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64 Funny Star Wars Jokes

64 Funny Star Wars Jokes

Star Wars Puns

1. I couldn’t figure out how to fasten my Obi, so I used the Force.

2. The band was so loud that I couldn’t Hoth a word they were saying.

3. I was going to make an offensive joke about Jawas, but decided not to go down that path.

4. The restaurant was out of Bantha burgers, so I ordered a dewback sandwich instead.

5. I entered a contest for Star Wars impersonators but there was no first prize, it was a tie fighter.

6. My friend got hungry watching Star Wars, but I advised him not to give in to the dark side of the munchies.

7. I was fired from my job at Lucasfilm for stealing props. They caught me red handed with a clone trooper helmet.

8. I bought Star Wars sheets to impress my date, but she refused to sleep over. I guess the force wasn’t with me.

9. I wanted to dress up as a Jedi for Halloween but couldn’t find a costume. Everything was sold out, it was a robe one.

10. I tried to organize a hide and seek tournament on the Death Star but no one could find a good place to hide.

Star Wars One-Liners

11. I find your lack of humor disturbing.

12. My friend called in sick to work saying she caught the blue shadow virus, her boss said “A Kovid story, I’ve heard.”

13. Don’t mock the Force, it’s not a laughing Sith-uation.

14. I’m reading a book about the Force, it has Jedi mind tricks.

15. I bought a cookbook for making drinks inspired by Star Wars, the recipes are mix-tacular.

16. I entered a Star Wars costume contest as a Tusken Raider but didn’t win, I guess I didn’t have the right Sandpeople skills.

17. I tried to climb into an Imperial walker but Stormtroopers forced me out, it was an AT-AT-tack.

18. My friend called me panicking, he lost his ID card. I said “Remain Calme, we’ll find your Calrissian”.

19. I wanted to rewatch the movies but my ex still has my DVDs, the Empire strikes back.

20. Did you hear Disney bought Lucasfilm? Goofy is going to be the next Sith Lord.

Best Star Wars Jokes

21. Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were trying to sneak onto the Death Star. Luke was worried they’d be spotted and said “Master, aren’t you afraid we’ll get caught?” Kenobi replied “Don’t call me master!” startled, Luke asked “What should I call you then?” Kenobi whispered “You’re right, let’s just keep moving.”

22. Darth Vader walks into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender asks “Would you like that shaken or stirred?” Vader growls “Do I come to your job and tell you how to mix drinks?” The bartender quickly makes the martini.

23. How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? With Ewokie-Talkies!

24. What do Gungans serve with dinner? Jar-Jar peas!

25. Why does Darth Vader breathe so loudly? Because he has bad Vader-halitosis!

26. A Jawa walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says “We don’t serve their kind here.” The Jawa throws his hands up and shouts “Utinni!”

27. What do you call stolen AT-AT plans? Hot Plot-ato prints!

28. Why was six afraid of seven in the Star Wars universe? Because seven ate nine (Nien Nunb).

29. How does Darth Vader like his toast? On the dark side.

30. What do you call a potato that turned to the dark side? Darth Tater.

31. Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up? So it doesn’t Hang Solow.

32. Did you hear about the new Vegemite they created for Chewbacca? It’s called Chewie Goobie!

33. I tried to fix R2D2 but I couldn’t get my screwdriver to work. I think my power drill was feeling a bit Vader the weather.

34. What do you call a nervous jawa? A jittery critter!

35. Why does Kylo Ren get invited to all the parties? Because he’s Supreme Leader Snoke’s right hand man!

36. What do you call a potato that turned to the dark side? Darth Tater.

37. How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents.

38. Why can’t Ewoks become entrepreneurs? They can’t run a Wookiee business!

39. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his fur? A chocolate Chipwabacca!

40. How many Sith Lords does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change the light bulb and one to kill his master.

41. What’s Darth Vader’s favorite Beatles song? “Lucy in the Sky with TIE Fighters”

42. Did you hear about the restaurant on the forest moon of Endor? It came highly recommended on Yelp.

43. I was going to make a joke about Jawas, but Sand People might get upset.

44. What do you call stolen AT-AT plans? Hot Plot-ato prints!

45. What do you call a nervous jawa? A jittery critter!

46. How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it.

47. What do you call a potato that turned to the dark side? Darth Tater.

48. Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up? So it doesn’t Hang Solow.

49. How many Sith Lords does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change the light bulb and one to kill his master.

50. What’s the internal temperature of a Tauntaun? Lukewarm.

51. Did you hear about the new Vegemite they created for Chewbacca? It’s called Chewie Goobie!

52. What do Gungans serve with dinner? Jar-Jar peas!

53. How did Anakin win the podrace? He had force-sensitive controls installed.

54. Why does Kylo Ren get invited to all the parties? Because he’s Supreme Leader Snoke’s right hand man!

55. How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents.

56. I tried to fix R2D2 but I couldn’t get my screwdriver to work. I think my power drill was feeling a bit Vader the weather.

57. What’s Darth Vader’s favorite Beatles song? “Lucy in the Sky with TIE Fighters”

58. Why was six afraid of seven in the Star Wars universe? Because seven ate nine (Nien Nunb).

59. How does Darth Vader like his toast? On the dark side.

60. Did you hear about the restaurant on the forest moon of Endor? It came highly recommended on Yelp.

61. Why can’t Ewoks become entrepreneurs? They can’t run a Wookiee business!

62. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his fur? A chocolate Chipwabacca!

63. How many Sith Lords does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change the light bulb and one to kill his master.

64. What do you call a nervous jawa? A jittery critter!