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59 Funny Backpack Jokes

59 Funny Backpack Jokes

Backpack Puns

1. I tried to pack my bag as light as possible, but it was still a little heavy-pack.
2. My new backpack has great lumbar support, but I still can’t carry it all day without getting a sore back-pack.

3. I was going to bring my backpack on the hike, but it just seemed like too much of a back-pack.
4. I bought a new backpack to carry my art supplies in, but it ended up being a total pack-sack.

5. I packed my backpack so full before the trip that I ended up with a major back-crack.
6. I love using my backpack when I travel, it really helps me make the most of a back-pack.
7. My old backpack started leaking stuff all over the place. It was a total back-crack.
8. I tried to quickly grab my backpack before leaving, but ended up pack-whacking myself in the head.

9. After packing my backpack, I tried to put it on but just ended up with a back-smack.
10. I decided to downsize to a tiny new backpack, it’s great for when I want to travel super light back-pack.
11. My dog chewed up my backpack, I guess he thought it would make a good snack-pack.
12. I love my stylish new backpack, it really classes up my whole back-rack.
13. I stuffed my backpack so full it ripped right open. I guess I over-packed the back-sack.
14. I got a backpack with wheels hoping it would help my sore back but now I just have back-track.
15. My backpack started leaking melted chocolate all over. What a total pack-smack.

Backpack One-Liners

16. This heavy backpack is killing my back – anyone got an Advil pack?
17. My backpack’s so stuffed, it looks like a turtle shell on my back.

18. Don’t mind me, just lugging around this 50-pound backpack like a pack mule.
19. *grunts trying to lift backpack* This thing weighs more than I do!
20. My backpack’s got more pockets than I know what to do with.
21. I packed my backpack last night – let’s just say Tetris skills were required.
22. This stylish backpack cost more than my whole outfit.

23. My backpack’s packed to the brim – there’s not a pocket left unpacked.
24. I’m sweating just thinking about putting on this heavy backpack.
25. My backpack’s got so much stuff, I hope the zipper doesn’t burst.
26. I couldn’t decide what to bring, so I just packed my whole closet into this backpack.
27. My backpack’s got enough pockets and zippers to store half my house.
28. I’m pretty sure my backpack now weighs more than my car.

29. This backpack looks small, but it’s got more storage than Mary Poppins’ magic bag.
30. My backpack’s so stuffed, I can barely zip it closed – fingers crossed nothing falls out!

Best Backpack Jokes

31. I was struggling to carry my overstuffed backpack through the airport when a security guard stopped me. He asked if everything in the bag was mine. I confidently replied, “Yes sir, it’s all packed!” He did not seem amused.

32. I was running late for school and in a rush I put on my backpack backwards. I didn’t realize until I got to class and opened the main pocket right into my face. My teacher said “That’s a new way to pack a bag!”

33. On the first day of middle school, I was trying to impress people with my cool new backpack. In the hallway between classes I confidently swung it around and accidentally hit the fire alarm, setting it off for the whole school. Suffice to say, I did NOT look cool.

34. My friend always packs as much as possible in her tiny backpack – phone, laptop, books, even lunch. One day the overstuffed bag finally split open in the cafeteria, sending her items flying everywhere. She yelled “Well, I really packed it all in today!”

35. I was on a backpacking trip and set my pack down to rest. When I went to put it back on, a chipmunk had crawled into the main pocket looking for food! He poked his head out and gave me a mischievous look. I said “Excuse me sir, that’s my backpack!”

36. I accidentally left a granola bar in my backpack over spring break. When I came back to school, I opened it up and crumbs went flying everywhere. My friend said “Looks like your backpack was hungry!”

37. I was running to catch the bus and swung my overstuffed backpack around to get on quickly. It flew open and textbooks rained down as I yelled “Whoops, looks like this bag is un-packed!”

38. My friend always insists on cramming souvenirs into her backpack when we travel. On the flight home, she tried squeezing it into the overhead bin, grunting “Must…make…this…fit!” Next time, I’m making her pack lighter.

39. I went camping with a cheap backpack and didn’t realize it had a tiny hole. As I hiked, a trail of granola bars, socks, and other items marked my path. My friend said “You’re leaving a trail of crumbs!”

