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10 Ways To Be The Best Best Man, Ever

10 Ways To Be The Best Best Man, Ever

As we continue Grooms’ Week on Bridal Musings, today’s focus shifts from attire to the unsung heroes – the best men. Being entrusted with this significant role is a testament to one’s reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to hold it together in a suit (and look good while doing so). It’s an honor that demands more than just showing up; you’re expected to be the rock upon which the groom and his partner rely for support throughout the wedding journey. This involves attending fittings, crafting heartfelt speeches, and – of course – avoiding any ring-related mishaps. While mediocrity might suffice in some cases, we aim to inspire greatness with our top ten tips for achieving best man excellence. Heed these words of wisdom, and your friends will be clamoring to put you at the forefront of their wedding celebrations…

Throw The Best Bachelor Party (Ever!)

Throw The Best Bachelor Party (Ever!)

When it comes to planning the bachelor party, bridesmaids often have a crucial role to play. While their main responsibility is to ensure the groom has an unforgettable sendoff, it’s essential to tailor the night to his unique personality and preferences. Rather than relying on tired clichés like pub crawls, strip clubs, or forced embarrassment, consider what activities would genuinely resonate with the groom. This might be a camping trip for the outdoorsy type, a surfing weekend for the adrenaline junkie, or even a low-key evening in your local favorite spot. The key is to create an experience that’s authentic and memorable for the soon-to-be groom.

See How He’s Doing

See How He

As you prepare for your big day, it’s natural to assume that your groom is as excited as you are. However, the reality is that many grooms can feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of wedding planning. Unlike brides who may have experience with friends and family, grooms often haven’t had a chance to grasp just how much time, effort, and resources go into making the day special. They might be thrilled about becoming a husband, but the thought of all the details that come before it can be daunting. To help ease his stress, make sure to regularly check in with him and ask how he’s coping, giving him space to share his concerns and frustrations.

Be Excited For Him

Be Excited For Him

When it comes to weddings, personal feelings can often take center stage. Maybe you’re not invested in the nuances of place settings or photography styles, let alone the intricacies of wedding cakes. Perhaps you’re currently single and struggling to muster enthusiasm for your friend’s big day. Or maybe you’re lamenting the fact that a formerly free-spirited pal has opted to settle down for good. Whatever the case may be, it’s essential to put aside any reservations or mixed emotions in order to genuinely celebrate your friend’s special moment as a groom. By doing so, you’ll create space for them to fully absorb and enjoy their time in the spotlight.

Offer To Help

Offer To Help

When expressing willingness to lend a hand, it’s crucial to move beyond generic phrases like ‘Let me know if you need any help.’ Instead, offer specific assistance that addresses specific tasks or responsibilities. This approach not only demonstrates empathy for the individual’s workload but also conveys a sense of tangible support. By offering to ‘collect the suits,’ ‘put the cards in the hotel safe,’ or even ‘pick Grandma up from the airport,’ you’re showing that you’ve taken the time to understand the scope of their needs and are committed to helping with every aspect. As a result, your friends will feel more supported and be more inclined to accept your help, fostering stronger bonds and a deeper sense of community.

Pre-Wedding Prep

Pre-Wedding Prep

As the big day approaches, one of the most crucial responsibilities of a best man is to be fully present in the lead-up to the wedding. This means being available not just for the morning of the ceremony, but potentially even the night before as well. It’s essential to go beyond simply showing up at the altar; instead, take the time to have a drink (in moderation), ensure your groom has everything he needs (perhaps learn how to tie his bow-tie in advance), and engage in activities that bring him joy, such as playing some tunes or even organizing a quick game of football. By doing so, you’ll not only help keep his nerves at bay but also play a vital role in ensuring he arrives at the church on time, ready to take on the day ahead.

Be On The Ball

Be On The Ball

To truly stand out as an exceptional best man, it’s crucial to prioritize attention to detail on the wedding day. A small issue can quickly escalate into a major problem, so it’s essential to anticipate and address any potential hiccups before they arise. This might involve ensuring the groom has what he needs, whether that’s a refreshing mint or assistance with a last-minute adjustment. Similarly, the catering team may have overlooked a crucial aspect of the menu, such as vegetarian options. By being proactive and working closely with the other groomsmen and bridesmaids, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any unexpected challenges that come your way. Prepare a comprehensive kit containing essential items like mints, safety pins, painkillers, indigestion pills, and a backup copy of the groom’s speech, and don’t hesitate to touch base with the happy couple throughout the day to gauge their needs.

Swot Up On The Guests

Swot Up On The Guests

As I scrolled through Emily Scannell Photography’s beautiful captures on Style Me Pretty, my mind wandered to Aunt Karen, wisely advised to keep her distance from the gin. With divorced parents on either side, it’s crucial that they don’t make an appearance together in the pictures. And let’s not forget about the groom’s cousin – a guest with dietary restrictions requiring gluten-free, lactose-free, and peanut-free options. Being part of the wedding party can be both exhilarating and challenging, as you’re privy to the joys and struggles that come with it. You’ll need to anticipate potential pitfalls while also keeping an eye out for the fun-loving guests who will kick-start the photobooth, reliably collect signatures in the guest book, and eventually get coaxed onto the dance floor. Once they find their groove, though, they might just stay there all night – a true testament to the infectious energy of a wedding celebration.

All About The Speech

All About The Speech

When tasked with delivering the best man speech, most men would agree that it’s a daunting endeavor. The goal is to strike the perfect balance between humor and heartwarming sentiments. A great best man speech should leave audiences laughing one moment, and misty-eyed the next. To achieve this, you’ll want to tread carefully, injecting just enough humor to hint at your groom’s wilder days without causing embarrassment for his family or new partner. Then, expertly pivot to a more sentimental tone, celebrating the love and commitment of the happy couple. And remember, it’s not all about you and the groom – make sure to give equal attention to your new spouse, as well.

Soul of the Party

Soul of the Party

The best man’s role is often defined by their connection to the groom, whether it’s due to reliability, exceptional public speaking skills, or a long-standing friendship. However, if you want to truly excel in your duties, you need to be the last one standing at the end of the night. This requires more than just being a great partygoer – you need to be able to keep the energy high and the fun rolling throughout the evening. As the best man, it’s your job to get everyone up dancing, ensure the drinks are flowing, and even amp things up when guests start to lose steam. At the end of the day, weddings are parties, so while getting wild on the dance floor might not be a requirement, being the life of the party – or at least, being the one leading the conga line – certainly is.

You Can Be a Best Woman Too

You Can Be a Best Woman Too

We’re thrilled to see this trend gaining momentum! The notion that only men can be best men is outdated, and we’re loving the inclusivity it brings. Whether you opt for a dress, suit up with some serious style, or dress down like the guys, being the best best woman ever remains a universal concept. As we celebrate individuality and self-expression, we’d love to hear your tips on how to be an exceptional best woman. Share your wisdom in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going!