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65 Funny Sketchbook Jokes

65 Funny Sketchbook Jokes

Sketchbook Puns (20)

  1. I was going to make a joke about sketchbooks, but the pages were blank.
  2. My friend was bragging about his new sketchbook, but I told him not to get a big head over a few empty pages.
  3. Did you hear about the sketchbook that was arrested? It was booked on charges of incomplete drawings.
  4. I bought a sketchbook to practice my comedy routines, but none of the jokes landed on the pages.
  5. I tried to check a sketchbook out from the library, but they said incomplete drawings could not be borrowed.
  6. When I opened my new sketchbook for the first time, there was nothing inside. What a rough draft!
  7. I took my sketchbook to the doctor because it had no drawings inside. The doctor said, “This is a blank case.”
  8. My friend was obsessed with his sketchbook but had not used it once. I told him it was an empty gesture.
  9. I entered my blank sketchbook into an art competition. But the judges said incomplete drawings would not make the final cut.
  10. I bought a sketchbook to capture memories on vacation. But all the pages were blank, so I guess nothing noteworthy happened!
  11. I tried to sell my unused sketchbook on eBay, but got no bids. I guess empty pages are worthless!
  12. I accidentally dropped my sketchbook into a puddle. Now I have a wet blank page.
  13. My daughter asked for a sketchbook for her birthday. I got her one but forgot to take off the wrap. It was a transparent cover up!
  14. I wanted to shred my unused sketchbook for recycling, but stacking blank pages jammed the machine.
  15. Did you hear about the arrogant sketchbook? It had a big ego despite being empty inside.
  16. I entered my sketchbook into a minimalist art contest. The judges said the blank pages perfectly captured the essence of nothingness.
  17. Did you hear about the sketchbook that got an award? It won first prize for an incomplete set of drawings!
  18. I tried to mail my sketchbook but the post office rejected it for having too little contents inside.
  19. My friend bought an expensive leather sketchbook but never used it. I told him it was a costly blank slate!

Sketchbook One-Liners (15)

  1. My sketchbook is so empty, tumbleweeds roll across the pages.
  2. My sketchbook has less drawings than a desert has rain.
  3. My sketchbook is as blank as my cat’s expression.
  4. My sketchbook has seen less action than a hermit in isolation.
  5. My sketchbook is emptier than a politician’s campaign promises.
  6. My sketchbook has fewer drawings than a snake has legs.
  7. My sketchbook is as sparse as a bald man’s comb.
  8. My sketchbook makes a morgue look lively in comparison.
  9. My sketchbook has fewer contents than a vegan’s steakhouse order.
  10. My sketchbook is as vacant as a ghost town in off season.
  11. My sketchbook has less art than a minimalist painting.
  12. My sketchbook is as empty as a school on weekends.
  13. My sketchbook’s blankness rivals an unused chalkboard.
  14. My sketchbook makes blank paper seem crowded.
  15. My sketchbook has even less going on than a colony on Mars.

Best Sketchbook Jokes (30)

