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55 Funny Brick Jokes

55 Funny Brick Jokes

Brick Puns

  1. What do you call a bricklayer who won’t stop talking about movies? A cinema mason.
  2. Did you hear about the angry brick? It hit the roof!
  3. Why was the brick tired when he got home from work? He felt drained.
  4. Why did the brick get sent to jail? For a salt and battery.
  5. Want to hear a construction joke? Sorry, I’m still working on it.
  6. What do you call a brick who loves to read? A book brick.
  7. Why do bricks make good detectives? They always follow the clues.
  8. My friend got crushed by a pile of bricks. Don’t worry though, he’s recovering brick by brick.
  9. What do you call a brick with attitude? A brick block.
  10. Did you hear about the brick who went on a diet? He wanted to be a little lighter.
  11. Why don’t bricks tell secrets? Because they like to keep things on the down-lo.
  12. Which bricks tell the best jokes? The comedians.
  13. How does a brick chisel out fine details? With a little mortar precision.
  14. Want to hear a joke about construction? Nah, I’m still working on it.
  15. What do you call a brick who skips work? A truant.

Brick One-Liners

  1. I tried building a house out of bricks but got tired mortaring them together.
  2. People say I have a brick personality but I think I’m actually quite layered.
  3. I entered my brick in a comedy competition but it didn’t get past the preliminaries.
  4. My brick friend claimed he was unbreakable, but he crumbled under questioning.
  5. They say you can’t judge a brick by its cover but that’s just facade.
  6. I told my brick it was dumb but it just shrugged it off.
  7. Brick and mortar is an enduring partnership that always stands the test of time.
  8. Don’t take your bricks for granite or they might take you for a rubble-rouser.
  9. Brick had a crush on Mortar but was too nervous to cement the relationship.
  10. Brick tried to lift weights with his friend Stone but they both got crushed.
  11. Brick wanted to enter a strongman competition but he wasn’t built for it.
  12. Brick was proud of his abs but it was just a six-pack of lies.

Best Brick Jokes

28. Brick was tired of his boring desk job so he decided to shake things up and become an entertainer. He practiced juggling and comedy routines hoping to one day join the circus. After months of practice, Brick felt ready to audition for the famous Pallazzo Brothers Circus. He excitedly showed up with his unicycle and juggling bricks ready to impress. Unfortunately for Brick, his audition was a disaster. He wobbled on the unicycle and dropped the juggling bricks everywhere. Brick was crushed that his circus dreams were collapsing around him. The Pallazzo brothers took pity on him and offered him a job as a clown who gets hit with pies for laughs. Brick reluctantly accepted, knowing this was his only shot at the big top.

Each night Brick took pies to the face to uproarious laughter. But he kept dropping subtle brick jokes into his act until he started building up a fan base. The audiences loved his brick-themed humor and before long, Brick became the most popular clown in the circus. His fame spread far and wide, until finally he was approached by the legendary Brickleberry Circus. They offered him a huge contract to be their headlining act. Brick accepted and went on to achieve his dream of circus stardom through a very unconventional route. But hey, the cornerstone of comedy is timing, and Brick was proud to roll with the punches.

29. Mort was just an average joe working construction until the day a pile of bricks fell on his head. When he woke up in the hospital, he was stunned to find he could suddenly understand what bricks were saying! He could hear their hopes and dreams – they didn’t want to be stuck in walls, they wanted to travel the world! Mort decided he needed to help these bricks achieve their goals.

He started sneaking them into his backpack and taking them all around his city. The bricks were overjoyed to visit the park, museums, and restaurants. For the first time, they felt truly alive! Word spread in the brick community about Mort and soon bricks everywhere were begging him to take them on adventures. Mort became known as “The Brick Whisperer” and uploaded videos of his trips online. He gained millions of followers and even got sponsorship deals with brick companies. But Mort remained humble and kept working in construction, knowing those bricks needed him most of all. Though his new career was unusual, Mort was proud to bring joy and excitement to such underappreciated building materials.

30. Sam was your average college student trying to get by on ramen noodles and late night library sessions. But when his roommate moved out unexpectedly in sophomore year, Sam realized he couldn’t afford the dorm on his own. Strapped for cash, he decided to get creative. Late at night, Sam snuck out to nearby construction sites and took bricks left unattended in wheelbarrows. He stacked these bricks in his dorm room to build makeshift furniture like tables and shelves.

