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43 Best Nacho Jokes

43 Best Nacho Jokes

Nachos Puns

  1. I was going to make some nachos, but I didn’t have the chips or cheese. What a crumby situation!
  2. My friend wanted to get into the nachos business, but he was afraid there wasn’t much money in it. I told him if you can’t make money selling nachos, you have bigger quesadillas to fry.
  3. Did you hear about the angry nachos? They were having a heated debate and it got a little salsa.
  4. The nachos were so cheesy that everyone started cracking up.
  5. The nachos were having an identity crisis. They felt more like tacos than nachos on the inside.
  6. The chef was making nachos for a big party. It was a tall order to fill.
  7. I entered my nachos into a cooking competition. Unfortunately, the judges said they cheesed it.
  8. What do you call a plate of nachos that tells bad jokes? A corn-y appetizer.
  9. The nachos didn’t want to get eaten. They were afraid of being chewed up and spit out.
  10. I was in the mood for nachos, but I was out of tortilla chips. What a crummy situation!

Nachos One-Liners

  1. Nachos are like a warm hug for your stomach.
  2. Nachos always know how to lift your spirits.
  3. Without nachos, there would be no cheese pulls.
  4. Nachos make movies 100x better.
  5. Nachos – fuel of the gods.
  6. Nachos have layers… just like ogres!
  7. Nachos always bring people together.
  8. Nachos – the quickest way to someone’s heart.
  9. Nachos are the MVP of every party.
  10. Nachos will never let you down.

Best Nacho Jokes

  1. Two nachos were sitting next to each other at a baseball game. One nacho said to the other, “Hey man, you wanna get out of here and go get a taco?”
    The other nacho replied, “Nah I’m staying… I’m a big fan of this chip!”
  2. A man walked into a Mexican restaurant and ordered nachos. When the waiter brought out the nachos, the man was shocked to see only one nacho on his plate. He called over the waiter and said, “Excuse me, but I ordered nachos. There’s only one nacho here!”
    The waiter replied, “Sorry sir, we’re experiencing a nacho cheese shortage right now.”
  3. Why don’t nachos make good detectives? Because they always get cheesy with the evidence!
  4. What do you call a plate of nachos covered in too much cheese? Cheese over-nachos!
  5. A cowboy rode into town on his horse one day, hungry for some grub. He stopped at the saloon and ordered a plate of nachos. The bartender asked, “Do ya want jalapeños on that?” The cowboy replied, “No thanks, I want to eat it, not name it!”
  6. Why was the plate of nachos asked to leave the restaurant? It was too cheesy and kept telling bad jokes!
  7. Why did the nachos cross the road? To get to the other side.
  8. A man woke up in the middle of the night with a nacho craving. He went downstairs and fixed himself a plate of nachos with extra cheese. His wife woke up and saw the empty plate and said, “Honey, I think you have a problem.” The man looked at her and replied, “I don’t have a problem, I have nachos!”
  9. Why couldn’t the nacho play baseball? Because he kept dropping the ball!
  10. Why did the nacho get detention? He was being too cheesy in class!
  11. Why do nachos make good dancers? They have a lot of salsa!
  12. What do you call a superhero with nacho powers? Nachoman!
  13. Why did the nacho eat so fast? He wanted to get chips before anyone else!
  14. Why did the nachos win the award? They were outstanding in their field!
  15. Why do nachos make good gardeners? They know how to layer the chips properly!
  16. Why was the plate of nachos so popular at the party? It had a lot of cheese pull!
  17. Why couldn’t the nachos play tennis? They didn’t have any racket!
  18. Why was the nacho breaking up with his girlfriend? He just wasn’t that in to her!
  19. Why do nachos make good priests? They listen to your woes and provide slices of advice!
  20. Why do nachos make the best friends? They’re there for you when you’re feeling down in the dip!
  21. Why do nachos make great therapists? They are excellent listeners and provide a shoulder to lime on!
  22. Why was the nacho voted prom king? He was extremely popular and totally cheesin’!
  23. Why didn’t the nachos want any more friends? They already had a full playa!
  24. Why did the cowboy refuse to eat nachos? He preferred to stick to more traditional fair like beans and cornbread!
  25. Why was the plate of nachos so anxious? It had a lot at steak!
  26. Why do nachos make good poets? They know how to string cheesy lines together!
  27. Why were the nachos yawning so much? They were feeling a little chili!
  28. Why did the nachos break up with their partner? There just wasn’t enough cheddar in the relationship!