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10 Tips For Making Your Own Wedding Cake

10 Tips For Making Your Own Wedding Cake

10 Tips For Making Your Own Wedding Cake

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10 Tips For Making Your Own Wedding Cake

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When it comes to wedding planning, there are many opinions about whether you should make your own wedding cake. While some experts advise against it, I’m here to share my take on why baking your own wedding cake can be a great idea – especially for those who have the time and enjoy baking. Of course, if you’re in the midst of final preparations, from salon appointments to hosting out-of-town guests, then baking a cake might not be the best use of your time. But for those with more relaxed lead-up times, baking can be a therapeutic way to unwind and prevent last-minute jitters. It’s even been a trend here at Bridal Musings, where our team has baked cakes for friends’ and family members’ special days. While it may require some skill and attention to detail, the reward is well worth the effort. And let’s be honest, a slightly rustic or lop-sided cake can still be loved by your guests if you’re a laid-back bride with chill vibes. So before you get started, here are my top tips for baking your own wedding cake without inviting chaos.

Be practical.

Be practical.

Before diving into baking a wedding cake, take a moment to reflect on your baking skills and personal preferences. Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you confident in your ability to create a visually appealing dessert? And most importantly, do you enjoy the process of baking? These questions are crucial in determining whether attempting to bake your own wedding cake is a wise decision. While the cake may not be the centerpiece of your special day, a stressful or disappointing experience could ultimately overshadow the celebration. By acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses as a baker, you can make an informed choice about how to approach this important aspect of your wedding planning.

Keep your cake simple.

Keep your cake simple.

While it’s tempting to try something new and adventurous for your wedding cake, it’s essential to remember that this is a celebration of love and commitment, not an opportunity to experiment with untested recipes. Instead, opt for tried-and-true favorites that you’re confident in baking and decorating with ease.

For my sister’s special day, I stuck to what I know best – my signature chocolate Guinness cake. The three tiers were identical, but nobody seemed to mind or even notice! If you have a reputation for crafting incredible pies, macaroons, or cheesecakes, why not stick with what you do well? The beauty of a wedding cake lies in its simplicity and elegance, so don’t feel pressured to create something elaborate. A single-tier masterpiece can be just as stunning as a multi-tiered showstopper.

Prep in advance.

Prep in advance.

When it comes to preparing a show-stopping cake like this one from Sweet Heather Anne via Bridal Musings, it’s essential to do as much prep work in advance as possible. Even if you’ve whipped up this cake numerous times before, it’s still crucial to conduct at least one trial run – and who better to test it for you than your friends and family? This will give you the opportunity to iron out any kinks and make any necessary adjustments before the big day.

Another key tip is to ensure that all your ingredients are on hand well in advance. Don’t leave shopping for your essential supplies until the morning of the bake – have as much as possible prepped in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

If possible, consider baking your cake a few days ahead of time. Fruit cakes and biscuit cakes often have a longer shelf life than other types of cake, making them ideal for preparing well in advance. This will give you one less thing to worry about on the day itself, allowing you to focus on the finer details.

Do it for the right reasons.

Do it for the right reasons.

While there’s no rulebook that says you must bake your own wedding cake, it’s essential to consider why you’re taking on this task. If your motivation is purely financial – i.e., trying to save money by doing everything yourself – then it may be wiser to opt for a simpler solution. In fact, a plain supermarket cake with some creative decorations can be just as delightful and memorable as an elaborate homemade one. Alternatively, consider enlisting the help of a friend or fellow baker among your guests who might be eager to contribute to the celebration by bringing their own specialty dessert. Ultimately, bake your wedding cake only if you genuinely derive joy from the process – not because you feel pressured to impress others with your DIY skills. After all, the stress and hassle that comes with trying to do everything yourself may not be worth the potential outcome.

Enlist a helper.

Enlist a helper.

When preparing your wedding cake, consider removing distractions and minimizing interruptions by clearing your space of any extra guests. Having someone nearby to handle tasks like washing bowls or answering unexpected calls can be helpful. However, having multiple people hovering over you while you work on the cake can amplify stress levels. Consider borrowing a friend’s kitchen or finding a secluded area for this task to ensure a peaceful and productive experience.

Clear the kitchen.

Clear the kitchen.

When preparing for your big day, it’s essential to create a stress-free environment in your home, and that includes clearing out any clutter. This can include tidying away items like boutonniere pins, wedding cards, or DIY projects that you may have put on hold. Having an uncluttered workspace will significantly reduce the likelihood of last-minute mishaps, such as forgetting to add a crucial ingredient because it was hidden beneath a pile of ribbons. By keeping your kitchen space organized and tidy, you’ll be able to focus on more important things, like ensuring that your bake turns out perfectly.

Free the day.

Dedicate an entire day to crafting your masterpiece – literally! Set aside any distractions, appointments or plans, and focus solely on creating a show-stopping cake. While you can estimate the baking time, decorating is a different story altogether. Rushing through it will only result in a subpar finish. I should know; I spent around three hours meticulously icing and coconuting my friend’s Pineapple Pina Colada wedding cake – an hour flew by faster than expected! As a baker, you might think you can keep things chill, but the pressure to create perfection can quickly turn even the most laid-back person into a meticulous master. And don’t forget the crucial tip: always let your cake cool before adding that final layer of icing!

