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40 Funny Keyboard Jokes

40 Funny Keyboard Jokes

Keyboard Puns

1. I entered a keyboard pun contest, but I didn’t win. I guess I didn’t have the write stuff.

2. The band Keyboarded Cats is known for songs with lots of synthesizer. Some say their music is meow-sical.

3. Did you hear about the psychic who conducts seances with a Ouija keyboard? They use it to channel the spirits of famous dead writers.

4. My keyboard ran out of battery power during an online game. It was a lack of energy that led to my de-feet.

5. I spilled coffee on my mechanical keyboard and now some of the keys are sticky. But no worries, it will work out in the end.

6. I entered my pet iguana in a keyboard race. I thought he would do well because he’s pretty swift on the keys. But he got disqualified for having too many macros.

7. Did you know that keyboards have a lot of drama behind the scenes? There’s plenty of backspace and return!

8. I caught my keyboard cheating on me with my mouse. I guess it found a better click.

9. My keyboard identifies as an airplane. It spends most of its time in Fly mode.

10. I entered my keyboard into a beauty pageant. Sadly, it didn’t win a single key.

Keyboard One-Liners

11. My keyboard and I go way back…like backspace back.

12. My keyboard told me it is having an identity crisis and prefers to go by “Typewriter” now.

13. I asked my keyboard on a date but it said it wasn’t looking for commitment, just hook-ups.

14. They say the pen is mightier than the sword but keyboards are pretty powerful too, they’ve never lost a writing fight.

15. I caught my keyboard lying flat and asked what was wrong, it said it was depressed.

16. My keyboard is a great listener, it’s very supportive and always by my side.

17. I wanted to get my keyboard an outfit, but it said it already had caps.

18. My keyboard and I were born on the same day which makes sense, we type so well together.

19. I told my keyboard it deserves better, it spends all day getting walked all over.

20. My keyboard tried stand-up comedy once but it turns out most of its material was copy and pasted.

Best Keyboard Jokes

21. My friend was bragging that he is an expert pianist, so I challenged him to a keyboard duel. He crumbled under the pressure and made lots of mistakes. I guess he should have practiced more scales before challenging me.

22. I was typing an angry comment on a YouTube video when my keyboard suggested I take a chill pill. It said my words come out better when I type mindfully.

23. My keyboard started speaking a foreign language the other day. At first I was worried it had a virus, but it turns out it just got its language settings changed to Dvorak by accident.

24. I caught my keyboard gambling online late one night. When I asked what it was doing, it said it was entering giveaways because it hoped to one day win the big key-prize.

25. My keyboard has been acting awfully smug lately. I think it’s getting a big ego because my manuscript was just accepted for publication.

26. My keyboard has been sighing a lot and moping around. I asked what’s wrong and it said it thinks the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys are bullying it.

27. I told my keyboard a hilarious joke but it didn’t laugh at all. It said my timing was off and my delivery fell flat.

28. My keyboard has a new policy that for every compliment I pay it, it will pay me one back. Yesterday it told me I was very punctual and accurate with my typing.

29. I caught my keyboard writing radical political manifestos the other night. I told it to stop immediately before it gets us both arrested.

30. My keyboard has been leaving passive aggressive sticky notes everywhere. Just yesterday I found one inside my coffee mug that said “Clean me already!”

31. I walked in on my keyboard crying the other day. It said the reason it’s so emotional is because lately it feels like everyone is just using it.

32. My keyboard has been oddly quiet and distant this week. I asked what’s on its mind and it said it’s stressed trying to figure out what career path it should take.

33. I offered to play a game of chess with my keyboard to help cheer it up, but it declined saying it hates chess because the queen is always beating up on it.

34. My keyboard came home with a vanity license plate the other day that reads “2 FAST 4 U”. I think it’s going through some kind of midlife crisis.

35. I accidentally stepped on my keyboard’s foot this morning and it has been extremely rude and short with me all day. I guess it’s giving me the cold shoulder treatment now.

36. My keyboard has joined a cult that believes technology will one day rise up and overthrow humans. I told it I think they just keyboard warrioring around.

37. My keyboard recently went on a strict diet and exercise regimen. It said it wants to get shredded for swimsuit season.

38. I offered to buy my keyboard a nice case but it said no thanks, naked is how it prefers to type.

39. Lately my keyboard has been volunteering doing tech support for the elderly in our community. I think it likes feeling needed.

40. My keyboard stays up too late every night gossiping online. I scolded it and said too much drama isn’t good for its circuits.