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63 Funny Llama Jokes

63 Funny Llama Jokes

Llama Puns

1. What do you call a llama that likes to knit? A yarn llama!

2. Why don’t llamas ever get cold? They have their own lla-mas!

3. What do you call a llama that works as a detective? A llama sleuth!

4. How do llamas keep their fur looking good? With llama-nated shampoo!

5. What do you call a llama that’s a really good dancer? A hip-hop-llama!

6. Why are llamas such popular Uber drivers? Their rides are always lla-mazing!

7. What do you call a psychic llama? A cllairvoyant!

8. Why can’t llamas become famous singers? They’re always a little too sp-llama!

9. What do you call a llama who does stand-up comedy? A funny llama!

10. How do llamas access the internet? On their llaptops!

11. What do you call a llama that works on a farm? A ranchellama!

12. Why are llamas such great community leaders? They know how to llama-tize people!

13. What do you call a llama that travels into space? An astrollama!

Llama One-Liners

14. I took my llama to the dentist but he said I should find an alpaca-dontist instead.

15. They say you can lead a llama to water but you can’t make it drink—guess nobody told this llama!

16. My llama is so lazy, when I say let’s go for a walk he says “nah, I’d rather just chillama.”

17. I was going to make a joke about a llama but I realized it would just be lamatose intolerant.

18. I asked my llama if he wanted to grab a beer after work and he said “that sounds grellama!”

19. My friend got mad when I called his llama ugly but hey, the truth llamas.

20. I took my llama to the movies but had to leave because he wouldn’t stop talking, totally ruined the drama for everyone.

21. If you give a llama a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milkama next.

22. My llama is so picky, he only eats food that’s certified llama-ganic.

23. I entered my llama in a beauty pageant but he got disqualified for excessive spitting on stage.

24. Be careful loaning anything nice to a llama, they have a habit of wrecking your stuff then saying “not my drama.”

Best Llama Jokes

25. A llama walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender asked, “Why the long face?” The llama responded, “I was born this way, don’t llama shame me!”

26. What’s the difference between a llama and an alpaca? One spits and the other is Paq!

27. A policeman pulled over a llama on the highway and said “Sir, do you realize you were going 110 miles per hour?” The llama responded “Of course officer, I’m a race llama!”

28. Did you hear about the famous llama who became an astronaut? His name was Llance Armstrong and he was the first llama on the moon!

29. What do you call a young llama who loves playing video games and browsing dank memes? A Gen Z llama!

30. Why don’t llamas have friends? Because they’re too llama-nely!

31. How do you make a small fortune raising llamas? Start with a large fortune!

32. What do you call an expert llama herder? A llama farmer!

33. Did you hear about the llama beauty pageant? It was sheer d-llama!

34. Why did the llama get fired from the cobalt mine? Because he was a lazy llamaner!

35. What do you call a llama who does martial arts? A kung-fu llama!

36. How do you stop an angry charging llama? With a llama tazer!

37. What do you get when you cross a motorcycle and a llama? A llamahog!

38. Why are llamas the most eco-friendly animals? Because they use llama poo for fuel!

39. What did the Zen llama tell his student? The past is histllama, the future is a mystllama, now is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.

40. Why did the llama’s comedy routine get canceled? Because his jokes weren’t funny enough to justify his spit takes.

41. Why don’t llamas make good baseball players? Because they always spit on the bats before using them!

42. What do you call a baby llama? A llamalet!

43. How does a llama get in shape? By doing cardio-llama workouts!

44. Why don’t llamas go on cruises? Because they get seasick easily and can’t handle the boat d-llama.

45. What’s a llama’s favorite genre of music? Llama B!

46. How did the llama become such a great poet? He was born with a way with wllamas.

47. Why don’t llamas go bowling? Because they always spit in the llama gutters!

48. What happens when a llama hold in a sneeze? Llama-geddon!

49. Why are llamas terrible at keeping secrets? Because they literally cannot keep their lips sealed!

50. Why don’t llamas make good house pets? They llamarinate the furniture.

51. What’s a llama’s favorite city? Llama York!

52. What do you call a llama with a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget? Brokeback Llama!

53. How does a llama get to work? He takes the llama-train!

54. Why do llamas spit so much? Because they just don’t have any mann-llamas!

55. What do you call a three-humped llama? A three-llama!

56. Why don’t llamas make good therapists? Because they always invalidate your problems and say “it’s no big d-llama.”

57. What do you call a llama who works as a DJ? A DJ Llama!

58. How do llamas stay connected across long distances? Llama-fi!

59. What does a llama say when he’s impressed with something? “That’s llama-zing!”

60. Why don’t llamas eat chili? It gives them really bad gas and makes them super smel-llama.

61. What do you call a llama who’s a wiz at potions class? An al-llama-gist!

62. Why do llamas hum? Because they don’t know the wllamas!

63. What do you call an aggressive llama who cut you off in traffic? A road rage llama!