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85 Hilarious Tadpole Jokes

85 Hilarious Tadpole Jokes

Tadpole Puns

1. What do you call a tadpole that just graduated college? An educated pollywog!

2. How does a tadpole access the internet? They log on with their tad-pole!

3. Why don’t tadpoles ever run out of energy? They have re-charge-able tail batteries!

4. What do you call a tadpole that works as a chef? A sautéing pollywog!

5. Why did the tadpole bring extra clothes to the pond? In case it grew and needed a new frog outfit!

6. What type of shoes do tadpoles wear? Open-toad sandals!

7. How do tadpoles stick together in a group? With toadhesive!

8. Why was the tadpole embarrassed? It saw a frog’s butt naked!

9. What’s a tadpole’s favorite theme park ride? Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride!

10. What do you call a tadpole that loves to read? A bookworm pollywog!

11. Why couldn’t the tadpole find its mom? It didn’t recognize her when she was fully frogged!

12. What kind of songs do tadpoles listen to? Hip-hop!

13. Why did the tadpole feel self-conscious? Because it was going through an ugly duckling phase!

14. What did one tadpole say to the other? “I got your back… and your front!”

15. What did the mama frog say when her babies hatched? “Tadaa!”

Tadpole One-Liners

16. A tadpole walks into a bar, and the bartender says “What’ll it be?” The tadpole says “Water, please.”

17. I tried catching some tadpoles the other day, but they just kept slipping out of my hands!

18. They told me I wouldn’t get far in life with a tail like this… good thing I’m just a tadpole!

19. Don’t take advice from a tadpole – they have skewed perspectives on life as a frog.

20. I asked the tadpole where he was going and he said “To the other side.” Then he swam in a circle and said “Just kidding – gotcha!”

21. How do you know tadpoles have a ton of energy? They’re into hip-hop music.

22. What did one tadpole say to the other? Swim against the current – you’ll develop frog legs faster!

23. Why don’t you ever see a happy tadpole? They have newt-ral expressions.

24. Want to hear a joke about tadpoles? Never mind, it’s still in the pollywog stage.

25. What’s the worst thing about being a tadpole? Living in constant fear of being someone’s frog legs dinner.

Best Tadpole Jokes

26. A tadpole was hopping along one day when it saw a big buff frog. The tadpole said “Wow, you look really fit!” The frog replied “It’s easy when you grow up in a strictly ribbiting environment.”

27. What’s green and hops from lily pad to lily pad? A confused tadpole looking for its mother.

28. Why don’t tadpoles swim in salt water? Because then they’d be brine shrimp instead!

29. How do tadpoles stay connected over long distances? They kermit to a long-distance relationship.

30. A dad tadpole was swimming with his tadpole son. The son asked “Dad, how do you know where we’re going?” The dad said “Stay calm son – just follow my lead!”

31. What do you get when you cross a frog and a bunny? A rabbit that can really jump and a tadpole that can only hop a little.

32. Why did the tadpole grow up faster than all its siblings? It took the hop track in school.

33. What’s the most common injury for tadpoles? Pulled muscles from excessive tail wagging.

34. Why was the tadpole depressed? It was having an identity crisis – couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a fish or frog.

35. What happens when a tadpole falls in love? Their crush turns into infatuation and they end up croaking all the time!

36. How do tadpoles stay clean? They take quick showers with H2O en raincoats.

37. What do you call a group of athletic tadpoles? The ribbeting team!

38. Why was the tadpole frustrated? He wanted to enter the ribbiting contest but didn’t make the leap yet.

39. Why was the tadpole exhausted after family dinner? His aunt kept bugging him about when he’d grow his frog legs already.

40. How does a tadpole stop itself from shedding its tail? With sheer tail-power!

41. Why was the tadpole voted most likely to succeed? He always knew how to hop to it and get ahead of the competition!

42. What’s a tadpole’s favorite martial art? Hop-kido!

43. How did the tadpole become an internet sensation? He made hilarious YouTube videos showing off his tail wagging dance moves!

44. Why do tadpoles make great philosophers? They spend all their time pondering the meaning of lake.

45. What did the zen tadpole say to the hotheaded tadpole? “You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

46. How do you embarrass a room full of tadpoles? Say “I bet none of you can swim backwards!”

47. What do you call a tadpole that just ate a big meal? A fatpole!

48. Why don’t tadpoles tell jokes while they swim in schools? They don’t want to get in troub-bubble!

49. What’s a tadpole’s favorite breakfast food? Frog legs and krill.

50. Why do tadpoles make great scientists? They’re always up for experiments in the lab-rador.

51. How does a tadpole become a frog? It goes through a metamorphosis and morphs into an amphibi-I-can attitude!

52. Why are tadpoles so good at hide and seek? They blend right into the lilypads!

53. What do you call a laidback tadpole? Chilla-pole!

54. Why do tadpoles hate rainy days? Because it’s impossible to use their iPonds.

55. What do tadpoles and frogs have in common? The same croak!

More Tadpole Puns

56. Why are tadpoles such good dancers? They know how to break it tail-style.

57. What’s a tadpole’s favorite TV show? Hop-rah!

58. Why don’t tadpoles swim at night? They’re afraid of the dark frog shadows.

59. How does a tadpole call for help? They holler out “Save my tail!”

60. What’s a tadpole’s favorite amusement park game? Leap frog!

61. Why was the tadpole crying? It was having a midlife-tadpole crisis.

62. How do tadpoles get around the lake quickly? By taking a hop, skip and a jump!

63. What do you call a tadpole that became a DJ? A mix-master pollywog!

64. Why was the tadpole moving so slowly? It was trying not to disturb its pondmates.

65. What’s a tadpole’s favorite emoji? The frog face!

More Tadpole One-Liners

66. They told me growing up would be tough, but as a tadpole, I didn’t understand why – I thought I’d just swim through it.

67. I entered my tadpole in a tail-wagging competition – he took home the gold medal.

68. Don’t bother asking a tadpole for life advice – they haven’t grown into themselves yet.

69. I saw two tadpoles vibing to hip hop music – I guess they love that hop lifestyle.

70. Tadpoles may look small, but their tail-flipping power is surprisingly mighty!

71. I tried to kiss a tadpole once… let’s just say it was an awkward croak on the mouth.

72. Tadpoles are determined little creatures – throw them in any pond and they’ll start swimming without hesitation.

73. I entered my pet tadpole in a race, but he ended up just hopping in circles instead.

74. Don’t be fooled by a tadpole’s small size – they’ve got massive dreams of growing into frogs.

75. My tadpole got its tail stuck in some pond plants – it was one difficult disentangle-mint.

More Best Tadpole Jokes

76. What do you get if you cross a frog and a water species? A marine biologist tracking hybrid tadpoles.

77. How do tadpoles stay connected long-distance? With ribbeting long-distance phone plans!

78. What did one tadpole say to the other when they both grew legs on the same day? “Can you believe it? We finally made the leep!”

79. What do you get when you cross a frog with Wolverine? A mutant amphibian shooting tadpoles out its wrists.

80. Why are tadpoles such good lifeguards? They’re trained in tail-to-mouth resurrection.

81. How does a tadpole become a frog? With a lot of hops-piration and refusing to take leaps backwards!

82. What’s green and bounces higher than a basketball? A tadpole that just grew its frog legs!

83. Why do frogs make terrible life coaches? Because they just tell tadpoles to jump without any clear direction.

84. How do tadpoles party? By pollywogging all night long!

85. What’s the most common injury among partying tadpoles? Busted tail from excessive pollywogging!