40. I was running late and grabbed my sister’s backpack instead of mine. When the first class ended, I reached in and pulled out dolls and coloring books. My teacher laughed, “I don’t think that’s your backpack!”

41. My son packed his own backpack for his first day of kindergarten. When I picked him up, he proudly said “I did it myself!” Then he opened it up, revealing only a juice box, stuffed animal and no school supplies. Back to the drawing board!

42. I went on a backpacking trip with a holey old pack. As I hiked uphill, snacks kept falling out of the holes like a tasty trail of breadcrumbs. A hungry raccoon followed me for miles, hoping for more backpack treats.

43. My friend packed a full water bottle in her backpack’s side pocket. During third period, it burst open, soaking all her books and notes. She yelled “Well, I guess that pocket’s not water-resistant!”

44. I was halfway to school when I realized I’d grabbed my gym bag instead of my backpack. Instead of books, I pulled out sweaty workout clothes and sneakers all day. Let’s just say I didn’t make the best first impression on my teachers.

45. During airport security, they stopped me because of something weird showing up on the X-ray. I opened my backpack, embarrassed to uncover stinky gym clothes and running shoes. Note to self: double check pockets before flights!

46. I tossed my heavy backpack down the stairs so I wouldn’t have to carry it. When it hit the bottom, the lid popped open and textbooks flew everywhere. My mom said “Careful, you don’t want to un-pack that bag!”

47. I set my backpack on the subway seat while I held onto the pole. At the next stop, the doors opened and my bag toppled right out the door onto the platform! I learned never to un-strap my pack on transit after that.

48. I went away on a weekend trip and forgot my backpack at the hotel. I had to explain to all my professors why I had no books or laptop. Moral of the story: don’t un-pack until you’re fully home!

49. My friend always tosses her heavy backpack on the floor wherever she goes. One day she flung it down a little too hard – it split right open and all her stuff crashed out. We joked that her bag just couldn’t handle the impact!

50. I was walking to class with an overstuffed backpack when a cute classmate smiled at me. I tried to casually swing my bag around but it threw me off balance and I face-planted on the sidewalk. So much for looking cool with my big backpack.

51. I was running late and frantically dug through my messy backpack for my keys. I pulled everything out, even turning it upside down while yelling “They must be in here somewhere!” Just then my roommate walked in dangling my keys – turns out I left them on the kitchen counter.

52. I packed a toasted sandwich to eat on the train, wrapped in foil and tossed in my backpack’s front pocket. When I went to unwrap it, the foil was empty – all the contents had slipped out through a hole during my commute! Note to self: no more loose snacks in faulty pockets.

53. My friend bought an expensive laptop backpack with anti-theft features. She proudly showed how cutting the strap wouldn’t make the bag open. I said “But what if they just take the whole backpack?” She stopped smiling after that.

54. I was hurriedly packing for a trip and tossed my passport into my backpack’s front pocket. At airport security, I flipped open the pocket – and found it full of loose mints instead! Lesson learned: carefully organize travel documents before packing.

55. I went to grab a textbook from my backpack during class and instead pulled out my gym shoes. Mortified, I realized I had swapped bags with my athletic friend that morning. Let’s just say I wasn’t prepared for my classes without my actual pack!

56. My overloaded backpack split open right as I got off the train, spilling its contents everywhere. As I scrabbled to repack, my friend laughed “Now that’s what I call unpacking in a hurry!”

57. I accidentally left my unzipped backpack right outside the airport door to check my pockets. When I turned around, it had disappeared – everything scattered across the drop off lane! Luckily a kind stranger helped me retrieve all my strewn belongings.

58. My son came home from his first day of school with an empty backpack, saying “We didn’t use books today!” Then he opened the side pocket, pulled out a half eaten sandwich smushed in with crayons and proudly said “But I did pack my own snack!”

59. I went to grab my water bottle from my backpack in a rush between classes. I took a big swig without looking first, only to realize I had accidentally grabbed a bottle of glue instead! I definitely learned to check pockets before drinking after that sticky mishap.