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53 Funny Pasta Jokes

53 Funny Pasta Jokes

Pasta Puns

1. What do you call an angry pile of spaghetti? Furious Fettucine!

2. How does spaghetti like to travel? By Noodle Express!

3. Why was the spaghetti sad? Because it felt saucy!

4. What do you call a pasta that loves to dance? Rigatoni!

5. Why can’t you trust an atom? Because they make up everything!

6. Want to hear a joke about pasta? Nevermind, it’s too cheesy.

7. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta!

8. What do you call a pasta that works out? Muscle-ini!

9. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!

10. What do you call cheese that’s not yours? Nacho Cheese!

11. Why did the chef make an angrier lasagna recipe? He wanted to add some rage to it!

12. Why was the little fusilli ashamed? It was beside itself with worry!

Pasta One-Liners

13. I tried making spaghetti yesterday but I pasta way!

14. That’s amore like it – my perfect pasta!

15. This spaghetti is straight until it gets hot and wet!

16. My friend makes artisan pasta. You’ve probably never heard of it.

17. I used to hate spaghetti until I realized the noodle life chose me.

18. I’m in spaghett to win it – no holds barred for this pasta lover!

19. My taste buds are sophistipasta. I only eat the finest pastas around.

20. Pasta la vista, baby – I’m carb loading before my big race tomorrow!

21. You can’t spell “spaghetti” without “get.” Now give me my pasta!

22. I’m one saucy meatball. Make sure to coat me in that marinara!

23. Is it true that pasta and sauce make up 85% of Italian DNA?

24. If cooking spaghetti, make sure to season your pasta water…I’m just saying!

25. I’m positively rigatoni to get my hands on some delicious cheesy pasta.

26. You know spaghetti is good when you’re left with a “clean plate” situation afterwards!

27. My spidey senses are tingling for some noodles – who’s down for pasta night?

28. That pasta was so limp, it needed some rigidity reinforcement stat!

29. This penne for your thoughts? How about some spaghetti and meatballs instead?

30. Don’t be a penne pincher – load me up with that pasta!

Best Pasta Jokes

31. What did the baby pasta say to the mama pasta? Where’s my mommy?

An adorable little pasta was separated from his mom in the grocery store! Poor little guy.

32. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

Eggs are a key ingredient in many classic pasta dishes like carbonara. This egg joke is sure to crack up pasta lovers!

33. What did the Italian chef say to the stubborn spaghetti? You gotta be kiddling me!

This Italian chef couldn’t believe how stubborn this spaghetti was being. It just refused to soften up and cook properly!

34. Why was the pasta sad? It felt cannelloni.

Oh no, this poor pasta was feeling lonely all by itself with no yummy sauce or cheese to keep it company.

35. What did the pasta say to the boiling water? I’m getting all wavy in here!

As pasta starts to cook, it naturally softens up and gets wavy in the boiling water. This spiraled pasta was stating the obvious!

36. Why was the mafia boss upset with his spaghetti? It was taking too long to hit the spaghetto.

This mobster was hangry and impatiently waiting for his spaghetti to finish cooking. You don’t want to keep him waiting!

37. Why was the Italian grandma disappointed by her grandson? He pasta way in school.

This nonna was upset that her grandson was failing his classes and not living up to his full potential. Education is important!

38. What did the pasta say to the boiling water? This is going to be unsetteling!

Once pasta is added to boiling water, it starts moving around rapidly. This fusilli pasta was making a joke about the unsettling, noisy experience.

39. Why was the pasta smiling even though it was getting cooked? It just rolled with it.

This easygoing pasta didn’t let a little boiling water get it down. It took cooking in stride with a smile!

40. What did the spaghetti say to the red sauce? Don’t be upsetti, have some spaghetti!

Spaghetti was trying to cheer up this sad red sauce with its delicious carb-y goodness. Hard to stay upset with tasty pasta!

41. Why did the gluten-free pasta win the race? It was the quickest noodle in the west!

This speedy gluten-free pasta left all the wheat varieties in the dust. Impressive work!

42. What did the pasta say to its date? You’re really saucy!

Ooh la la, this pasta was clearly impressed by its date’s flavorful, saucy personality. Sounds like a match made in culinary heaven!

43. Why was the rotini pasta stuck in a maze? It was caught in a spiral!

With its unique spiral shape, it’s no wonder this rotini got lost wandering in circles inside a maze.

44. Why was the pasta out of breath? It just ran the macaroni marathon!

Running 26.2 elbows is no easy feat! This pasta carb-loaded properly before dominating the macaroni marathon.

45. Why did the two pasta bows break up? They realized it wasn’t orzo meant to be.

These two pasta bows had a heart-wrenching talk and decided their relationship failed to live up to expectations. Onto new romances!

46. What do you call an Italian noodle that cuts hair? A spaghetti stylist!

This clever linguini not only cooks up delicious sauces, but also has a talent for cutting hair. A true pasta Renaissance man!

47. Why did the pasta blush? It saw the salad dressing!

Oooh, this pasta was getting hot and flustered after spotting the salad’s exposed dressing. A little pasta pervery here!

48. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

Beware of impasta noodles trying to impersonate real, authentic pasta. Don’t fall for those faux carbs!

49. Why was the mama nebula upset? Her son was a little star.

In the context of pasta, a “little star” refers to small star-shaped pastas like orzo or stelline. This galactic mom was annoyed by her rambunctious pasta son.

50. Why was the pasta positioned incorrectly? It was a fusilli mistake!

This fusilli got turned the wrong way and was calling out its silly blunder. Even pasta makes mistakes sometimes!

51. Which pasta is the most eco-friendly? Penne – because it reduces your carbonara footprint!

Choosing penne over more carbonara-intensive pastas like fettuccine or linguine is the environmentally responsible choice!

52. Why was the cafeteria pasta so angry? It had a chip on its shoulder.

Uh oh, this cafeteria pasta had a literal chip on its noodle shoulder, which would make anyone upset!

53. What kind of pasta doesn’t belong? The impasta!

If you spot an impasta infiltrating your perfect pasta dinner, make sure to kick it out. Only authentic noodles allowed!