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51 Funny Box Jokes

51 Funny Box Jokes

Box Puns

  1. I bought my friend a fridge for her birthday. I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens the box.
  2. My boss told me to think outside the box, so I quit my job at the cardboard factory.
  3. Working at the cardboard box factory was not very engaging. It felt too square.
  4. I was feeling boxed in at my office job, so I started a moving company just for the fun of it.
  5. Did you hear about the angry boxer? He beat up the judges because he felt they were narrow minded.
  6. I entered my cat in a competition for the most talented pet. I told the judges to think outside the litter box.
  7. My friend got arrested for stealing boxes. The cops are charging him with grand theft carton.
  8. Our housing development has a strict policy against square footage. We have to think outside the box.
  9. Working at the cardboard box factory has its ups and downs. But you can’t beat the perks.
  10. Did you hear about the chef who only cooked with cardboard boxes? He was making boxed lunches.

Box One-Liners

  1. I was feeling cramped at work so I told my boss I need more cubic footage to operate.
  2. My cat loves jumping into empty boxes so much, she should change her name to Cardboard Kitty.
  3. I’m training to fight the world champion – let’s hope I can think outside the boxing ring.
  4. I’m so bad at packing boxes that it always turns into a wrestling match.
  5. Working at the cardboard factory allows me to use my cutting edge humor.
  6. After losing my furniture in a fire, all I had left were empty boxes – talk about being house broken!
  7. My neighbor’s demanding kid says he wants to have more room to box jump in.
  8. They say storage containers should spark joy, but I often feel boxed in.
  9. I think the person who invented the shipping box was just winging it.
  10. My recycling contest submission was garbage – but hey, thinking inside the box is boring.

Best Box Jokes

21. I was at my karate lesson, struggling with a complex jumping kick move. My teacher came over and said, “You need to get outside your box if you want to land this technique correctly!” I replied, “Um, Sensei, isn’t that whole ‘thinking outside the box’ thing a bit overused these days?” He stared at me silently for a minute and then kicked the large cardboard box I was standing in, knocking me down. “Not THAT box!” he growled. I guess literal interpretations can really tick some people off!

22. When I was a kid, we were so poor that the only toy I had was an empty cardboard box from our neighbor’s new fridge. But I didn’t mind, I loved playing space explorer and pretending that box was my spaceship. I’d imaginatively travel to strange new worlds for hours on end. As I grew older, I never lost my interest in science and space travel. I realized that empty box and my boundless imagination as a child led me to where I am today: a leading researcher in theoretical astrophysics on the cusp of understanding the mysteries of the cosmos. Who says you can’t think outside the cardboard box?!

23. Why was the cardboard boxer feeling sluggish in the ring? Because he was made out of slow board! His punches just didn’t have much impact against his papier-mâché opponent.

24. Did you hear about the angry customer who kept demanding larger boxes from the packing company? He went absolutely postal!

25. My son puts so much effort into folding elaborately patterned cardboard boxes to package his action figures. He makes little styrofoam inserts and everything – it’s really professional! The neighbors keep asking why I don’t just buy him some toy cases. But I don’t mind encouraging his creativity – those cardboard box packages are often much nicer than real toy packaging! Plus he always labels them “Mystery Box” which builds the anticipation. And the unboxing videos he makes are pretty fun too.

26. Why was everyone upset when the cardboard box factory burned down? Because the fire was contained!

27. I was feeling particularly lazy last weekend, so I ordered a pizza in a large square cardboard box. When the delivery guy showed up, I took the pizza out and curled up in the box while I ate in front of the TV. My sister came over and asked what I was doing lazing around in a big box in the middle of the living room. Hey, don’t judge – it was an excellent way to unwind and truly think inside the box!

28. Why do failed boxers end up working in origami? Because they’re better suited to paper views!

29. I was walking by my neighbor’s shed when his Rottweiler attacked me! Luckily I was carrying an empty cardboard box from my latest online order. I quickly put it on the ground and stepped into it while the angry dog circled me and barked menacingly. Thank goodness for the habit of recycling cardboard boxes – it’s the only reason he didn’t tear me apart! Just goes to show that even an average cardboard box can save your skin.

30. Our family loves getting new appliances, not because we want upgrades, but because of the big cardboard boxes they come in! After securing the appliance in place, the first thing the kids and I do is have epic box fortress wars – crawling through elaborate tunnels launching pillow attacks against the enemy cardboard strongholds. We’re considering building box forts in the middle of the living room and actually moving in. Now that’s really thinking outside the box!

31. Why are cardboard boxes never depressed? Because they’re filled with joy!

32. My friend works at the cardboard box factory calibrating the cutting machines. He says it has its ups and downs. On one hand, flat packed boxes pile up quickly. But on the other hand, it’s a very engaging career unfolding on multiple levels that allows for outside-the-box thinking.