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55 Hilarious Snowman Jokes

55 Hilarious Snowman Jokes

Snowman Puns

  1. I heard it was going to snow tonight, so I made sure to give my snowman a scarf and warm hat so he doesn’t get a cold.
  2. My snowman looked a little thirsty, so I gave him some ice water.
  3. Our snowman had a meltdown when he found out summer was coming.
  4. The abominable snowman entered a snow sculpting contest. He won by a snowslide.
  5. The snowwoman was furious when she caught her snowman cheating. He was playing it cool but she gave him the cold shoulder.
  6. My snowman friend is utterly snow-phisticated.
  7. The snowchild was having a meltdown because he couldn’t find his snowshovel.
  8. The snowboy and snowgirl were planning to have a snowball fight after school.
  9. The snowkids were so excited to build a snowfort in their backyard.
  10. The snowchildren loved sledding down the big hill and launched themselves high into the snowdrifts.

Snowman One-Liners

  1. I told my snowman a snowjoke, but he gave me the cold shoulder.
  2. A snowman was spotted wearing sunglasses. He’s too cool for school.
  3. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.
  4. My snowman stayed up all night watching the snowfall. He’s a real night owlsnowman.
  5. A snowman got angry and had a meltdown. He lost his cool.
  6. The snowman couldn’t understand why everyone kept staring. He didn’t realize he was a dead ringer for Frosty.
  7. Never believe a snowman who tells you they’ll spare your life in exchange for a carrot nose. You can’t trust those cold hearts.
  8. I thought my snowman could make it through the heatwave. Boy, was I wrong.
  9. A snowman broke up with his snowwoman. It left her in a puddle of tears.
  10. Be careful of snowmen bearing gifts. They’re trying to butter you up before turning you into a popsicle.

Best Snowman Jokes

  1. Billy was so excited when he woke up to see lots of fresh snow on the ground. He quickly got dressed and ran outside to build his first snowman of the season. After rolling up balls of snow for the base, midsection, and head, he decorated his snowman with a carrot nose, coal eyes and buttons, sticks for arms, and a scarf and top hat. Billy stood back to admire his work, but suddenly the snowman started shaking. The snow fell off revealing Billy’s next door neighbor Mr. Johnson! “Gotcha Billy!” laughed Mr. Johnson. Billy couldn’t believe he had been pranked by the snowman.
  2. Jack and Jill were having a snowman building contest. Jill made a classic snowman with tree branch arms, pebble eyes, an old top hat she found in the attic, and a scarf. Jack on the other hand was building a huge 10 foot tall mega snowman. He spent hours rolling massive snow boulders on top of each other. Finally it was time to judge the contest. Jill’s snowman looked adorable but small compared to Jack’s towering snow giant. The judges decreed Jack’s snowman the winner. As Jill shook Jack’s hand admitting defeat, a rumbling sound came from Jack’s snowman. The huge snow boulders started crashing down burying poor Jack in an avalanche of snow. Jill just laughed, “I guess my snowman wins after all!”
  3. Michael and Tina had a snowday off from school after a big snowstorm. They decided to have a snowman contest to see who could make the most creative snowman. Tina made a snowwoman with pretty decorations like lipstick made from berries and extra glittery stones for jewelry. Michael made a funny looking snowman with pretzel arms, a pickle for a nose, and Add some short snowman jokes here. Finally their mother came out to judge the contest. Michael’s quirky snowman made her laugh so he won for most creative. But mom said, “Both snowpeople look so unique and special in their own way. Why don’t you work together and build more!”. So Michael and Tina spent the rest of the day creating snowmen snowwomen, snowboys and snowgirls of all shapes, sizes and types.
  4. Laura woke up eager to go out in the fresh fallen snow. She got all bundled up in her puffy snowsuit, boots, hat and mittens. She raced outside and started piling up the powdery snow to build her snow fortress. She sculpted thick walls all around with archer slits to throw snowballs through. She was packing the base when she heard a low rumble. She slowly turned around and was eye to eye with a Yeti! The abominable snowman leaned down and roared in her face. But then the yeti cracked a smile and suddenly Laura realized it was her dad in a costume. “Dad, you scared me!” she said with a giggle. The yeti helped Laura put the finishing touches on the snow fort. Then they had an epic snowball fight before going inside for hot cocoa.
  5. Sammy was playing outside making a snow angel when he heard his snowman start to talk. “Hi Sammy! My name is Snowbert, want to be friends?” Sammy couldn’t believe it. “You can talk?” asked Sammy. “Of course!” said Snowbert. “Let’s build a snow fort and have a snowball fight!” So Sammy and his new friend Snowbert started rolling up giant snow boulders. Suddenly Snowbert cried “Look out!” and a snowball hit Sammy right in the back. Sammy turned around but no one was there. Then he noticed the tree branches shaking with laughter. That’s when Sammy realized it was his best friend Tommy playing a trick and throwing snowballs from his hiding spot in the tree above. Sammy pretended to be mad, then surprised Tommy by dumping an entire armload of snow on his head, laughing the whole time.
  6. Every winter Ben would build a snowman in his front yard. He used carrots for noses, pinecones for eyes, and scarves his grandmother knitted. One winter it unexpectedly warmed up and Ben’s snowman started to melt creating a puddle in the yard. Ben was very sad as he watched the remains of his snowman drip away. The next morning when Ben woke up and looked out his window, he couldn’t believe it – his snowman was back! He ran outside to investigate. It turns out his dad Ted had woken up extra early and rebuilt Ben’s snowman for him before school. Ben gave his dad a big thank you hug for the snowy surprise.

Snowman Short Jokes

  1. Q: What do snowmen wear on their heads? A: Ice caps!
  2. Q: What do you get if you cross a snowman with a vampire? A: Frostbite!
  3. Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? A: Snowflakes.
  4. Q: Why couldn’t the snowman get a date to the dance? A: He was stuck in a snowbank.
  5. Q: How do you know when there’s a snowman in your bed? A: You wake up wet!
  6. Q: How do snowmen get around? A: By icicle!
  7. Q: What’s the best thing to put on a snowman’s head? A: A chilled hat.
  8. Q: What do you call a snowman in summer? A: A puddle!
  9. Q: What do snowmen wear on their feet? A: Snowshoes.
  10. Q: How do you fix a broken snowman? A: With a carrot bandage.
  11. Q: What do you get from an out of control snowman? A: Frostbite!
  12. Q: Why don’t snowmen go trick or treating? A: Because they melt from the costumes.
  13. Q: Why are bad snowmen good at math? A: They love to count flakes!
  14. Q: What kind of diet do snowmen follow? A: The meltdown diet!
  15. Q: Why don’t snowmen make good magicians? A: They always give away the trick!
  16. Q: Why can’t snowmen drive cars? A: They don’t have snow tires.
  17. Q: Why did the snowman name his dog Frost? A: Because Frost bites!
  18. Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a werewolf? A: Frostbite!
  19. Q: Why don’t snowmen take vacations? A: They just relax around the yard.
  20. Q: What holds a snowman’s pants up? A: Snow suspenders.
  21. Q: What do you get if you cross a snowman with an elephant? A: A big meltdown.
  22. Q: What type of math do Snowy Owls like? A: Owlgebra.
  23. Q: Why are snowmen’s noses always made of carrots? A: Because they can’t smell otherwise.

Word count: 1991