Do it with decoration.

Do it with decoration.

When it comes to making your wedding cake, remember that presentation is everything. Even if there are a few imperfections in the icing or structure, a thoughtful touch can transform the overall appearance. For instance, my sister’s wedding cake didn’t take on its ‘weddingy’ charm until we added the Mr & Mrs topper. Similarly, a plain cake can be elevated with some strategically placed flowers or foliage. The key is to find a decorative element that complements your design and style. Whether it’s a towering sponge cake or a rich Mississippi mud pie, adding a touch of flair – whether in the form of a cake topper, fancy stand, or delicate blooms – can turn an ordinary-looking dessert into an extraordinary one.

Think about transportation.

When entrusting a professional baker to create your dream cake, one of the most significant advantages is their ability to manage the logistical challenge of transporting the finished masterpiece to your wedding venue. This can be a daunting task for couples planning their special day, as they must consider factors such as whether the cake should travel in pre-built tiers or separately, and whether specialized equipment like cake tins or larger boxes will be necessary. To avoid any potential stress on your big day, it’s often best to coordinate with the baker to drop off the cake at the venue the night before, allowing you to assemble and decorate it then. Whatever arrangement you make, however, please refrain from transporting the cake on your lap in your wedding car – especially if it’s a rich, chocolatey masterpiece! The added stress of ensuring its safety during travel is best avoided, allowing you to focus on enjoying every moment of your special day.

Have a backup plan.

Even the most skilled bakers can have an off day, just like the contestants on The Great British Bake-Off. So, it’s essential to have a backup plan in place. If you’re short on time or struggling with a recipe, consider purchasing a plain white cake from your local grocery store, ordering custom cupcakes from a bakery, or whipping up some simple fairy buns. Remember, no baking disaster is too big or small to ruin a wedding (although I hope that’s not the case!). Just take a deep breath and don’t be too hard on yourself. With plenty of time and reasonable expectations, you’ll be able to rock your role as a baker bride. If you’ve already baked your own wedding cake, we’d love to hear about your experience – did it turn out as planned? Or if you’re planning to bake your own, what creative ideas do you have in the works? We’re all ears! For more inspiration and ideas, be sure to check out our Cake Ideas board on Pinterest.

Consider the climate.

Consider the climate.

When crafting your wedding cake, environmental conditions can dramatically affect the final result. In humid climates, icing may fail to set properly, leaving cakes too moist or even prone to collapse. To overcome this challenge, it’s crucial to modify your recipe and store your cake accordingly. For instance, in hot and humid locations, a fondant coating might be a better choice than buttercream, which can melt in the heat. Furthermore, it’s essential to keep your cake in a cool, dry space until display time to maintain its freshness and flavor.

Practice food safety.

When deciding to bake your own wedding cake, it’s crucial to prioritize food safety to guarantee a successful and stress-free experience on your special day. To start, ensure that your hands and equipment are thoroughly cleaned before beginning the baking process. Additionally, opt for fresh ingredients and meticulously follow the recipe to guarantee that your cake is cooked at the optimal temperature and for the recommended time frame. Furthermore, take necessary precautions when storing and transporting your cake to prevent contamination. This includes utilizing food-safe containers and wrapping the cake securely.

Don’t Forget to Enjoy Your Wedding Day


While baking your own wedding cake can be a daunting task, it’s essential to prioritize the celebration of your love and commitment to your partner. Rather than letting the pressure of perfection overwhelm you, take a step back and focus on the joy of the day. Remember that your guests will appreciate the effort you put into creating something special for them, and the love and happiness of the occasion far surpass any imperfections in the cake. So, take a deep breath, indulge in every delicious bite, and cherish the memories you’re making with your loved ones.

Invest in the right equipment.

When it comes to baking a wedding cake from scratch, having the right tools for the job is crucial. To ensure a stress-free experience, start by gathering essential baking pans, a reliable mixer, and any other necessary utensils required by your recipe. A sturdy cake stand or platter is also a must-have for displaying your masterpiece. Don’t overlook decorating essentials like piping bags, tips, and spatulas – these will come in handy as you bring your design to life. By investing in the right equipment, you’ll not only simplify the process but also enjoy the journey.

Get creative with flavors.

When it comes to baking your own wedding cake, one of the most appealing aspects is the freedom to craft unique flavor profiles that reflect your personal taste. Feel free to push boundaries and combine flavors in innovative ways. Drawing inspiration from seasonal ingredients or incorporating meaningful flavors can make your cake truly special. Additionally, consider setting up a dessert table with an assortment of sweet treats like cupcakes, cookies, and pies, allowing your guests to indulge in a variety of delicious options.

Practice assembling your cake.

When it comes to assembling a tiered wedding cake, even seasoned bakers can encounter challenges. To minimize the risk of last-minute mishaps, it’s crucial to test-run the process beforehand. Set up a mock assembly with the same equipment and tools you plan to use on your wedding day, ensuring you have a solid plan for transporting the cake to the venue. This exercise will help you identify potential issues and instill the confidence you need to execute your design flawlessly on the big day.