  1. My friend was obsessed with buying fancy sketchbooks but never used them. I finally told her, “Can you stop wasting money on empty sketchbooks? If I have to see another untouched Moleskine, I’m going to flip the blank page on this friendship!”
  2. I was excited to fill the pages of my new sketchbook on vacation. But after two weeks, all I had were drawings of hotel rooms andempty beaches. My trip was just one blank page after another!
  3. As an artist, I wanted to capture stunning mountain vistas in my sketchbook. But when inspiration never struck, Ijust drew blank landscapes instead. Even my muse comes up empty sometimes!
  4. My daughter begged me for an expensive leather art journal for her birthday. Months later, it remains pristine, without a single drawing marring its perfect pages. I guess I should have known she lacked the follow-through to fill a blank book!
  5. A police officer caught a robber red-handed fleeing a home with an empty sketchbook tucked under his arm. The thief protested, “It was a blank haul, officer!”
  6. I brought my sketchbook everywhere one summer, determined to fill it up. But when I got home and reviewed it, all Idiscovered were dozens of blank pages. I guess I should erase that season from memory!
  7. As a comedian, I tried using a sketchbook to write down jokes and routines. But when I took it on stage, all the blank pages made for a very silent set!
  8. An arrogant artist carried around a leather sketchbook daily, scoffing that no mere mortal could afford such a majestic journal. But when a gust of wind blew it open, everyone saw…it was completely blank inside. His ego did not take the empty reveal well!
  9. Two artists walk into a sketchbook. Ouch, that first page was brutal!
  10. Did you hear about the performance artist who brought a blank sketchbook on stage? He titled it “The Show Must Go On!”
  11. My brother said if I filled up my sketchbook, he’d buy me a new set of drawing pens. A month went by, and all Ihad were empty pages. Guess that promise vanished as quick as my inspiration!
  12. A vain baroness always carried around an embossed leather sketchbook, waiting for artistic brilliance tostrike. But when she passed away, her family discovered the expensive journal…was completely empty. All that waiting for inspiration still perfectly captured her vapid soul!
  13. My friend bought a vintage sketchbook said to contain Da Vinci’s early works. But upon closer inspection, it was just a con job full of blank period pages!
  14. An artist was found wandering the streets clutching a worn sketchbook, rambling about his unseen masterpieces. But when checked into a mental facility, doctors discovered…all the pages were totally blank.
  15. My girlfriend gifted me a beautiful handcrafted sketchbook for my birthday, hoping I’d fill it with drawings of our happiest memories. Flash forward to our ugly breakup a year later, and it’s still empty…I guess the pages perfectly reflect what a blank slate I was in that failed relationship!
  16. As a neurotic writer, I carry a leather journal everywhere, hoping inspiration will strike. But after five years of lugging it around, all I have to show are hundreds of perfectly blank pages staring back mockingly. Even imaginary ideas refuse to grace such an obvious poser!
  17. Two artists walk into a sketchbook store. Both ask to see the emptiest journal available!
  18. An unsuccessful author carries her latest manuscript into a publisher, claiming word of her genius will finally spread across the land! But upon opening it, executives are stunned to discover…nothing but completely blank pages. She berates them, shouting, “Fools! You simply lack the vision to see my words hovering in the empty spaces!”
  19. A modish noblewoman brought her sketchbook everywhere in 19th century France, waiting to be divinely inspired. At her lavish funeral decades later, attendees crowded around eagerly as the officiant opened the crumbling leather journal. But gasps rang out when they all saw…absolutely nothing inside except empty decaying pages. Even death could not make this pretentious snob interesting!
  20. As an aspiring naturalist, I journeyed across Asia recording wondrous new species in my field journal. But upon returning home, patrons eagerly flipping through my sketchbook were puzzled to find…page after blank page. Turns out boring hotels yield precious little inspiration!
  21. An artist gifted a lovely journal to his young protege, eager to nurture the child’s creativity. But years passed while the sketchbook gathered dust, completely empty inside except for yellowed blank pages. I guess not everyone handpicked by a master sees their legacy realized in the end! Even a blank slate needs inspiration.
  22. Two sketchbooks lay side-by-side in an abandoned art studio covered in cobwebs and dust. One sighs, “We had so much potential.” The other replies wistfully, “If only we’d been filled with more than empty dreams and regrets.”
  23. I brought my fancy new sketchbook on a trip to the Grand Canyon, excited to capture the glorious vistas within its pages. But inspiration failed me at every turn, so all I documented were dozens of pathetic blank pages instead. Even majestic natural beauty can’t conquer a dry creative well!
  24. An amateur detective opened what he claimed was the personal sketchbook of a suspected art thief. But upon revealing the contents to a crowded room, everyone saw only…completely blank pages. Red-faced, he quickly shouted, “The missing works must be rendered in invisible ink!” Alas, even his most fanciful excuses fell on blank ears.
  25. A struggling artist spent decades lugging around an increasingly tattered sketchbook marked “Masterpieces” in faded gold lettering. When he died penniless, the threadbare journal was sold as part of his meager estate. But the new owner was crestfallen to discover inside just…empty yellowed pages populated by dust and regret. Sometimes, a life full of potential yields disappointingly little.
  26. I gifted my artistic niece an expensive watercolor journal to nurture her talent. But years passed while creativity failed her time and again. Upon my death, she finally flipped through the antique sketchbook one last time, weeping over page after perfect blank page. All that wasted potential and dreams now buried alongside her failure.
  27. Two artists are walking down the street. One asks, “Hey, have you finished filling up your fancy new sketchbook yet?” The other scoffs and gestures to the journal tucked under his arm. “Are you kidding? I’ve barely made a dent in this thing!” But just then, a strong gust of wind whips past, blowing the book open to reveal…absolutely nothing inside but empty pages.
  28. An amateur artist scrimped and saved for years to buy a bespoke leather art journal said to be infused with inspiration. But as months turned into blank page after blank page, he set out one night determined to burn the useless tome under the full harvest moon. Only once the ashy fragments lifted towards the stars did creativity strike him at last! Too bad his epic vision turned to smoke along with those perfectly empty pages.