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34 Funny Casserole dish Jokes

34 Funny Casserole dish Jokes

Casserole dish Puns

  1. What do you call a casserole dish that tells bad jokes? A groan-ola!
  2. Why was the casserole dish bad at hide and seek? Because you could always spot-a-dish!
  3. My friend got mad when I accidentally dropped her casserole dish. But no harm was done, it was just a little crock potty humor.
  4. What do you call a casserole dish that graduated top of its class? An honor roll!
  5. Want to hear a joke about casserole dishes? Nevermind, it’s pretty cheesy.
  6. Did you hear about the casserole dish that entered a comedy competition? It won the grand prize dish!
  7. Why can’t casserole dishes tell secrets? Because they always spill the béchamel!
  8. How does a casserole dish spy on people? It uses its lid-ar!
  9. Why was the casserole dish upset after the costume party? It came dressed as a bowl but everyone mistook it for a pan.
  10. Why are casserole dishes the best dancers? Because they really know how to saucepan!
  11. What kind of shoes do casserole dishes wear? Pot holders!
  12. How does a casserole dish stay up-to-date on current events? It reads the bakes and griddles!

Casserole dish One-Liners

  1. My casserole dish isn’t looking too good these days … you might even say it has a bad au gratin.
  2. Want to know what the casserole dish called his sweetheart? His pot honey!
  3. I once met a casserole dish that worked as a DJ—it was pretty good at making hot stew mixes!
  4. A casserole dish walks into a doctor’s office. The doctor says, “It looks like you have a bad Au Jus.”
  5. What happened when the casserole dish got in trouble at school? It was sent to the princi-pal skillet!
  6. Why did the casserole dish blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  7. What do you call a casserole dish that gets whatever it wants? A spoiled pot!
  8. My friends made fun of me for dating a casserole dish until they met her—she has a great crock pot personality!
  9. Did you hear about the casserole dish that entered a handwriting contest? It had perfect penne-manship!
  10. What do you call a psychic casserole dish? A fore-tuna teller!
  11. Why don’t angry casserole dishes write letters? They prefer to stew in their own juices!
  12. How does a casserole dish party? It veggies out!
  13. Did you hear about the casserole dish who loved horses? It was really into stable-side chatter!
  14. What happened to the casserole dish who studied karate? It became a ninja pot!
  15. What do you call a sad casserole dish? A blue cassoserole!
  16. What kind of makeup do trendy casserole dishes wear? Mac and cheese shadow!

Best Casserole dish Jokes

  1. One day a casserole dish decided to follow its dream of becoming a comedian. It wrote some jokes and signed up for an open mic night. When it got on stage, it froze up from nerves! But then it realized all it had to do was cook up some new material.
  2. What’s a casserole dish’s favorite type of music? Anything it can pot along to!
  3. Why don’t casserole dishes like riding roller coasters? They prefer slow crockers!
  4. Did you hear about the casserole dish who loved to sing? It entered a competition called Stock Star where you make soup while performing. It almost won but it cracked under the pressure cooker round!
  5. What kind of pet does a casserole dish have? A poochon frise!
  6. Why are casserole dishes so pampered? Because everyone treats them like royalty—giving them crock crowns!
  7. How do casserole dishes party? They turnip the beet!
  8. How does a casserole dish spy on people? It uses its lidar! Did you hear about the casserole that spied for the government? It was a secret rice agent!
  9. Did you hear about the casserole that was an amazing baseball player? Scouts said it had incredible pot-tential!
  10. What’s a casserole dish’s least favorite day? Fry-day because all the oil makes them greasy!
  11. Why was the casserole dish afraid to propose to his girlfriend? Because he feared she’d sauté no!
  12. Did you hear about the casserole dish that entered a talent show? It sang “Hot pot of chili” and won thanks to its crock star vocals!
  13. Why are casserole dishes good at video games? They have great pot eye coordination!
  14. What’s a casserole dish’s favorite magazine? Good House-keeping, because they love tips on keeping a tidy kitchen!
  15. Why do casserole dishes make great therapists? Because they’re such good listeners when you need to vent-a-stew!
  16. What did the casserole say when it won the lottery? “I can’t be-leaf how lucky I yam!”
  17. Did you hear about the casserole that trained to run a marathon? It hit the gym every day to work on its pasta endurance!
  18. Why don’t casserole dishes like hot weather? It makes them stew!
  19. What’s a casserole dish’s favorite sport? Squash—because they love to see food get smashed!
  20. Did you hear about the casserole that decided to climb Mount Everest? Its friends told it that it was going potty!
  21. Why can’t you trust a casserole dish? Because they’re always stewing something!
  22. How do casserole dishes stay in shape? They do spin lasagna class!
  23. Did you hear about the casserole that became an actor? It landed a role on a show called “Stew-pernatural” about paranormal cooking!
  24. Why do casserole dishes love April Fools Day? Because it gives them an excuse to pie each other in the facehole!
  25. What kind of award did the casserole win for its baking skills? The Pills-Bury bake off prize!
  26. How do you fix a broken casserole dish? With pottery glue!
  27. What do you call a casserole that plays guitar in a band? A rock crocker!
  28. Did you hear about the casserole dish that was obsessed with outer space? Its favorite movie was Star Wok!
  29. Why can’t you trust a casserole dish? Because it’s always got some broth up its sleeve!