choice complements the surroundings.

Comfort Is Key

Comfort Is Key
Comfort Is Key

When it comes to choosing your wedding shoes, consider what makes you feel confident and comfortable in everyday life. If you’re a stiletto enthusiast, opt for one that still feels natural on your feet, but don’t be afraid to try something new if it’s out of your comfort zone. For those who prefer sneakers or sandals, a lower heel is usually the way to go. Remember, this is your special day, so test out any new heights in advance to avoid last-minute discomfort. When selecting shoes, prioritize natural materials like genuine leather that can stretch and breathe with your feet. Ultimately, choose shoes that reflect your personal style and make you feel like the best version of yourself.

Choose One That Complements Your Style

Choose One That Complements Your Style

When searching for the perfect wedding shoe to pair with your dress, consider the intricate details of your gown. Does your dress feature classic lace or elegant rhinestone embroidery? Are there subtle blue accents woven throughout? To maintain visual harmony, look for similar design elements in a wedding shoe that complements your dress’s style and aesthetic. A cohesive look is essential – you wouldn’t want a mismatched pairing to detract from the overall impact of your wedding attire.

Ensure That It Makes You Feel Special

Ensure That It Makes You Feel Special

As you prepare to walk down the aisle, consider choosing a wedding shoe that embodies your unique personality and style. Even if your dress is floor-length, you’ll want to make sure your footwear makes an impression on your guests. After all, you’re looking to feel like royalty on your special day! Opt for something unconventional that will catch their eye – perhaps a sparkling blue glass slipper or a gold and champagne number with intricate details. Ultimately, the goal is to select a shoe that not only looks stunning in photos but also stands out in real life. By choosing a wedding shoe that reflects your personality and style, you’ll be able to own the moment as you exchange vows and celebrate your love with your partner.

Get Them Worn In

Get Them Worn In

Before committing to a pair of shoes for your special day, it’s essential to put them through their paces. Start by wearing them around the house – ideally on a clean, indoor carpeted surface in case you need to make any adjustments. Spend at least an hour or two walking around and getting accustomed to how they feel. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try dancing in them for added wear-in time. This will not only ensure a comfortable fit but also give you a sense of what it’ll be like to walk down the aisle in your new shoes. And why not get ahead of the game by wearing them around the house before your big day? It’s a great way to mentally prepare and visualize how stunning you’ll look on your wedding day.

Re-Wearability vs One-Time Special Sentimental Wear

Re-Wearability vs One-Time Special Sentimental Wear

When searching for the perfect wedding shoes, couples often face a dilemma: do they opt for something sentimental that can be passed down as an heirloom or something practical that can be re-worn after the big day? If you’re looking to create a meaningful keepsake, focus on finding a shoe that’s special enough to be treasured for generations to come. On the other hand, if you prioritize comfort and versatility, consider wedding shoes in neutral tones like nude or black. Alternatively, explore options like sandals or flats, which are not only comfortable but also lend themselves to being worn multiple times. This approach allows you to relive your wedding day every time you put on your shoes, and who doesn’t love the idea of scoring a great bargain?

You’re Not Limited To One Wedding Shoe

You’re Not Limited To One Wedding Shoe
You’re Not Limited To One Wedding Shoe

It’s common to have separate pairs for the ceremony and reception, just as brides are allowed to change their dresses. The same applies to wedding shoes – you can wear one pair for the ceremony and another for dancing. This allows you to prioritize comfort while still making a stylish statement.If you plan to wear heels during the ceremony, consider pairing them with a more comfortable flat shoe for dancing. And remember, your special day is all about you! You have every excuse to treat yourself to new shoes – after all, it’s once in a lifetime. So don’t be afraid to splurge and find the perfect pair that makes you feel confident and beautiful.The key to stress-free wedding planning lies in embracing the fun of shoe shopping. By considering these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect shoes for your big day. For more inspiration and fashion ideas, check out our style section.