Word spread around campus about Sam’s brick furniture and soon other students started asking if he could build them brick chairs, brick couches, even brick beer pong tables! He started taking custom brick furniture orders and charging for his work. Within a few weeks, Sam had made enough money from his brickworking side hustle to comfortably afford his dorm room for the rest of the year. By senior year, he was known across campus as the BrickMaster. Sam even got hired by the university to build an official brick pathway through the quad. He learned that with enough hard work, you can build just about anything, even a business, from the ground up.

31. Mateo was a master brickmaker who took great pride in his work. He had been trained by the finest masons and knew everything there was to know about brick craftsmanship. Mateo’s bricks were in high demand all over the country for their durability and beauty. One day, he received a letter from the king’s royal architect requesting his finest bricks for use in the new palace. This was the opportunity of a lifetime for Mateo!

He meticulously crafted hundreds of perfect bricks and sent them to the capital. When the king saw the bricks, he was furious. He sent word that Mateo’s bricks were far too fine and well-crafted for a simple palace wall. In fact, they were fit for a palace masterpiece! He requested Mateo immediately come work on the palace. When Mateo arrived, he was stunned to see the king had used his bricks to build a magnificent fireplace inlaid with gold and jewels. It was the undisputed focal point of the grand hall and Mateo’s skill was praised throughout the land. He continued as the king’s master brickmaker for the rest of his days, his talent cemented in palace history.

32. Marty was an average brick with not much going for him. He spent his days stacked neatly on a pallet with the rest of his buddies. But Marty longed for adventure beyond the hardware store! One fateful day, a man loaded Marty into his truck along with some bags of concrete mix. After a long bumpy drive, Marty was unloaded at a construction site for a new home. He couldn’t believe his luck! The construction crew used Marty to build the front steps, carefully mortaring him in place.

Over the years, Marty became part of the fabric of the house. He bore the footsteps of happy families and sheltered them from storms. While Marty’s friends back at the hardware store thought he was crazy for wanting adventure, Marty knew it had all been worth it. His corner of the house was modest but it kept people safe. For a simple brick, Marty lived an extraordinary life and had tales to tell that would last ages.

33. Terry was having a typical day working construction when suddenly a stack of bricks toppled over and crushed his foot! Terry hobbled to the emergency room and was informed he had suffered severe fractures. To help him walk again, the doctors implanted a revolutionary brick-inspired cast made from carbon fiber bricks. Terry was amazed that bricks he normally worked with were now integral to his recovery.

Over time, his foot healed perfectly. One day Terry decided to see how strong his cast really was. He started kicking cement blocks and bricks with his brick foot but felt no pain whatsoever! Terry realized this implant had enhanced his body – soon he was smashing through brick walls like the Kool-Aid Man. He decided to become a brick-breaking street performer. Terry wowed crowds by breaking stacks of bricks with his augmented foot alone. Though the injury had hurt, those bricks ultimately made Terry’s body harder than ever!

34. Jerome was a brick mason who ran his own successful company building houses in town. He prided himself on his excellent reputation for quality work. One day Jerome received an urgent call that a recently completed house had a damaged brick wall. He immediately drove over to inspect the issue.

Oddly, the wall was perfectly intact even though the owner insisted a large section of bricks had collapsed. As Jerome examined the wall, he noticed the “damaged” section used cheaper imitation bricks instead of his usual high grade materials. The owner shamefacedly admitted to buying cheap bricks to cut costs but then disguising them with paint. Jerome reminded the owner that cutting corners will damage your foundation – just like with the damaged wall between them. They would need to rebuild trust brick by brick.

From then on, Jerome refused to work with owners who sacrificed quality workmanship to save money. His excellent bricks spoke for themselves, cementing him as the most trusted name in brick masonry for years to come.

35. Poor Brick was the laughing stock of the entire construction site. All the other materials – wood, concrete, steel – looked down on humble bricks. “What kinda building material can’t bear weight?” they mocked. Brick wanted to prove he was just as strong in his own way.

One day a massive storm hit the construction site. Fierce winds lashed the skeletal building frame mercilessly. Brick trembled as debris whipped by, smashing glass and tearing up concrete. But surprisingly, Brick’s wall remained standing! The rain and wind dissolved the mortar, freeing the bricks to flex and give. Brick watched in awe as the solid walls built from wood and concrete crumbled from the brute force winds. But Brick’s flexible mortar-less wall withstood the storm onslaught.

The next day, Brick proudly surveyed the demolition while the other materials sheepishly rebuilt. Sometimes gentle flexibility is stronger than brute force. And Brick could now hold his head high for being the right material in the right place.